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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. I think setting a benchmark that someone should own a business before criticizing a business is absurd. When Bruce Molzan was stealing wages from workers, I protested that, and I didn't need to own a business to do it. Thankfully his place has, as of today, been torn down.
  2. Am I a free person living in a free country? Then I guess I'm in a position to criticize a business' practices.
  3. Next time try a stock with good fundamentals that pays a dividend. As an investment, real estate is a very fickle thing.
  4. Plenty of transit in Houston, and more on the way. I use Metro to get around quite a bit. Then there's free market solutions, like Wave and Rev Eco. But not Yellow Cab. Never Yellow Cab. I hate them so much.
  5. I'm a Target fan now? What does Walmart pay workers at this store? Even if it's above minimum wage, it's not much. "I pay low wages. I can take advantage of that. We're going to be successful, but the basis is a very low-wage, low-benefit model of employment." -Sam Walton I seriously doubt Walmart employees have the time or inclination to go read thank you notes on architecture forum. That thank you is just drifting off into the ether.
  6. Well that, and internet is a luxury a minimum wage worker can't really afford.
  7. It is, but the common name is still Hot Mom Kroger.
  8. Agreed. The Metro sales tax is applied in the Metro service area. It should be used for that alone. If other cities or counties want taxes to fix their road issues, they should levy a tax or cut spending somewhere else.
  9. The Chron says that the Kroger PR woman says. Sorry Kroger PR, but you're not allowed to choose the community's name for your Kroger. We get to decide that. West Gray is Hot Mom Kroger, Montrose is Disco Kroger, Cullen is Combat Kroger, and that's just the way it is.
  10. I urge you to dig a little deeper and explore the city. It's a great one.
  11. Ah. I've got an old apartment in a downtown building, and I'm sure I'm losing heat. I should look around for holes. I've got central air but turn it off during the day on weekdays. Closing a door isn't really practical, because I'm renting and the door to my bedroom is a sliding door that will pass air even when closed. Other electricity expenses are a flat screen TV and my computer. I used 885 kwh last month at 6.7 cents an hour plus the utility charge (41.20).
  12. Because they wanted to and because there was no pesky Historic District to stop them.
  13. I have a low rate too, but how do you manage so few kwh, especially for air conditioning?
  14. Bar with food from the Liberty Station guy, Charles Bishop. Opened yesterday. Open every day, 4P-2A. Pics here: http://houston.eater.com/archives/2012/10/24/a-look-inside-cottonwood.php
  15. I reject the premise that you need a car in Houston, and I demand more transit.
  16. http://www.hcdistrictclerk.com/Edocs/Public/search.aspx?ShowFF=1 is a good resource, but I don't know how far back it goes.
  17. And so were all the Walmarts until they built one in the Heights. Still, I'd prefer a second ITL Costco.
  18. You could at least check the page you posted on.
  19. I dunno, Marvy Finger already got his variance from the city for his plan. Seems like that deal is already a Go. I'd hate to throw money at something that is already happening.
  20. Well, the Texaco project planning is already well underway...so why give an incentive to promote an existing project?
  21. October 26th opening for the Walmart and the Kroger on Studemont. http://houston.culturemap.com/newsdetail/10-17-12-bring-on-the-grocery-wars-heights-walmart-and-kroger-set-the-same-opening-date/?utm_source=sf_twitter
  22. How about Dean's Credit Clothing? https://maps.google.com/maps?q=notsuoh,+houston+tx&hl=en&ll=29.761574,-95.361339&spn=0.00746,0.009645&sll=29.752903,-95.375919&sspn=0.059687,0.077162&hq=notsuoh,&hnear=Houston,+Harris,+Texas&t=m&z=17&layer=c&cbll=29.761832,-95.361133&panoid=UHYHix9rWmhkh1WBAE-KQg&cbp=12,282.21,,0,-17.42
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