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Everything posted by Porchman

  1. For renting, you would probably be okay, although there is some volatility. I have heard some hum about a few problems there. Apparently Ike did some things with the roof. Some investors have gotten in, possibly paid more than what their units are worth now An owner or two have decided HOA fees are optional It's a cool building, though. Redone about 5 years ago. It had a better view to the north toward the Bayou before UHD (or whatever it is this week) built the Urban Ed./Criminal Science building across the street on Franklin. (Urban Ed. and Criminal Science are two, separate departments, BTW.)
  2. Even better - it's two Specs. One >15%. One <15% (open on Sunday!) which also has good cheese and other food items. It's really easy for me to hit on the way home, too. And a trip through the WOW Circle is a good way for me to test my aggressive driving habits.
  3. http://www.keephoustonrich.com/ Granted, it's not supposed to be just about economics, it's suppose to be about culture. The site already has one major lacking - NO LINK TO HAIF I liked Expect the Unexpected. It was something that every Houston commuter could relate to.
  4. It's odd. I barely have go to Kroger anymore. We mostly shop at Fiesta. It's not well organized. There's a funky smell that sometimes hits you when you come in the door. However, they have better produce and better prices. We also have discovered that we can get pretty much anything we want there. Granted, they're in the dry zone, so there's no beer or wine. I guess I'll just have to keep swinging by the Specs at the WOW Circle. Darn!
  5. Antidote. We often grab dessert there coming home from dinner or theatre. If you really want to kill an hour, there's also BK, Wendy's, Wing Stop, and the tables near the deli section at Kroger.
  6. Kudos to WHCA for a great event. I had fun participating in my own, small way by prepping and lighting luminarias at the home of some friends on Bayland. I found watching the crowd from their porch as enjoyable as walking around. Not so enjoyable was chasing my four-year old godchild (a boy of endless energy) through the streets. Since I had missed Friday's git-togetha, I had hoped to see some HAIFERs. Meme, I was looking for the t-shirt. I was also looking for the guy with a flask, likely wearing a baseball cap, and looking like he had a little Captain in him.
  7. Some of the moved houses stay a little closer in. Mentioned in many threads is Bungalow Revival. They have moved a number of houses within the Heights. Their Victorian Cottage used to be located on Ashland, I believe. The Craftsman was a much smaller bungalow that also was towed in from somewhere else. The garage apartment for the Craftsman was a small cottage that they jacked up and built the car space underneath. I think they did a similar garage project on W 22. Another entrepreneurial preservationist has apparently moved a number of bungalows up to the Garden Oaks area (on Judiway, I think). He moved a bungalow from W 18 near Joshua's last July.
  8. Looks sorta cool on our tropicals The cats are hating it
  9. We haven't been for a couple years. We're taking our godchild. Should be fun Red, why are you reserving the rum for your place only? Don't you have a flask for use on such outings? Oh yeah? Well, we live on the wrong side of Heights Blvd!
  10. We use Big Dog and Miss Kitti's Pet Sitting Service. They are very professional.
  11. I have an idea, HAIF. How about we create an official, native, thread to discuss all of the old Historic Houston Residential Mansions? We can catalog all of the famous Houstonians, where they once lived back in the day. Where did the founders of Houston, the Allen brothers live? Where did the founder of Hermann Hospital/Herman Park, George Hermann Live? Where did the first Mayor of Houston live? Where did all the famous oil barons live, such as Roy Cullen, Glenn McCarthy, and Walter Fondren? I assume there will be a lot of River Oaks locations here LOL. Probably some residences located in Downtown in the turn of the century as well. Those huge estates. I'll start. I heard the Weingarten Mansion was located at 4000 South MacGregor Way.
  12. Ventura's for suits. THey do weeding dresses, after all. Take the blouses to Heights/River Oaks. They do ok - except when they over starch or smash buttons.
  13. Yeah, now Canada needs to move its Consulat General from Dallas to our much more expansive consulate corps. Jax, can you work on this?
  14. Dodo (Not to imply your home should be called Nimbus Land ).
  15. Actually, Mrs. Porchman and I are DISCs (Dual Income, Sick Cats)
  16. Dispute the charge with your credit card company. I have had great success with this.
  17. Crunch, thank you for your facilitating this. And yes, thank you DJ Dbigtex. It was good to see you again / meet you at last, all. Good venue. It got even better when the pour measure broke.
  18. McCain conceded. Not unexpectedly, very graciously. He's a good man.
  19. Interesting...Fox News is now predicting VA for Obama
  20. OMG! (Oh, I'm sorry I don't mean to be Godless) I can see how this might play in Anderson and Franklin, but not so much in Durham.
  21. So moved Second All those who say 'Aye?' Aye Oh, wait what's a quorum here
  22. Obama is leading in NC and FL with about 60% of the vote counted in each. It's still tight. No call yet. Speaking of NC, was anybody surprised that Elizabeth Dole went down (politically speaking, you know)?
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