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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. Every sidewalk should have a usable sidewalk on both sides of the street. Streets are for pedestrians and handicapped too, not just motorists.
  2. http://houston.culturemap.com/newsdetail/10-16-12-bikes-on-a-train-metro-debuts-new-cars-with-racks-to-swoon-over/
  3. The new style of car is supposed to start running on Red Line in mid to late March, so any day now.
  4. Tunnel map https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=208557532588506606958.0004cbcbfdb789c392269&msa=0 I don't know about unparalleled...They can hook to one tunnel.
  5. Here's the issue I saw on Arlington. Nothing prevents someone from just pulling all the way forward to the building, blocking the sidewalk. I think this could be fixed by installing some parking stops at the end of the parking spaces. I talked to Morgan Weber, and he said he'd be willing to do that, if possible. Other than that, these grassy areas just need to be paved and then there's a workable sidewalk that can be used by pedestrians, handicapped, etc. I wrote to the Planning people with conditional support for the variance based on those items.
  6. So in fact you do believe in celebrating form, just so long as it's the forms you approve of.
  7. He's got a pretty arrogant way of putting things. He should put all statements out through a PR pro and not grant interviews. This doesn't really make me want to start going to games again.
  8. He's trolling you because of what he perceives to be your own hypocrisy, I don't think he actually opposes the variance. "Kcking a small business (or home) owner in the pants in order to celebrate form over substance" is exactly what the Historic District does.
  9. I took a look and talked to Morgan Weber and I am satisfied if some parking stops are installed on the spaces fronting Arlington.
  10. Variance was approved for Town In City, but Coltivare is still waiting.
  11. Except when they aren't. Which is the whole point of requesting a variance.
  12. Majorca now offering hookah. Hmm.
  13. Works great! Seems to be timed well to keep everything moving.
  14. That looks the same as it is in the Med Center.
  15. Thinking about opposing this one. I think I'll go take a look in person.
  16. NoMo is North Montrose. I think Culturemap has used it.
  17. The value of bringing it to Union Station is having a downtown rail connection to another city, not just to bring people to games.
  18. Yeah, be careful s3mh, you're starting to sound like a Historic District opponent.
  19. Oh, I agree with that entirely. There are light poles dead center on sidewalks in the East End where utility realignment has already occurred for the rail. I've seen several that don't seem ADA compliant to me. The city (or Metro?) is risking a lawsuit, I think.
  20. I just don't think doubling down on a prior mistake is a good idea. Coltivare knew the city's parking requirements before (8 spaces per 1000 sf), which have also now been relaxed by 10% if Coltivare installs some bike parking.
  21. Why isn't the sidewalk on the right of way? Supposing I want to protest the warehouse (not that I ever would, but just supposing) would I be trespassing if I were on the sidewalk, their property?
  22. No EaDo, NoDo, NoMo, or anything else.
  23. For once, I kind of agree. Check out these cars blocking the implied sidewalk. https://maps.google.com/maps?q=3320+White+Oak,+Houston,+TX&ll=29.781527,-95.394147&spn=0.001286,0.001206&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&channel=fflb&hnear=3320+White+Oak+Dr,+Houston,+Harris,+Texas+77007&gl=us&t=h&z=20&layer=c&cbll=29.781527,-95.394147&panoid=SL_1MTY8aGs1GCqG9BOv8Q&cbp=12,299.74,,0,6.11 Imagining every space full, getting down the sidewalk would be pretty tough. I personally think street parking all the cars should be fine, but that's considered anathema to Houston's parking planners, so in that context, I'm agreeing with their opinion.
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