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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. I did some more digging. Reina's Bar at 2518 Yale was owned first by Emeterio Vega, and then by Reina Isabel Castro. 1991 and 1992, respectively. Maybe these were the supposed Mexican Mafia? Who knows.
  2. Six Flags was more than just Astroworld, there were other parks.
  3. As I recall, Astroworld was profitable when it closed. It closed so that some real estate speculators could build some condos or something. Then the real estate market melted down.
  4. Is that access-controlled, Jax, or could anyone get out there? I saw someone standing out there on Friday.
  5. Yeah, we were talking about this earlier. I think that perhaps Harris or her partner were the landlord during the 'mafia' phase.
  6. Harris has an aggravated assault deferred adjudication from 1990, so I wonder if that's the same incident. She was fined $300.
  7. Fraud is the word that HAAC's lawyer quoted in the article used, not Lomax. Lomax is reporting what the guy said, whether he's right or wrong. If Cohen or his associate's mistake about 501c3 designation and tax-deductible donations was honest, why would he send the correction to a much shorter list of people? Could it be because he was hoping to still get some more signups from those who were enticed by the charity aspect of the event? And if it was being promoted as a charity event, why did he submit a budget to HAAC that had all income being paid out to expenses? Why not just drop the charity charade? I know that you and others know more about Cohen than me which is why I haven't speculated on his character beyond what's reported in the article.
  8. The hole they made. During the workday those doors are open and there's lots of workers going in and out.
  9. In 1983, Intenco at this address got a European patent for "Method and apparatus for removing hydrocarbons from discarded tires by pyrolysis." https://register.epo.org/espacenet/application?number=EP82107012 So it seems like it was a tire reprocessing factory for quite some time.
  10. Chronicle, 1995 http://www.chron.com...y-s-health.html
  11. Cohen posted a response to the article weeks before it was published, so Lomax has apparently been working on the article for a little while. WLN should be glad that Lomax did wait until after this year's event to publish. It could have come out the day before. Because not everyone got their money back. There's another woman who owns Pepper's who also didn't get listed on the map, and didn't get a refund.
  12. Hm, maybe she was the landlord and her tenant was someone else? They say she "engineered" a takeover or something, so maybe she just evicted her tenant?
  13. Nope, haven't said anything nice about her and don't want to go to her dumb bar.
  14. I don't see any bias in the article, just both sides telling their story, and Cohen essentially acknowledging that the core claim is true: She paid to be listed on a map and wasn't. If you consider the machete incident damning, then why would you think he biased his article in favor of this woman? Sounds to me like it's a great inclusion for you to hate her bar, or whatever.
  15. Yes, seize on one word that you take offense to or whatever and ignore my point that you've suggested they buy a property closer to Midtown than the Med Center, and then described it as a Med Center property, which is apparently important so they can...be near hospitals for addictions? Whatever.
  16. You've suggested a property in the Museum Park/Binz neighborhood. Property in the Museum District would be way way more expensive than their property in Midtown. All the hospitals want the TMC property.
  17. Okay, now we have unsourced claims of anti-semitism from a poster who registered an account 4 hours ago.
  18. Not even on the right side of Hermann Park, Park Plaza Hospital notwithstanding. In fact, roadwise that location is closer to your precious Midtown than the Med Center (.9m vs 1.4m).
  19. I know, and HP didn't say he did. Rather, that's what he stood to make if his wishes had been granted (Him being paid what he requested, and WLN covering the electricity costs for Arts Market.)
  20. $27K is some pretty nice cheddar for nine weeks work. What is Cohen's day-job, anyway?
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