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Everything posted by IronTiger

  1. There's still a Western Skies Motel at Old Spanish Trail, but it was demolished over a decade ago (kept the name, though!), but I can't find where the WSM on the Katy Highway would've been.
  2. For months, this link has been hanging out at the bottom of the page sometimes (both mobile and regular) by one "User Fora". I can minimize the section but can't make it go completely. I think it's the link to a dead blog that the forum software lets you do, but I can't find anyone named "Fora" at HAIF. What was it? Can it fully be excised from the main view?
  3. Ah, the old "government subsidizes parking" argument, which is a valid point (such as widening streets for allowing more parking, taking off taxable land) but requires some fuzzy guesswork to work properly, like a company saying they lost X dollars due to software piracy not taking into account that some people that pirated it wouldn't have bought it in the first place or the theory that piracy can actually drive some legitimate sales, or if wider roads could theoritically bring up land value, and dozens of other variables. That's still about 16 dollars a month extra than your proposed price. How do you figure?
  4. I'm counting College Station as suburban, is that alright?
  5. After I graduate from college in another year or so, I want to move out of College Station and into a larger city, like Houston, where I can find a job. That doesn't mean "Inner Loop townhome" or even necessarily Houston itself, though.
  6. I heard the damages were around $50 million, but I'm wondering if that's just the apartment complex or the other damages--the townhomes across the street were singed, and I'm sure the ash, soot, and heat did a number on the cars at the AIG building next door. Not to mention the cars left outside, if they were damaged by the ash...or the smell of smoke that will linger in Montrose until at least the next good rain.
  7. 1. That was my question, yes--so it may be expensive and a waste of time either way. 2. No--if you look at James' post that was a $3.25 parking pass and $1.25 of fare--try that again. 3. Again, didn't read--everyone just taking the HOT lines would not help METRO, only in the hypothetical "losing money for every bus they send". That was just a third scenario if the three people decided not to waste time with the park and ride's parking scheme and just use the HOT lines like everyone else and ride for free or a greatly reduced cost because they have three people.
  8. Those are typically found in low-rent buildings: On 290, I've seen old Krogers (one of which was originally an AppleTree/Safeway) converted into a trampoline place or an indoor go-kart track (an old Kmart in another part of town is also an indoor go kart track these days). I imagine a "fancy" grocery store could use the space that uses less square feet on average: Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, etc.
  9. Yeah, I was contacted by that guy and ended up sending the guy the files I had scanned, but not until after he had already published some. I noted that one of the renderings seemed to have a better copy, and somewhere, better copies of everything in that book exist. Over in the Greenspoint Mall thread, someone mentioned that there were originally plans to build a second, more upscale mall across from the highway that would include an ice rink and fancy anchors, but no concrete plans exist (it ended up being a strip mall). I wonder if that was ever a serious proposal, and if so, where is it?
  10. It could just be a staff meeting, or they could invest a lot in asking peoples opinions and running expensive studies. It does, but the point is, if people carpool to the park and ride, and use the bus, that's less cars in the parking lot, but with fare reduced, that's more money subsidized on riders. If Dave, Linda, and Martin park for free in the suburban areas and pay $4 to ride, METRO gets $12 between the three. If they carpool with fares only a buck twenty five, and pay the $3.25 to park and get onto the $1.25 fare, that's $7 for METRO. When people carpool now, METRO gets less money. Alternatively, Dave, Linda, and Martin could take the HOT lane, and all that money goes to HCTRA, which might as well happen since if METRO loses money on every rider they get, they're giving METRO a better deal in the long run.
  11. Baybrook Mall IS the definitive mall to the area. The Galvez Mall died with Mall of the Mainland arriving (which was never 100% occupied, even in the best days), the San Jacinto Mall never was in a growth area and began a downward spiral that started after the bust, and so on. Pearland does have an outdoor mall, but admittedly, my cousin in law did end up going to Baybrook Mall, posted a lot of things about what she did there. So, yes, it does draw from Pearland. There's a building at the upper right that looks a lot like a hotel...
