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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. Oh I remember now, Steve was the one talking about how he wanted to load rentals with Section 8 recipients. I guess this is the next stage in the trolling.
  2. Minneapolis is the current gold standard for bike path deployment. Anyway, I'm staying in Houston.
  3. I'm going to stay here and support transit and bike infrastructure, even with its supposed disaster weaknesses. You can go to New Mexico as you wish.
  4. I evacuated for Rita and spent 14 hours getting from 59 and Buffalo Speedway to the Woodlands. Barely made it to a gas station that had gas, and I started with a full tank.
  5. Bikes uber alles http://www.nytimes.c...ed-commute.html Most of the trains were back up and running fairly quickly. Only a couple lines remain down still. The lines for gas are 3 miles long, so good luck with that car plan in New York.
  6. It's too bad the park will be in private hands, because I'm envisioning all sorts of silly corporate rules.
  7. Pretty sure I just said that it will have some negative effect for Walmart, and even a dollar of lost profit is probably gravy for RUDH who can write angry letters to the City and DOT for free.
  8. You say that they say, but you won't quote where they say it. I checked your links and none of them have the engineers saying the bridge is safe and will remain safe for 5 years.
  9. No, I don't think your evidence says what you think it says. I think the authorities have said they intend to do periodic inspections to ensure continued safety of usage of the bridge. They're not making any warranty on it lasting the full five years and none of the evidence says otherwise. Maybe it will and maybe it won't. That's the point of the ongoing inspections.
  10. Engineers said that the bridge will last 5 years under current usage patterns? Can you provide your source, please? This 5 year guarantee is news to me.
  11. DOT has already confirmed they will if it falls below a certain rating, so sure. If you've got a lot of people having to detour to get to the store, yeah, it could result in some lost business, especially for people in a hurry. Seems like there's a lot of these lately.
  12. As one example, the Rodeo is a peak time. You could couple four, open doors on two, load people, roll it so the other two are on deck and open them for loading. Do this at each stop and move more people, maybe.
  13. RUDH wants the bridge closed, which might hurt the Walmart as the bridge won't be replaced for 4-5 years.
  14. Previous media accounts said they are moving elsewhere in Midtown.
  15. "None, because Southwest is going to steal all our international business and we're going to lay off a bunch of employees. :( " -Continental
  16. I don't know why, and I remain puzzled why these Board members don't make the case for not voting Against. It is better in every way for Metro, so why wouldn't Metro support an Against vote? Even Metro's ads describe what the two votes do without recommending one or the other. I would even say that they hint at leaning toward an Against vote.
  17. They do want everyone to pay, but it operates on public streets which are not closed to traffic. They couldn't keep non-payers out even if they wanted to.
  18. They have stated that GMP probably will continue in some form, but a No vote definitely gives them more leeway to decide just how much or little to give away. I'd rather they just go ahead and end the GMP and dare those opponents to go cry to the state about ending Metro. Let's have that fight and see who comes out on top.
  19. Oshman Supersports on I-10 was a lot of fun. My grandfather used to take me there when my cousins were in town and we'd hit in the batting cage and do all the other cool stuff there.
  20. Here's the route from last night. http://www.mapmyride.com/routes/view/149370997 You must have seen us coming south from Heights onto Waugh. We've looked into the idea of getting permits to do Mass rides on the streets, but the cost seems phenomenal. We'd have to get insurance, hire police at the overtime rate, everyone would have to have a helmet and lights...it's just not realistic. I do like Moonlight Ramble, though.
  21. Where, now? We rode tonight, but not on Memorial.
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