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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. So nobody goes between Shepherd and Durham because...nobody goes between Shepherd and Durham? Maybe nobody goes there because there was nothing worth going to. I've had the Fat Cat ice cream, and it's worth seeking out.
  2. Which study concluded that transportation costs in Houston offset any savings in housing?
  3. Yep, dangerous to get between the cars. It's better to come up on the right side of the right lane to get up to the light. Don't need to wait turn, though. Riders are required by law to ride as near to the right as practicable.
  4. Yeah, calling out sometimes confuses people and makes them move right in your way. I only call out if there are kids acting unpredictably, or if the person already seems to notice me approaching.
  5. "Property rights", you have a funny conception of that term, I think
  6. You're right, all vehicles must obey speed limit signs. I haven't seen any on the bike pedestrian path, though!
  7. I keep my transportation costs low by not owning a car.
  8. Cyclists shouldn't hit people, sure, but I will challenge you to cite the statute on bikes have to ride at a "safe speed", as if a safe speed for bikes has even been defined in the statutes.
  9. You said there were no new tenants. You weren't sure if Yao had left yet. Hmm.
  10. I think the internal outdoor mall thing was a mistake, and it should have faced outward with more than typical sidewalk space to be used for restaurant patios and etc. It feels unnatural to go through it on the ground level, because walking straight through is jaywalking.
  11. "Available square feet for ground level retail" is another way of saying unleased space. So yeah, I would say the studio and NRG are a net positive for a development that was mostly unleased and struggling.
  12. I live downtown, arroddii does, and samagon lives pretty close if I recall correctly.
  13. Yao's has been gone for a while. HP has been transferred to Magic Johnson's group. Not just rumors, new tenants include Comcast SportsNet TV studio and Scott Gertner's Skybar.
  14. Only one person is giving that advice. But anyway, there's no news on HP, so the thread is adrift.
  15. Aside from not being ideal from the Olympic Committee's point of view, it would leave us saddled with a lot of debt, and facilities that we would have a hard time repurposing. Just Google "abandoned Olympic venues" and get a look at all the decay around the world in former Olympic cities. We have enough problems puzzling over what to do with the Astrodome. Imagine having venues like that all over town that we don't want to tear down and "waste", but can't figure out what to do with. No thanks!
  16. No Olympics. Sorry, but I am putting my foot down.
  17. Bikes should be riding in the lane designated for them and not the median path. Just a bad dangerous idea to ride the median one.
  18. They won't get destroyed, they'll get taken to HPD's property room where someone will eventually try to match the serials to police reports. That's how I got mine back after two years.
  19. I've lived downtown since 2008 and "No" has always sufficed. Nobody's ever tried to hurt me or follow me. I do agree that street harassment of women downtown is a problem, though, and not just by "bums."
  20. The two grocery stores referred to are Phoenicia and Georgia's. That's true, but they're avoiding the heat, not the bums.
  21. I live downtown. Six blocks is not a long way to walk. If a person asks you for something you don't want to give them, simply say No. I don't even make up sob stories about being out of change. I just say, "No" and they leave me alone. Try it. Yeah but the round trip, man! The round trip!
  22. I'll post it on Stolen Bike Hunt (FB group).
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