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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. Do you have the roads from where Addicks Reservoir is now? There used to be some roads and houses there that were eliminated. I'm not remembering the names right now, but there's an old thread around here somewhere.
  2. I saw that you didn't want to take photos near the airport on the Telephone write-up, but feel free to, because photography from public right of ways is totally legal. Also, I see you have Hutcheson/Ball listed as a future project. That's a cool area. At Hutcheson and Freund there is a cement monument for a cement company that was there back in the 1920s:
  3. I'm a shouter, and I ride daily. I don't want rail developed instead of bus, I think we should develop both. Downtown trolley service has now returned as Greenlink.
  4. Delay and Culberson were very active in trying to stop any rail construction by Metro. I got the impression that our imperfect light rail system was meant to be a starter system just to get the ball rolling, since there was so much obstruction.
  5. The only one I know of is 25 Richmond, which used to come into downtown but now terminates at Wheeler Station. Others stayed roughly the same, including 1 Hospital and 81/82 Westheimer.
  6. But that has nothing to do with the statement, "It doesn't go anywhere useful." Clearly it does, just not useful to Ross.
  7. Here's some anecdotal evidence: I lived downtown and took it every day because paying $13 to park is absurd. No HOV lanes or carpools went from my house to the Med Center. I talked to a lot of other Med Center employees on the train who were in the practice of parking downtown (not at park and ride lots) and riding the train. But why bother, when the post I was responding to wasn't making the right points? I addressed what he provided, which was pretty flimsy.
  8. No crime as long as he's not continuously following any particular person. Still some creepy behavior to be aware of, though.
  9. It has one of the highest riderships per mile of any rail line in the country because it goes to useful places. People riding aren't driving their cars as much, so of course it relieves congestion, especially in places like the Med Center in the morning and evening rush hours. More rail lines are being built that will go to other useful places.
  10. Less money for member cities is not a de facto tax increase unless those cities do in fact increase taxes. That will be their decision to make.
  11. Seems like a bit of a win-win for Metro. They're getting more than they got previously either way. If uninformed voters manage to tip scales to No, they get the whole enchilada.
  12. Yeah, I looked her up earlier. Her arrests are for prostitution and agg assault. Pretty old, though.
  13. Why would Cohen even try to get HAAC to pay for electricity for the First Street Art Market thing? If that's his thing, why not just fund that out of his booth rentals in there?
  14. Houston Center for Sobriety is opening up soon: http://swamplot.com/downtown-warehouse-to-sober-up-and-get-a-new-life/2012-08-16/ I wonder how often this will be used for homeless types that get pinched on public drunkenness. Maybe it will relieve some of the burden on our jails and homeless services. I really think jail should only be used for people who are an active danger to others, and not merely disorderly.
  15. White Linen Night preceded Cohen's involvement in it. Why do people have to consider it "a big deal"? An article is simply an article. The accusations are all there in black and white, and you can give them whatever weight and significance you wish.
  16. Too bad only one third comes from the Downtown Management District.
  17. Is this just a setup for Marvy Finger? Is he going to get this incentive even though his plan is already underway?
  18. Haven for Hope is in Cattleman Square, just a few blocks off downtown. The NIMBYs in this thread will not accept this for Houston.
  19. Just checked and found a one way fare to Austin for $5 on Greyhound for Sunday. I guess they haven't noticed that megabus stopped running there yet? It used to be $30.
  20. Seems to be a common error on Village Voice paper websites: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22your+ip+address+has+been+banned+from+accessing+this+system%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#hl=en&sugexp=les%3Beqn%2Ccconf%3D1.0%2Cmin_length%3D2%2Crate_low%3D0.025%2Crate_high%3D0.025%2Csecond_pass%3Dfalse%2Cnum_suggestions%3D2%2Cignore_bad_origquery%3Dtrue&gs_nf=1&cp=0&se=60&gs_mss=%22your%20ip%20address%20has%20been%20banned%20from%20accessing%20this%20system%22&tok=DlELydNBKTA4KgRTDJgEQw&pq=%22your%20ip%20address%20has%20been%20banned%20from%20accessing%20this%20system%22&gs_id=8m&xhr=t&q=%22your+ip+address+has+been+banned+from+accessing+this+system%22&pf=p&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=upq&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aofficial&sclient=psy-ab&oq=%22your+ip+address+has+been+banned+from+accessing+this+system%22&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=98c8f7d49c936f76&biw=1920&bih=924 Could be an anti-DDOS thing, that only pops up when a person refreshes a page a certain number of times or something.
  21. Here's a weird thing: Dominique Sachse is registered to vote at her work address, the KPRC studios. That's not legal, according to the state of Texas. https://txapps.texas.gov/tolapp/sos/SOSACManager?XXtask=105
  22. That property less than a mile from midtown? Watch out, the homeless zombie horde might come for you and yours!
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