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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. An absolutely absurd suggestion. The hospitals are spending fortunes finding ways to repurpose space in the Med Center. They're tearing down hospitals to build new hospitals. There is no space in the Med Center, and even if there was, IM couldn't afford it. Now: About what you've said about IM's clients having addiction problems. How much do you know about IM's mission, and what is your source for this claim? Which ones are the addicted ones, the little old ladies they deliver meals to? The refugees that are sent over from the State Department?
  2. We're talking about charities, not businesses. Sure, it's a free country where you can speak your mind. Complain to your heart's content. Doesn't mean it will change the course of history, though. Sure, and that street goes both ways. The homeless that live in a neighborhood want the best living experience for themselves going forward. Maybe we can go back to olden days, when only landowners had the right to vote. Someone once said "People in any neighborhood should want the best living experience for themselves going forward." I agree, and I don't restrict it to wealthy or middle class people.
  3. Yep, lots of work underway. I was going to snap a pic today, but didn't have time. Maybe after work.
  4. Well the mafia bit is about the former owner of her business, nothing to do with WLN or Cohen. More spread out, haven't they added White Oak in recent years, like the past year or two?
  5. I'm not really sure which of her claims are in question. The main one seems to be that she paid $100 for placement on a map and was never added to it. Cohen doesn't seem to dispute this, and ended up refunding her money. So what's not true?
  6. Yeah, the old Cleburne Cafeteria building. There used to be an old picture of the building on their site, but I'm not seeing it anymore.
  7. Texas Beer Fest at Discovery Green went great, actually, a wonderful event by good people. Houston Beer Fest at Hermann Square and Tranquility Park was a disaster in 2011, but went fairly well this year.
  8. It's not about changing their behavior, it's about making funds available for things that will help them, not hurt them. Would you hand a suicidal person a bottle of pills? When someone isn't thinking clearly, why put the object of their destruction in their hands? Believe me, I'm totally opposed to these NIMBY types on this topic, but charities are much better suited to provide aid to people, and make sure they get fed and clothed.
  9. Because Congress passed legislation exempting non-profits from paying income tax.
  10. I doubt you've looked that up. % going to administrative costs is public information for 501 c3 charities. For Interfaith Ministries, the "very small percentage" going to the programs to help people is 82.1%. http://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=search.summary&orgid=3878
  11. It supports substance abuse. Take any money you'd give to individuals and give it to organizations that help the homeless.
  12. Unless: Target feels comfortable selling the legitimate product in-store, 49980Z, where they have a captive audience already, and sells the budget product online to compete with other online retailers. Have to check the model number in store to see if it is the exact same model. And really I guess we couldn't confirm, because Target's website doesn't say.
  13. Sorry for laying a trap, but I did it to prove an important point about a problem I have with Walmart. Walmart pressures manufacturers to make a cheaper version of their product for exclusive sale in Walmart, and sometimes a few other retailers, but sold under the exact same name. The only way to see the difference is to check the model number against the manufacturer's site. On Walmart, the model number is 49980, while on the manufacturer's site it is 49980Z. This is not a typo. Go look up the manuals on Hamilton Beach's site and you will find very subtle differences between 49980 and 49980Z. For example, 49980 advises customers not to use the SANI cycle when dishwashing certain parts of the coffeemaker, which likely means that those parts of the coffeemaker are made of a lower quality material than the real original version. Now, target.com doesn't tell us the model number, so you'd have to check it in store to see which one it is. But this is the kind of cheating that Walmart does to create the appearance of savings when in fact they're giving you a crappier product that either has fewer features or a lower build quality. Very sneaky stuff. The internet is rife with stories of the Walmart version being an inferior product: http://www.rogersplaceblog.com/2007/10/dont-buy-ge-microwaves-from-walmart.html
  14. Which one? I need a coffeemaker...
  15. "Beer on/off license or wine/beer on/off retailer's permit allows BYOB, sales to go, growlers to go. Mixed beverage doesn't." -TABC https://twitter.com/...746827453837314 Puzzling stuff. Maybe there's another type of Off-Premises permit or something? They also claim that Walgreens could not do growler fills.
  16. I think it may be a little more convoluted. D&Q recently had their growler service shut down by TABC with a claim that they had the wrong license. He's got a sign up now where he's applying for the new permit. He only sells beer to-go, so I don't know why growlers should be a distinction.
  17. I googled and found that they've developed lots of parking garages.
  18. Frustrating, because it makes perfect sense, and has no downside. It may be moot, though. Even if we take away their liability, no guarantee they will authorize paths on their right of ways.
  19. Still don't know who your source is, but they're apparently wrong. Per Ronnie Killen on an Eater comment:
  20. Has been brought up in several previous sessions, never gets enough traction.
  21. Nope, I've never been to it. I just was able to find the business name in a DBA search on Harris County's site.
  22. Scooby's Fun Factory Pizza, 141 Greens Road
  23. I used my internet ninja skills to find the name: Scooby's Fun Factory Pizza, 141 Greens Road You can do a search for a business name here. Just search business name Scooby to find it. http://www.cclerk.hctx.net/applications/websearch/AN.aspx
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