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Posts posted by Deut28Thirteen

  1. I was just looking at some pics of the Island and it is a really beautiful place. Is it that hard to at least keep the beaches (sand) clean? Tourism is still Galveston's money maker so I dont know why they would not want people coming. I love the island and just want to see it clean when ever I go down there. Is the water in this area of the Gulf really brown or is it just that dirty?

    spi.jpgS. Padra water

    Galveston%20Bay.jpgGalveston Water

  2. Point at White Oak Bayou

    Turnberry Tower

    Hardy Rail Yards

    Boulevard Place

    Intermodal Terminal

    I found these on Goggle Map link on the Houston Projects page on Towrs.com, and there not on the Proposed or Under Construction section and wanted to know if they were cancled. I know a little on the Intermodal Terminal they said they will start the Project in summer of 2007 but I have not heard any thing about it, so does anybody know somthing about these 5 projects? There alot more on the Google Map Link not listed on Towrs.

  3. That being said, I don't think the Williams Tower is much of a Houston icon, despite being a nice skyscraper and all. I mean, I'm an outsider and I had never heard of it before I moved here. Yet I know all about the Sears Tower and the Golden Gate Bridge and I've never been to Chicago or San Francisco.

    Unfortunately, I didn't know much of anything about Houston before I read about it in Wikipedia (just before I decided to apply to Rice), besides the fact that the Katrina evacuees live here. I have to say, I was more impressed with Houston from what I learned on Wikipedia than I expected to be. Houston seriously needs to have a better world image, and I think a landmark icon would be a great start, it's just that I have no idea what it could be.

    Your right its not that well know out side of Texas I think its only because they have not been here to see the light from diffrent parts of Houston if they were they will know its coming from Williams Tower. When I was kid playng outside at night I always saw the light and I knew it was coming from their. I think your right we need something that will improve our image, I dont know where it would be either. What did you think about Houston before Wikipedia?

  4. Deut, glad you bumped the topic but I went ahead and merged it with the original since most members would probably rather read one topic than several.

    Lake Houston is nice the way it is but has a lot of potential for more complex developments like this project. Looks great.

    Yea I think so to, I see all the undevloped land around lake houston and the SanJack river and always think what houston could do, Houston at SanJac River or Houston:The shores of Lake Houston some thing more than just houses. I like the nature of the lake so dont cut down all the green but use the water to get more than home buyers out here. But this area is not the Woodlands or Conroe their northwest of here and thats why I thought no one posted back because thats not their area and started it again some where else, Humble/Kingwood/Atascocita are diffrent from them and in diffrent parts of town.


  5. I found this in The Woodlands Conroe forum. It was posted in 2005 by Jonah and nobody post back so I am puting it up again since I live in the Humble/Kingwood/Atascocita area so I am excited about this project. Looks like its moving along nicely and the web site seems like its almost done and I think people will like it so here it is.


    This is the Brownstone Living at Kings Harbor


    Some nice places to eat on Lake Houston

    http://www.kings-harbor.com/ is the project homepage

  6. I find that an odd thought. That blacks CAUSED whites to move out, but whatever...

    I also find that hard to believe too. Blacks did not cause white flight it was racism. They were not coming in and tacking down their buildings just adding there own. I guss they were thinking "Here comes the Blacks, There goes the neighborhood". Thank God that has changed, Houston on of the top cities for blacks, seems like a city thats one of the best for blacks to live in would try to keep more of there History or does that not matter either?


  7. Does the City of Houston do more to keep the histoy of the Heights even though the wards were here 1st. It was created as a new area for the upper class of the city and now its has a very diverse population now. I dont think I started this topic as Blacks vs Whites or who got up rotted from the third ward 1st but to let people know that third ward and the other wards history is worth keeping. Even in this forum it say the heights is the only place to see the city as it was a 100 years ago. Does houston think the heights history is more important than that of Third Ward?

