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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. Is the topic "Houston", or "How to revitalize downtown Houston"? I don't see why we wouldn't consider what other cities are doing for the topic of how to revitalize Downtown Houston, pros and cons.
  2. I never heard one, but I'm assuming they thought it was pointless on a light rail line since people can just walk around. But it would make enforcement so much easier. It'd be a cinch for Metro Police to spot violators on camera and dispatch officers.
  3. Lousy. I'm tired of the police detentions to check my papers when I'm de-boarding and trying to walk to my destination. They should have installed turnstiles from the start.
  4. This maps it out. http://arch-ive.org/archive/schmitz-vineyard/
  5. It's in pretty bad shape. Seems to me it needs to be cratered?
  6. What is this art doing in Houston's Mayberry? We can't have that!
  7. What feed? Real time bus data is available in the app for at least the past couple weeks.
  8. I'd entertain the idea that rich or middle class people do more drugs than poor people, but not the idea that they're caught and prosecuted at a higher rate.
  9. Been using it for a few weeks. The real time bus data is invaluable.
  10. Faster loading and unloading, and bike hooks. http://houston.culturemap.com/news/city_life/10-16-12-bikes-on-a-train-metro-debuts-new-cars-with-racks-to-swoon-over/
  11. Yes, and official company websites can be hacked too, and press conferences can be held by performance artists claiming to be representatives of the company, as amply demonstrated by The Yes Men. Doesn't mean Twitter is less reliable.
  12. Is it being held back? Seems to be popping lately. More residential on the way.
  13. The analogy would be if the state banned tobacco sales and started selling tobacco themselves. That would be bad.
  14. And bingo, too. Sure, there's a few exceptions. But try and run a lotto and see what happens.
  15. ?? Should the state have a monopoly on selling cigarettes as well? Why should the state have a monopoly on gambling?
  16. Love that they have it right up front on gmc.com.
  17. Not so odd if you've seen what they did to Spec's. Signed off on building plans, waited for Spec's to complete a $400,000 renovation, and then told them they were too close to a school. http://www.chron.com/business/article/Spec-s-closes-Washington-Ave-store-after-license-1612240.php
  18. Is there any statute of limitations on internal affairs complaints?
  19. Thanks for the information, Dan. So the above picture is what, a partial foundation that they haven't finished pouring? Will the middle section have cement as well when the time comes?
  20. Via HCAD. So just to confirm, you are the property owner, right DMR? Owner Name: RILEY DAN & MAUREEN SHADY ACRES ANNEX Property Address: 905 W 15TH 1/2 ST HOUSTON TX 77008
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