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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. There is reason to be optimistic that they will. The Mayor has been running a Texting While Driving campaign with Bun B, and this is kind of in that same wheelhouse.
  2. I think they intended to limit the 3 foot passing part, but yeah, that part could probably use a little qualification. Of course, assault laws still protect cyclists, theoretically (heh).
  3. Proposed ordinances are under discussion in the City Council chamber today at 2:30 PM: http://www.houstontx.gov/council/h/committee/20130410/vulnerableroaduser.pdf http://www.houstontx.gov/council/h/committee/20130410/notexting.pdf
  4. It wasn't high rent, it was low demand. Revitalization is creating sort of a "herd" demand where people can go downtown and hit multiple places.
  5. On the bottom left in this picture, through the branches, you can see where they've painted 5 different paint swatches, different colors of brown. I'm assuming they're planning to paint the concrete columns one of those colors. There is lots of nice brickwork underneath, but they seem to have ruined some of it with the concrete, so seems like they had to improvise a little.
  6. Have you checked out this app yet Vik? It's pretty cool. Needs some polish, but seems to basically work. Has potential.
  7. A few posts later, JamesL informed me that METRO T.R.I.P. app is now beta testing this. I tested it last night and by jove, the thing works. I don't think all the routes are on there yet, but a lot of them are. It's a fantastic advancement. Now deploy it to the entire fleet! And polish the app a bit.
  8. Wow! I just checked this out and it is actually pretty decent, as long as you ignore the meaningless "Scheduled" entries. The "Real-Time" told me a 52 would be arriving at Capitol and Rusk in 1 minute, and sure enough, it did!
  9. All this territory is covered by the Google Maps app. We need real-time tracking of buses, though.
  10. No, Richard Florida is the only guy I know saying that.
  11. They will also be deploying two of the new rail cars starting tomorrow. These new cars have bike racks.
  12. Correlation does not imply causation. Perhaps their downtowns died in spite of that change, not because of it. Houston's a thriving metroplex with a lot of people. Main Street is barely used by cars in Downtown.
  13. 2009. It is now a coffeeshop called Blacksmith.
  14. Main Street should be closed to cars and be a pedestrian and bike thoroughfare. It doesn't get used much by cars anyway.
  15. Downtown is the hub for most bus routes. So yeah, many of them do need to go Downtown on their way to work.
  16. Am I including it in what? You're saying it's no contest and I'm asking what your comparison incorporates. I haven't made any comparisons, so no, I'm not including anything in anything. To be clear, I'm asking you an actual question, not a rhetorical one.
  17. Are you including the personal cost of taxes used to fund the transit system?
  18. Bad News Bar and Batanga have opened.
  19. Now to be called GreenStreet. http://blog.chron.com/primeproperty/2013/04/developers-announce-plans-to-reinvent-houston-pavilions/ Plans are to reduce some building space to allow a courtyard to hold events and add patios on Dallas, among other changes.
  20. In what city was BCycle cheaper? In San Antonio, for example, the daily rate is twice the price, $10, for half the initial checkout time. It's good. Bikes should be on the roads.
  21. I'm assuming they're the ones that put in the application for the City to abandon Berry Street between this development and Natachee's. Will be interesting to see what's planned for that area.
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