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Everything posted by Porchman

  1. Looking at it the same way, in reverse, we have that many more people who are falling behind. When we end up #83 on The Education Index of 100 U.S. metros, it's damn embarrasssing.
  2. I like Liam Finn's new album. He does Daddy proud. Neil Finn's will always be one of my tops.I have to admit, I've been a little retro lately (maybe the 40th mile marker I passed last October ). I'm listening to Fred on XM fairly frequently. And, yes, the cassettes came out last weekend. Even found my and .
  3. I snapped this pic of a sign combo on the road south of Hana, HI.
  4. @ W 13th, perhaps...wehre they have leveled the lot completely?
  5. Studewood at 8th. Same strip as the convenience store.
  6. Has anybody seen the new Bungalow Revival project on W14th at Herkimer? It looks pretty awesome. It's a far cry from the blue-tarped box it was just a few months ago.
  7. Actually, you cannot loan against an IRA. Common misconception. You can "play" with the money for 60 days. That's it. Good choice, adameepoo, at not looking at a home as an investment. Poor for liquidity and if you "switch [jobs] quite often", then you may need some of that. Poor allocation, too. Those who believe Houston real estate is without risk are fools (FOOLS, I say!). BTW, pine floors - not my first choice, but I really like ours.
  8. This had gone dead for so long, I just figured somone had PM'd Lockmat, "Uh...Dude...". I thought of posting some cute comment about HY's wife, but he's an attorney, and I didn't want a lawsuit. It is pause for consideration. HY, I thought you were a guy for a while, too. The North Adams banner in you avatar has a maleness to it. Banners - very manly - used in war and sports and, possibly, for scratchin ourselves (just sayin!). If you makes you feel any better, that cocktail glass that gwilison used to use- thought he was a girl. Sorry, G.
  9. No. He lives in a gated community in the Tanglewood area. I could post a Birdseye image of it, but neither I nor Editor want that kind of heat from the Secret Service.
  10. Built in 1983. About 12,000 Square Feet on approximately 4 acres. Home of the Tom Friedkin family. Birdseye View here.
  11. Oh. Then Let's have a discussion about this group
  12. OK. so we know why it's Duran Duran Day tomorrow. How are we celebrating? Is this like "Talk Like a Pirate Day?" Should partial disagrement be posed "You're singing out of tune but the beat's in time?". Or for more, uh, spirited disagreements, "I'm on the hunt, I'm after you?"
  13. Ben, oui . We should start a video library to include this and RedScare's HGTV interview.
  14. A little plain from the front, but good potential. The hardwood floors are nice. The bathroom tile is great (original?). The kitchen's a good size. Knotty-pine cabinets are not a personal favorite.
  15. I love that house! I'm particularly fond of how the driveway approaches from the base of the property.
  16. Happy B-day, Wayne! Sorry about the snow. I just came in from a great night on the porch. Damn, you're old! (From someone whose already there!)
  17. So, educate me...this is a doze lot? 9000 sf is really decent for a home, but a little tight for commercial use. What's the shake out?
  18. The house looks cute from the outside. I would have used the same taupe color on the skirting. Inside: Does Pergo have any stock left? What's disturbing about the listing is how much the house being pushed as an "investment" (last pic) versus a place to live. The way I look at it is Eastwood is following the same upward curve as the Heights. (There has been some discussion on the HAIF about when the sushi joints move in.) However, if investors not residents dictate the future of the area, it could take a very different path.
  19. Congratulations, Flipper! It's a really handsome property. Your revamp, using the attic space - absolutely great. The best thing is that you seem balanced in your approach. Im'm glad for that. I'm not sure the HAIF could handle a Jeff Lewis . Best of luck on the next one!
  20. I was a little surprised by this, as well. Here's the listing for one of the two, which are essentialy twins. The odd thing is that several driveways cross the right of way which, as RedScare alluded to, has long belonged to TXDOT. The five-year old home in the 1400 block of Herkimer and several newer homes at the top of the 1100 block of Herkimer have back driveways crossing the right of way. The large metal building in the 1300 block has a parking pad adjacent to the trail. I think these will all be grandfathered with the understanding that drivers must yield to bikers and hikers. There are going to be other problems of enforcement, though. I imagine that if there is not much barrier (grading or curbs), people, particularly construction workers, will park their vehicles on the trail, since Nicholson is so narrow from W 16th to W 7th. EDIT: Further ponderance: There may also be a problem for a handful of propeties between W 19th and W 16th. The right of way on those three blocks runs down the middle of Nicholson. I would expect that they would re-align the street so that the trail continues on the east side down to 16th, then switches to the right of way on the west side. The driveways for a handful of Tricon firehouses and the strip center with Thai Spice would then be effected, as well.
  21. If you're talking about the salmon house, the price has been dropped a bit more.
  22. Well, we're possibly going to have some rain this weekend. We probably need it. However, we are very lucky, indeed. By comparison, here's the late April forecast for Cleveland: Monday Night : mostly cloudy with a chance of rain showers. A chance of snow showers after midnight. Much cooler with lows in the mid 30s. Chance of precipitation 50 percent. Tuesday : mostly cloudy. A chance of rain or snow showers in the morning. Cooler with highs in the lower 40s . Chance of precipitation 50 percent . I think it's good time to email some pics of the butterflies in my backyard to all my relatives up there .
  23. If they're re-filming, I hope they might find a different street in the Heights other than Durham. Uhhh, maybe Heights Blvd?
  24. One of the places that moved out during rail construction is 24-Hour Roses. They transplanted to Durham just south of the North Loop. They seem to be doing well. (A little too well on Valentines Day when I nearly threw a tantrum there...damn line cutters). I like them alot, though. I've purchased business-related bouquet delivered on a Sunday. I also get VD flowers, BD flowers, and day-ya-wore-that-white-dress-and-I-wore-a-morning-suit flowers there.
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