  8. I hate that they got a new coach just because we did not get out the 1ST round. Losing in the 1st 2nd and 3rd round are all the same thing, the team comes away with not a damn thing! Last year was not good but T-MAC and Yao were not in it for the better part of the season. This year Yao was hurt for half and was still not at full strength to play with Carlos Bozer in the 1st round. This is not a reason to have lost a heartbreaker in game seven at HOME! I think I cried and then the Mavs lost that made me feel much much better. But it was the beanch faults we lost that game. JVG did a great job with this team because of the health issues with his two star players and then he had the rockets play some D(not very much in playoffs though). If they wanted a new coach they should brought bach some one the whle city would love, the man who created CLUTCH CITY, Rudy T the Heart of a Champion himself, or the one and only Hakeem "The Dream" Olajuwon. He would teach Yao how to be one of the best big men off all time and how to use his shooters more just like he did with Horry,Cassell, and Drexler

  9. I lived in one of those far out suburbs. Ridgemont (tightest elementary school back in da day) and other close neighborhoods was once a master planed community in southwest Houston for the upper class of Houston, and now its is mostly a minority community of blacks and hispanics because the cost of living in the inner city is just too much. Its not integration if the people in third ward cant stay because the cost of living is too much cause the new people are moving in.

  10. I would have to agree completely. I've never understood the fight for 3rd ward; when at the same time, those fighting to save it are doing nothing to preserve it.

    How can some one not understand the fight? My Grandmothers house is worth over 300,000 not a lot of people in Third Ward can afford to buy an lot and preserve the history by themselfs, other than the ones who are puting up all those condos and lofts, thats why there puting signs in there yard and asking the city to help. Even MFA Houston sees the history of third ward. Click on the link to see the photos and read the history then maybe you will understand. I like the development but let the ones who are developing preserve the history since there the people who can afford it with the help of the community. The best pic is the on by Kristyl Richard "We Have a Future"

  11. Having to go to high school with people from NOLA is where I learned that they dont care what people think about them. They say whats on there minds weather it is wrong or right. Example, they came to school one day with T.O.T.(Take Over Texas) Shirts. The only time they got really mad was when we would say Dont hate on Houston just because were not under water or something along the lines of that. I did not say those things but i laughed along with my friends. I always thought who talks down to the people that are helping you? What should be diffrent about the mayor he is a reflection of the city and its people, thats why he is stil mayor.

  12. "Musicman sayed it right. A lot of these places are signicance to only the Black population in Houston" what I ment by this is most people living in 3rd ward are black and they believe that 3rd ward is a place full of history while people living out side the wards see the buildings as eyesoures and think they should be taken down.

  13. My point is that if New Orleans can capitalize or embrace on something that can be changed, Galveston should be able to do the same with something it can not, (ie mother nature). Moody Gardens is constantly expanding its attractions. The only thing Galveston is lacking as far as becoming a national destination is advertisement. I don't see any Galveston commercials on TLC or the Travel Channel. I agree that gambling would help, but wouldn't Galveston just become a regional gambling attraction without national exposure?

    I think you are right. When I read those in flight magazines on the airplane I see S. Padre all up and through and one or two about Galveston and it is for High Rise Living on the Beach. I still believe if the Big Island wants to make it on The Travle Channle it needs that next big thing. I love this island It was the only beach I knew Texas had for a while when I was Younger, I just want to see it live up to its full Potential.

  14. I am all for preserving historic structures, however I am against halting re-development because a group of people are trying to hold on to their childhood memories.

    If an area becomes run down and neglected, I am all for coming in and re-developing the area.

    What are some structures in the 3rd Ward that hold historic signicance?

    Musicman sayed it right. A lot of these places are signicance to only the Black population in Houston Wells here are a couple frome 3rd 4th and 5th wards some still here and some not:Freedmans Town, Antian Baptist, Trinity Medthodist, Kelly Court, Cuney Homes, Gregory Institute, Houston Colored Junior Collage (later TSU-1947), St John Baptist, Riverside Hospital, Washington Terrace, I guss UofH and there a lot more. Here is are a link to what the Museum of Fine Arts Houston where they did a project on Thrid Ward


  15. While I am proud of the new development around Almeda and the 3rd ward area, but is it taking too much of Houston 3rd ward away? My dad, aunts, and uncles grew up in third ward and there house was just two blocks from being destroyed by 288. They don't like all the lofts and residential buildings there putting up all over third ward. They really hate it when there tearing down old building that were just eyesores to the rest of Houston but had historical significance to the people living in that area. They like, and I do to, how my Grandmothers house value has shoot through the roof because she now lives in The Museum District. But was it at the expense of Third Ward? Pretty much what is left of third ward is east of 288. But the lofts have made there way east across the freeway where TSU and UH are located. The residents have put signs in their yards saying "Third Ward is our Home" opposing the new development of Third Ward. If Texas Southern does not get its act straight the state might let UH take it over, now that might be a stretch but if that happens Third Ward will be lost forever. I love Houston, and I also love the history of Third ward. We once went down almost every Saturday to get our hair cuts. The conversations you would hear between the old and young men always made me laugh when they got louder and started yelling their points across. Now to see that barber shop is gone makes my feel upset because my son wont get his hair cut their like I did and my dad did and his dad. To go around 3rd Ward when my dad shows me his old hangouts and friends houses and their not their just gets him upset too. Houston needs to know how to preserve not just Third Ward but all of Houston's Historic Wards. If anybody has pics of the different wards in Houston they will be nice to look at so feel free to post them up.

