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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. Maybe the infrastructure can handle about 10 of these a day, but not hundreds. It would be unrealistic to set a limit on the number that can do it because there's no way to administer that. So they simply ban it and allow the police vehicles to do it while enforcing. Seems reasonable.
  2. Police always have different rules. Check out the parking in downtown on any given weekday.
  3. Looks like you're right: http://www.metro-magazine.com/news/story/2011/11/Houston-Metro-CAF-USA-rail-vehicle-purchase-moving-ahead.aspx
  4. These are the new ones, for both Red Line and the new lines. Not sure what capacity was on the ones on the canceled contract with Spanish rail cars.
  5. Metro plans to deploy this first one on the Red Line in January/February.
  6. Old car: 241 New car: 200 Lower capacity. The new cars will have bike racks, however.
  7. I think it's this one. Seems fine. http://www.texassocialservices.org/services.html
  8. HPD said they were only going to pull over bigger trucks. Was it SUVs, or what?
  9. Well sure, that makes sense. Doesn't mean the theater has started construction yet, though. Going to be a long time.
  10. Eh, they've been hosting these Alamo Drafthouse Roadshows for a while now, previously in Market Square.
  11. The property line signifies the end of their yard. Everything beyond the property line is not their yard. That's someone else's yard/lot/parcel.
  12. If the bridge can safely support more than the rated load limit, why was it rated at this load limit? Why should ignorance of the load limit be an excuse for violating it? Are we only going to cite people for violating laws they knew about and reward ignorance? There's a lot of laws.
  13. And rerouting and adding another crossing to the bike trail. I agree with you, though.
  14. https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=208557532588506606958.0004cbcbfdb789c392269&msa=0&ll=29.757224,-95.365577&spn=0.029842,0.038581 You can download a KML.
  15. All the buyers will be coming from out of town, then?
  16. Hm, I guess I need to study the plan more. Anyone have a good link to it? What's this about no sidewalks? I don't like NIMBYs, but I do like sidewalks.
  17. This one's basically accurate. http://www.houstontx.gov/abouthouston/images/tunnelmap.pdf Not every hallway is the exact right size, but the shape of the connections look accurate. Not in KML format, though.
  18. So why is this evil whereas the 400 unit Camden right down the street on Oxford was okay?
  19. Someone might have to just build one. I can think of a number of good uses.
  20. So are they going to start running this on Red Line before the other lines are completed? It sounds like it.
  21. Even the most rigid fiscal conservatives believe that government has a legitimate purpose to invest in infrastructure like bridges and roads. If the bridge needs to be replaced now and Texas seems to be dragging their feet, maybe COH should pay for it. I see no reason to make it part of the 380, though.
  22. Why did he bother? Why not just ride through the light?
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