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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. This is known as the Either Or Fallacy. Did you really think that the mound of dirt was going to fool people about your illegal construction?
  2. Ah. Maybe they made the signs more prominent, because car on rail accidents have decreased significantly. There are still a few, such as that awful dump truck crash at Capitol.
  3. Well, there have been improvements, such as banning left turns on Main Street.
  4. Yes, listening to the scanner really revealed how bad they are at their job. They were making all kinds of misstatements such as Anderson Cooper saying "no federal authorities are on the scene yet" when I had heard on the scanner over an hour before that FBI, ATF, and DHS were all there. I was listening hours before MIT because I thought showing the suspects' faces on TV would flush them out. The news was trying to pin a 7-11 robbery on the brothers, but it was stated quite clearly on scanner that the suspect for that crime was a 200 pound black male wearing a cowboy hat.
  5. Saw a Coming Soon sign for Thien An on 2611 San Jacinto (near McGowen).
  6. Is it just hallways they built to the parking garage?
  7. Go to the flea markets on Airline, go to Eastwood Park, go to Wayside.
  8. Yeah, if you're wishing violence on people it's time to get a grip.
  9. Yes, and in fact Texas law itself does not require a cyclist to ride in a bike lane.
  10. Ahh, the Pedal Party. I endorse it.
  11. It doesn't have to be inbound/outbound, you can list it as "Northbound" or "Eastbound" or whatever based on the general direction of the route. That's what they do on the PDFs of the routes on the website.
  12. But KinkaidAlum is proposing that we do so, which is what he was responding to, I believe.
  13. I don't know that it is "dependent", but that's what they intend to do, annex thousands of acres into the TIRZ, as the article says.
  14. Since he referred to "waiting on the wrong side of the street", clearly he's talking about somewhere other than Downtown, somewhere where the streets run two ways.
  15. Why would any entity try to violate US law? It's a market segment they're not allowed in, so they go after other parts of the market. Fedex has asked Congress to end the monopoly in the past.
  16. The building depicted at Winbern and Main is not the same building as the one Double Trouble resides in. Unless they intend to build on top of it?
  17. More like an artificial monopoly. It is illegal for any private company to deliver mail for cheaper than the Postal Service does.
  18. Yikes. I sure hope that won't happen as it would mean Double Trouble is toast!
  19. Annexation of 1,768 acres into the TIRZ. Memorial Park got hit pretty hard by drought, so plenty of work is needed to fix it up.
  20. For non-subscribers, here's a link to the full article. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDUQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.houstonchronicle.com%2Fnews%2Fhouston-texas%2Fhouston%2Farticle%2FProject-would-create-Uptown-transit-corridor-4427406.php%3Fcmpid%3Dbtfpm&ei=MRRnUb2sMIXY8gTuw4DoBg&usg=AFQjCNEJxunb0db9LL-QT0d6Mm8G2RydtQ&sig2=5oeDXTZ-Q9o5tsuJffsjJQ&bvm=bv.45107431,d.eWU
  21. OTC already has another location that has had problems with a neighbor. What's wrong with judging something from prior acts just because it hasn't opened this particular location yet? It's a free country and they're free to judge.
  22. They didn't like the bar that was there before either. So the issue is that they don't like a rowdy bar being next to them.
  23. When I was looking about 2 years ago I think they had a 1 BR for maybe $1000 or thereabouts? Very reasonable for downtown.
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