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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. Take for lease signs with a grain of salt. I know a place that is already rented out and almost ready to open and the renter is keeping the sign up to keep a lid on things.
  2. I think you're counting chickens that aren't hatched. Georgia's is a long way from being a grocery store, and as best as I can tell, it is struggling. Their website went down for a while due to a slow payment to their PR firm, I heard.
  3. I think ticket sales for both Angelika and Sundance have shown that Downtown can currently support about one movie theater. The fact that iPic and Sundance are both "premium" style theaters makes it even worse.
  4. Yeah, we have Sundance. We don't need a second theater, and the space isn't big enough.
  5. Yes, that's what I encounter in any other transit system. A week pass in DC is great.
  6. NO GOD NO no Olympics in Houston, PLEASE don't do this. http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2012/08/the-ruins-of-champions-photos-of-abandoned-olympic-sites/261114/#slide8
  7. I went to Cafe Layal to smoke a hookah the other day. It was fun and took me back to 1999 or so. Interior of the place is kind of bland, in my opinion, but hey, I had fun.
  8. Yeah, all my votes are going to HAWC this month.
  9. Galleria is the number one shopping destination in the area, especially for the people with money that the All-Star Game draws. Lots of luxury retailers there. Also a good chance of seeing some celebrities walking around, if you're into that. I try to avoid the Galleria on all days as a general rule.
  10. Are they doing Louisiana? Apparently not. Are they doing Regent's Square? Apparently so. Will there be another Midtown Alamo? Since the Louisiana one is canceled, we'll not know if and until they announce finding a new location.
  11. It's not necessarily impossible. In Austin, Ritz and Lamar locations are closer than that to each other. Lamar's currently closed for renovations, but still.
  12. No, the article says they're looking at other locations in Midtown. Sounds like 2901 Louisiana is canceled.
  13. Supposed to be a new restaurant for the Triniti chef/owner.
  14. Nothing is permanent, but a single story building has just as much staying power as a parking lot, potentially.
  15. Here it is. https://www.facebook.com/CapitolBarHouston?ref=ts&fref=ts
  16. The average Houstonian will do whatever is easiest and makes the most sense. In other cities, they think nothing of parking a few blocks away and walking, and they would even consider themselves lucky to score a free street parking space. Here there are people that consider that to be torture.
  17. You didn't answer the question of who owns the house. I guess I'll assume they both own it. If they both own it, the non-paying sibling can't be evicted simply for refusing to pay the mortgage, at least not by the other owner. The one who is willing to pay can move in to the house presumably, but I don't see how they're going to make the other person leave.
  18. Looks like 2415 Main. Any way to search building permits issued without having to file a public information request?
  19. I rode past that building to work every day on the train and thought it looked like a great business opportunity. Something kind of like Liberty Station would be perfect.
  20. Because you were tired and posted in the wrong thread? Or a mod screwed up and merged your post out to the wrong thread.
  21. How long has the person been living there? If they've been living there a while (previously with permission) then they have at least all the rights that any tenant would have and you'd have to go through a normal eviction process. You say they inherited the house, though. Who inherited the house? Whose name is on the title? If this person who isn't paying actually has some ownership of the house, it's going to be a lot more difficult.
  22. They had liquor sales of ~$53,248 last month, for the curious.
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