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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. No, nor is it ethical to punish all pedestrians for the actions of certain pedestrians.
  2. I like: Southside Espresso, Double Trouble, and Doshi House both for coffee and atmosphere. I like the coffee at Catalina, but not always the vibe.
  3. You want to talk about laws and I want to talk about ethics, so I don't see how we're going to make any progress.
  4. I don't actually care about the legal case to be made for assault, but I do consider any unwanted touching to be an assault, regardless of the legal definition. No, my problem is with people thinking they have the right to reclaim public space.
  5. I found a gallery, and looks like he stopped at Blake's, Christian's Tailgate, Tookie's, and Stanton City Bites. And Cavender's Boot City because we're all cowboys or whatever. http://www.travelchannel.com/tv-shows/burger-land/photos/burger-land-houston-we-have-a-burger-pictures
  6. Yeah, some of the bike rides I go on, we will stop there for Gatorade and etc., pretty handy location.
  7. Water your lawn all you want. But spraying water on the sidewalk to intentionally reclaim a public right-of-way that is not yours to reclaim is arrogant and dangerous. It's not "you just happened to choose Saturday nights", you are recommending for people to intentionally choose that day and time. There is no "just happened to" about it.
  8. Lots of cases found on Google with water hose assault. http://law.rightpundits.com/?p=582
  9. https://maps.google.com/maps?q=MacGregor,+Houston,+Harris,+Texas&hl=en&ll=29.713588,-95.381638&spn=0.00724,0.009645&sll=37.6,-95.665&sspn=53.177757,79.013672&geocode=FSpUxQEdmM1Q-g&hnear=MacGregor,+Houston,+Harris,+Texas&t=m&z=17&layer=c&cbll=29.713553,-95.381542&panoid=SE5J3pfLufWtPPdhOzIyrw&cbp=12,27.67,,0,-9.21
  10. The woman said that her husband interacted with the robbers for longer. Perhaps she was describing what she saw and he was describing their accent. It's not necessarily at odds.
  11. Yeah, it's gone. Was reported on Houston Press Eating Our Words blog.
  12. Discovery Green is a good park, and I hope Dallas and other cities do borrow ideas from it.
  13. ..? Don't you compare our transit system to other cities all the time? What's wrong with comparisons?
  14. Suburban drivers are much more hostile to cyclists, on average. I was riding on Cash Road in Stafford on the right side of the road and about every third motorist was honking at me.
  15. The sidewalk is a public right-of-way. If you can't understand and accept that, maybe you shouldn't be living in a city full of other people.
  16. You think witnesses should consult each other to give their eyewitness account? Terrible idea. Eyewitness testimony often has flaws. That doesn't mean it's worthless. Also, Hispanic is not a racial description.
  17. I disagree with both zoning and the parking requirements, so yeah, I'm going to come in here with the freedom arguments.
  18. That is my hope, however he is very hostile to anything that helps cyclists.
  19. It has now passed both chambers and is headed to Perry, who will hopefully sign it. The version passed is for Harris County only. If it's a success here, it could serve as a template for them to pass it state-wide. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDAQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.houstonchronicle.com%2Fnews%2Fhouston-texas%2Fhouston%2Farticle%2FBill-moves-ambitious-bike-trails-plan-closer-to-4484681.php%3Fcmpid%3Datfpm&ei=gb6DUeCOL8WZqgGQ2oAw&usg=AFQjCNFT6oXYRBV0_Wm_oYZeKJCvvREqvw&sig2=023O2w3CEy0-gDMQMsWiEg&bvm=bv.45960087%2Cd.aWM
  20. Yes, spraying water on the sidewalk to discourage people from using it is hostile.
  21. In case you forgot, this thread is about a pedestrian that was killed in the street. Call police if people are violating property rights, but don't try and reclaim public space as your own.
  22. Please don't encourage people to make sidewalks hostile to pedestrians.
  23. Yes, two buildings with observation decks Monday through Friday business hours.
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