  12. "After... pm"? No turns at night? I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to, but I know that the main drag of Westheimer has no turn lanes, and past Stanford is quite narrow.
  13. Arguably, a lot of "studies" just end up wasting money... That won't save any money though--it might only serve to irritate people, even if it is the same money amount. If people end up carpooling, that compounds METRO's problems instead of fixing them...unless they switched it, at $1.25 to park and $3.25 for the fare, which *may* help.
  14. The Eagle today ran a local story about a local teenager charged with arson at the high school (set a trash can on fire) and ran it next to a small photo of the Axis Apartments on fire and falling apart. By the way, KBTX (and certainly local Houston news agencies) had an interview with the guy that was rescued. He actually looked to be in his 40s or 50s.
  15. It just seems so odd to me that at the Shepherd block, there were no less than THREE grocery stores (IIRC) in the center at one point in time or the other. Trader Joe's, the original Whole Foods (in Houston, not Austin), and (I've heard) even an A&P toward the south end.
  16. That was a generalization, I agree. In truth, I enjoy a good debate about light rail and where it goes, and the whole "freeways are bad, people who support freeways are bad, light rail is good, people who oppose rail are bad" rhetoric is childish and annoying. In fact, the reason I made this post wasn't to serve as a repository for hating Culberson, it was to discuss University Line alternatives. I think it's safe to say that Culberson really doesn't understand light rail all that well, but I don't think most of us do either.
  17. When was the fire put out, and besides the parking garage, are there any parts still standing? What was originally the first floor patio on the previous day's newscast about the thing being so close to a cemetery, there's a picture that has a gravestone with the apartment behind it, now in a heap of burned rubble.
  18. One more for the road: was the "Supermercado de Walmart" at Long Point originally an Albertsons even before it became a Walmart Neighborhood Market?
  19. One of the reasons it burned so quickly was a lot of air flow. I'm guessing that some of the things like interior doors weren't installed yet. It's really amazing that the guy survived--about 12 seconds after he climbs onto the ladder, the top floor and roof start to collapse onto the ground below. From the Jessica Tata case, I've learned that fires will kill people long before the structure goes up in flames. Hopefully today some could drive by and take pictures of what it looks like now. Congratulations to the Houston Fire Department for not only preventing the fire from spreading to adjacent buildings but not losing a single life.
  20. Other major changes that could signify "the end": - Felix Mexican Restaurant closes after 60 years - Eviction and demolition of the Wilshire Village Apts. - Closure of Mary's - "Disco Kroger" renovates to "fresh fare" prototype Pick one.
  21. I have a few things to ask about some of the past grocery stores in the Houston area (didn't want to start a million new threads). 1) Did the "Hydroponic Garden" Fiesta have any fast foods or any other alcove shops inside? They had space for it, and did include a bank. 2) 2900 Shepherd was the home to Houston's first Whole Foods, but it doesn't seem to exist anymore address-wise. Did PetSmart absorb it, or was it where PetSmart is now? When did it move out? 3) What was Jamail's? I heard it was a fancy grocery store, and they even opened the first grocery stores in The Woodlands (they sold out in the late 1980s or early 1990s). Any more stories on that? 4) What exactly did Safeway change when they took over Randalls and caused it fall out of favor with Houstonians? 5) I heard that the Albertsons in the Houston division had garden centers. What was with that? Were they real garden centers, or just offer lawn furniture, a few flowers, and some misc. bags of mulch, like some H-E-B? Thanks!
  22. Well, a lot of places build cinderblock firewalls. It won't stop the building from burning up, but it can buy some time before the entire complex turns to a smoldering crater in the ground. And in the Woodway Square fire, the use of wooden shingles was what caused the fire to spread so quickly. After that, city banned wooden shingles or at least made some city codes restricting them. Hopefully they'll have some building codes like firewalls after this incident.
  23. And the Comfort Inn in Cypress that burned last summer and had to be completely rebuilt is now in about the same state it was months ago pre fire with opening this spring (likely)
  24. Is this bigger than the Gallery Furniture fire five years ago?
  25. How far does the smell go? It must be throughout the Inner Loop.
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