  16. Moody Gardens, or Schlitterbahn maybe? :blink:

    Galveston IS brown water/sand, that's her! At what point do we "own" and embrace that (in some sort of positive light), and it become a part of this town's identity? It's not changing any time soon.

    New Orleans doesn't apologize for its filth. Hell, I wouldn't want to see the place any other way.

    Galveston aint no New Orleans!!!!!!!! People dont go to New Orleans for the water. They have gambling. And there Mradi Gras is not falling off the face off the earth, and what was up with the Beach Party this year? Moody Gardens is fun and it gets some cool attractions but its old, Schlitterbahn is new and fun and those two are getting the island back to a regional destination and along with all the new developments. Galveston is not back at that level yet and I want something that will make it a national destination not just regional. This island has some competition in texas now and it better watch out for S. Padre and Corpus Christi.

  17. What I think what will Give Galveston a bost is an Aquarium. Sheed Aquarium in Chicago or New England Aquarium in Boston are nice ones to get ideas from. It cant just be some cheap looking one thron on the beach but State of the Art, big and spacious, Interesting Attractions not just that little kid stuff like at Space Center Houston more than one age group in Texas, and put it on the water not just make it water front. Some time ago I was watching a Special on Aquariums in the U.S. on PBS it showed the aquariums in chicago, Boston,& Honolulu and much more, these were the ones that stuck out and I went to the one in Honolulu, the Waikiki Aquarium, its was very cool maybe because the beach was CLEAN and the water was BLUE and not BROWN! Those aquariums attract people from all over America and if they build one in Galveston and build it right it could to. Galveston cant keep thinking just because its an Island people will keep coming any more because its needs to get clean, or just allow gambling. I dont understand why gambling is not allowed in Galveston because it is an ISLAND or any where else on the Texas Coast for that matter. Gambling is a money maker when will the Texas Gov. see that

  18. Jazz down 3-1 and Pistons up 2-1 but looks like Cavs will even the series, but they wont Win at the Palace and wont win another game in this series thats if they hold on to win game three up six with 2:30 left to play. Only reason why I want Spurs to move on is becaus I hate the Jazz ever since 1997 and this years playoffs(I am still a little upset). Last year was nice to see the Big Germen and the Flash play in the Finals but this year its another Pistons Spurs showdown, and I am am tired of it. Is any one else? Uh O Pistons down only three 1:15 left will the King James not show up again in the final stages of the game lets what and see.

  19. I love this project but Does this marble paved street remined anyone of The Woodlands just a little, were those restaurants are, The cheesecake factory etc., and where you get on the boat to go down The Woodlands Waterway? This is much more upscale & fancy, and bigger than the Woodlands(except the waterway). They really do need the rail line to come down here and maybe put an upscale hotel to attract more than houstonians to this area. This is going to impact Houston well when it opens. Does any one know the sq. footage of the residential living units and the price?

  20. Champs Sports ?? eeewww ... what they should do is open a flagship Abercrombie & Fitch :wub: , the NY store is crazy! its like 4 stories right next to Prada ... one can only dream

    Not every one wears Abercrombie & Fitch. I get some clothes from places like that, but most are like champs. Instead of Champs put a Finish Line and an Urban Outfitters I am sure Houston wants more that one Demographic shopping at HP. I second the House of Hoops by Foot Locker!

  21. I'm trying to put together a list of new projects in Houston. Things that are proposed, and more importantly, things that are actually under construction.

    I've created a page at Towrs for it: http://www.towrs.com/wiki/index.php/Housto...er_Construction

    Anyone can add a project to that page, or just post it here and I'll add it myself.

    Thanks, This is so much better than Emporis wher you have to pay to see proposed and under construction buildings.

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