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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. There's also a small chance the Patriots or Broncos will lose their games, which gives us second seed.
  2. I think that Forever 21 can probably absorb some losses. They probably get referral business from the other locations when they have someone's size available in an item, and there's also probably some brand value to having a visible downtown presence, even if the store itself isn't profitable.
  3. Finally got around to uploading my set to Flickr. http://www.flickr.com/photos/kylejack/sets/72157632352336490/
  4. I-10 expansion definitely relieved a ton of expansion, but then that was a pretty extreme expansion. 20 lanes! And I don't know how long it will be before it's bad again.
  5. Books-A-Million is OUT. http://swamplot.com/books-a-million-now-packing-up-its-books-leaving-houston-pavilions/2012-12-26/ For real this time, apparently.
  6. Not what I said. Out for looking at porn but kept on through the referendum to ensure things went smoothly, is my theory.
  7. Main street drag racer says the train might run a person over. Well, now I've seen everything.
  8. I wonder if the porn thing never went away. Could be that they told him he was out but asked him to stay through the ballot initiative to ensure a smooth transition.
  9. Did I miss a METRO press release where they said they were going to dismantle the rail? What are you talking about?
  10. So many white people. Since attraction is subjective, I don't think that qualifies as a fact.
  11. David Paul and Chita Johnson are both meteorologists with the American Meteorological Society Seal of Approval.
  12. Not exactly. They oppose tax rate increases, but Boehner's proposal decreases exemptions and deductions, raising taxes.
  13. I've shown you the numbers before, but don't let that stop you from just making stuff up. 75% of income goes to program expenses for Star Of Hope. http://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=search.summary&orgid=6340
  14. Daily Mail is a tabloid type paper that will print whatever it finds interesting, especially stuff with pictures or video.
  15. When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. That's why we ended up in places like Afghanistan and Iraq in the first place. Very few conflicts America engages in have anything to do with national security. We spend more on defense than the next ten countries combined, and nine of them are allies, and the other is a major a trading partner.
  16. We won't, but even Reagan understood the need to reduce nuclear weapon stockpiles multilaterally.
  17. Says it might not be accomplished during his lifetime. That makes it a worthless platitude.
  18. There's nothing inherently flawed with the design. Whether or not it is a cheaply made house depends on the builder and the materials that were used.
  19. It's a good day to donate to homeless orgs. Going to be very cold tonight.
  20. That was an old estimate. It's expected to open later this month. http://houston.culturemap.com/newsdetail/11-28-12-16-22-blacksmith-coffee-is-coming-soon-with-serious-foodie-power-from-erin-smith/
  21. What is his source for this "fact"? I think the "fact" itself is a fairy tale. Obama has been a loyal soldier for the military-industrial complex.
  22. I honestly do hope we go over the fiscal cliff. It might be the only way to actually get some spending cuts on defense. It might lead to a minor recession, but I think the economy can recover quickly.
  23. Wrong link? That's a steakhouse going into the Strada/Cafe Bello/Don Julio space.
  24. Savoy Hotel I was a little closer, but that wasn't done with explosives.
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