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Everything posted by Porchman

  1. ....like my cats who taunt the neighborhood labradors.
  2. Obama. Many reasons...the biggest: Scalia does not need more playmates. In June of this year, the Supreme Court upheld the writ of habeas corpus (a liberal concept hatched in 1301 AD) by only one vote.
  3. The separate garage ramps, you mean? Yes, that's what Allied Realty indicated their intentions were. When they presented this to area residents last year, they indicated average monthly rental would be arrond $1,500/mo.
  4. Not necessarily. This same company has built plenty of those. They chose to go with a more traditional/industrial edge here, and with stucco being the alternative, I'm glad. As I walked around the place yesterday, though, I also had a sense that it was going to look dated soon. Red, you and I have had this conversation - online at live. To recap, I agree that it's an improvement to Yale. Not so much an improvement to W22nd. I will say at least it's only 5 stories. However, think of 13 stories might do to the neighborhood adjacent to White Oak. What will be interesting to see is what spawns from this. Little Kroger is puportedly doomed after the expansion of the Signature at W 11th. Weingarten is apparently talking 24Hour Fitness and major remodel to that strip on W 20th. And the critical question...What's going to happen to Dorsey's Beauty Academy?
  5. I saw this guy who apparently lives in one of the houses in Timbergrove that backs up to Durham near where the big bridge goes over White Oak. Since Durham was widened beyond all rationale, there is not a mowing issue. However there was an Ike debris issue. To clean up Ike debris, he had to walk up to 11th then back down, nearly to the bridge. That's like 6 blocks total. As I drove by, it appeared that he was going to attempt to heave the debris over the fence, and into his yard.. I thought the same thing, Red...why not a gate? Then I thought, who would want a portal between their yard and Durham?
  6. An update on 2125 Yale (fka Retreat at the Heights) Yale and W 22nd The entrance to the upper level garage on W 22nd. (The entrance to the lower level garage is on W 21st On W 22nd Who needs morning sunlight anyway?
  7. Most of the concrete is in north of W 19th They dug up a bunch of railroad ties The forms are in on the 1500 block of Nicholson
  8. In all seriousness, though, if this thing were to happen, I would love to see it named the DeBakey School of Medicine at Rice University. Not only did Dr. DeBakey bring tremendous prominence to BCM, he assigned many of his patent royalties to the institution over the years. In so doing, he may be one of BCM's biggest, all-time donors.
  9. So negative, Red How about: It respects the frontage (if not the width!!!!) of other homes on Heights Blvd The stone turret is not painted yellow, pink or purple. It provides Sara's B&B with shade...from the north. It's the same price as a Heights bungalow...per square foot...a bungalow in really good condtion...not on a thoroughfare with a bus route..a bungalow loyal to tasteful architecture and finishings..in scale. It can serve as an outlying control tower for those planes making the final turn into Hobby (or as a missle center if they get too close to the CBD) It doesn't have French doors all over. Those are American doors, dammit! Hardiplank is a big improvement over that antique cypress. Tyvek...Let's practice safe housing y'all Harry James found a legal option to wagging it in the middle of the esplanade
  10. I think a merger would be beneficial for both institutions. Collaborative synergy and joint grant applications could create an even bigger powerhouse in the biomedical sciences. Moreover, I was interested in the articles mention about concern over BCM's precarious financial situation, and the future of its President... "The possible strains have raised questions about the future of Baylor's president, Dr. Peter Traber. A spokesperson declined comment, but numerous sources in the Medical Center said his leadership is the subject of board discussion." The BCM Board should discuss his leadership as well as their own. In just 5 short years, BCM kissed off a 50-year relationship with Methodist, then couldn't play nice with St. Lukes, then leveraged itself to the hilt to build a hospital in an ever-evolving and highly competitive, managed health care environment.
  11. Krol, Thank you very much. This is exactly the insight I was seeking. BTW, you should post more!
  12. AP Report: ATF: Obama assassination plot disrupted Take the skinheds bowling
  13. 10 posts in 4 hours...must be a nice day out.
  14. The "responsible new development" was included in the mailer. There was a lot of other underlining. I guess I got into the groove because the rest in my post was mine Thanks, Tmariar. Both mailers came with bio's that were slightly more in depth. They all seem to have their stripes.
  15. OK. So, I have received two mailings (actually one was a personal delivery via my mail slot this afternoon). Apparently, there is a SHOW-DOWN FOR CONTROL OF THE BOARD OF THE HOUSTON HEIGHTS ASSOCIATION between people who believe...well, let me excerpt
  16. The Houston Press' Hairballs take on Sam the ad man had their take on this.
  17. Congratulations to you both. As you slide down the banister of life together, may the splinters never point the wrong way.
  18. I thought that was already your handle . Make sure you spell badass it with a backwards "B".
  19. If this should be true, it might be a nursery rhyme fanatic. In that case, she'd be lucky that he stopped with rolling her and marking her with 'B'.
  20. They are apparently leaving them. At the bottom of the construction pic I posted last evening, you can see one of the driveways for one of two new $600k McTorians under construction. (The asphalt is covered with mud so it's a bit hard to make out).
  21. I agree that it appears unsturdy. It also appears that people have tried to torch parts of it. The underpinnings may be adequate, however.
  22. Brief history from http://gardenoaks.org "In 1937, Edward L. Crain established Garden Oaks on a tract of land just north of the Houston Heights. Comprised of 5 sections, Garden Oaks offers a unique blend of mid-century homes
  23. Porchman


    It's back. We can all return to our flabby reading habits. Thank you, Gus!
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