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Everything posted by Porchman

  1. Hey! That's my house! It looks much better than this these days. I have at least half that much trash in the yard now. (I needed somewhere to park my car)
  2. Details of the proposed patrol program... PROVIDE: 8 hours of patrol, 5 days a week (proposed 10pm to 6am) Can be expanded in the future as more participants sign up. FOR THOSE WHO PAY ONLY: Provide Vacation Property Checks and a Direct Number. COST $255 per year per participating property. START: Takes about 45 days to implement after we get our target number of participants signed up and money collected. TARGET TO START: 250 participants per 1200 properties The Houston Heights will be divided into 4 quadrants with businesses and residents included. Woodland Heights will be 2 more. Sunset Heights west of Main is another. Your quadrant can start as soon as we hit the goal for your quadrant. ALL MONEY: will be collected by a third party management company who does this for other neighborhoods around town. SIGN UP: just by e-mailing me (Karen@KarenDerr.com) your name, phone number and address for now. You will be billed later, when we have your exact start date and the third party management company has all the info.
  3. I agree. I'm not seeing some explosion in crime. If I have the time (inclination!?) I'll try to spreadsheet the HPD stats and post them. As you indicate, a lot of the corridors are seeing crime and some of that moves in with ped traffic (as I mentioned with regard to the couple living near N. Main and the Loop). The alley burglaries. The grafitti. Car break-ins that happen along in a condensed block area alll build the perception that there's a problem with crime. A rash of the first two last year prompted the first discussion of the constable patrol.
  4. The couple lives near N. Main one block in from the North Loop. Apparently their neighbor's AC unit was swiped, too. Lots of ped traffic allows for an easy case of houses. I'm pretty sure the guy who panhandles on the feeder with the sign "I need a beer. Why lie?" is not an effective watchdog.
  5. To clarify, they are do not appear to be living there yet. The cars were either contractors or people just parking there. As for the house itself, I'm reserving opinion. I had hoped to see the house in a far more completed state than it was when the January pics were posted. You're right, Red, it's not a Mctorian. Additionally, is more in scale with the neighborhood than a Mctorian. Also, I applaud them for selling the bungalow for moving. However, it has a roof that can be seen from space and a fa
  6. What they did is face the textured side toward the garage, I would assume to create a completed look to the facade of the house.
  7. Pics 9/9/2007. The Bungalow in the background has a sign: "For Sale. To Be Moved"
  8. I'm sorry not to to have met any of you. Perhaps we should have worn wristbands or something. BTW, pics of the event are posted on the http://houstonist.com/ site (about halfway down the page). I look forward to seeing this event in coming years.
  9. Very good show. Excellent turn-out - literally pouring into the streets. Congratulations! Question: Upon what categories, if any, is the show juried?
  10. I'll take your word for it. I was largely going on the TSARP maps (those darker blues catch my attention). I know that Sims saw some considerable flood control investment and, based on another thread, that COH has done some drainage improvement there within the last few years. I'll definitely add this to my "Hoods to Walk Around" list.
  11. "Potential flooding." TSARP shows the entire neighborhood in the floodplain; large parts of it in the 100-year plain. As Vertigo58 noted, "It's also very low lying".
  12. Tranquil looking neighborhood. Thanks for sharing the pics, WVK. I think I drove around in there several years ago. Some neat homes backing up to Sims Bayou. Potential flooding and the area surrounding it are certainly downsides. Home prices (this home, for example) for a neighborhood like this within 10 miles of the CBD are certainly an upside.
  13. I also have a Toro weedeater, because I can't complete the ditch, otherwise. I really like it. Not sure about your 20(+?) year old saw, but my one-year-old, corded, electric mower doesn't even dim the lights (unlike Mrs. Porchman's brand new laser printer). It doesn't use fuel in addition to that which is burned to provide electric power for my house. It cost in the mid-range of other, gas-powered mowers. It's not self-propelled, but it's lighter.
  14. I bought a cheap-ass Homelite corded mower at...Lowe's(?) Home Depot(?). I really like it for my 5000 sf lot. There's a bit of a trick to rearranging the cord as you go along. However it cuts well, edges nicely, handles rough spots on the street-side of the ditch with vigor, starts easily, stores vertically, negates trips to the gas station, does not fill my snoot with smoke in addition to all the other stuff it's kicking up, and reduces my carbon footprint.
  15. I was just passing through. I got these from the Radisson Riverfront on the Kentucky side of the Ohio River. Downtown Cincinnati South Riverfront (KY). That sail thing is a a new 22 -story condo complex.. The bartender told me the penthouse was going for upward of $ 1mm. (The bartender
  16. And, while we're at it, we need to boycott elections here in Harris County because they offer ballots in Spanish and Vietnamese. That'll make our voices heard!!!!
  17. They're putting the final touches on. It really looks great. Along Arlington East Wing (Rain has held up the landscaping) Parking ramp entry from W. 14th "Don't Mess with the Heights"
  18. The tour continues... At Yale At Rutland Nicholson at W 11th Nicholson 1500 Block Nicholson at W 19th Nicholson at W 22nd Latte at the top of the trail
  19. A tour of the porposed trail form south to north. This goes as far as Harvard. I'll post more soon. The section from Sawyer Heights to Nicholson is what Metro is interested in acquiring for CRT. Sawyer Hts Village Under the Katy Fwy Across Studemont Trestle across White Oak Bayou At White Oak At Arlington Btwn Arlington and Cortlandt NW toward Cortlandt Side of House on Harvard
  20. Actually, the few times I've been there, I've been rather pleased with the tanks at TillmanLand. Eatin' while Mesmerizin'! The Kipp is a nice thing to visit, along with all the other creatures. http://houstonzoo.org/en/cms/?1686
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