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Everything posted by IronTiger

  1. Yes, but given the "Y" intersection of the other part of Cypress North Houston with the 290 and no way to go under the highway without major 290 reconstruction. I suppose it could work given that Cypress North Houston would not touch the frontage roads of 290, but oh well. Also, that PDF I saw (JLYM) apparently has lanes running on both sides of the railroad. Strange. I'm guessing that they want to do some sort of 290 expansion like the Katy Freeway without a conveniently abandoned railroad right-of-way.
  2. I'm confused at this map here: http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=29.944467,-95.662293&spn=0.004156,0.008841&t=h&z=17 It looks like they may (have wanted to) expand Cypress North Houston over the railroad and 290, but upon further inspection, there appear to be soccer goalposts in the right of way. 1. Are they planning to expand it? 2. If #1 was disproved, how were they going to connect it to the other side?
  3. While not killing any kids, a local commercial daycare was recently shut down in town. It had nearly 100 violations in two years, such as these: In the wake of the Jessica Tata case, this is still quite alarming. I'm sure that as time goes on, the state (and to a greater extent, the nation) will crack down on daycares. What do you think? I have a bad feeling that Tata will never be found for decades.
  4. Heh, one of the first mentions I've ever heard of River Oaks is in this SimCity 2000 FAQ (official!) from 1995... This was talking about the requests of what people wanted in future SimCity games.
  5. Baroque architecture went out of fashion in the mid 18th century, so obviously, anything here is just baroque-inspired (that couldn't be said about art deco, for example) Must...resist...lame...pun...
  6. Well, it's possible that the next wave of suburbs is dying as growth moves further out, and downtowns still need to overcome some major difficulties. Unlike festival marketplaces of the 1980s, today's enormously expensive down refurbishments try to make downtowns, especially in smaller cities, ultra-idealistic. And while it's a great novelty, it's just not something that can be overcome. City planners tend to think that the mold of suburbia can be easily adapted back into the downtown. Bryan has LaSalle Hotel which they're trying to make into a destination (even though it finally turned its first profit in years). They're willing to sink even more money in to try to make a success, going so far as to advocate a railroad quiet zone. What about new urbanism developments, like CityCentre? How's that coming along?
  7. Jessica Tata is one of the most wanted people in the United States Marshals Service, I'm guessing its the list you'd see at a post office. Some of these people have been on for years: one Randy Yeager disappeared with a woman in 1997 and apparently hasn't been seen since. http://www.usmarshal...ns/most_wanted/ Also, apparently, they consider Tata to be armed and dangerous. Huh.
  8. However, juries are generally not sympathetic to anything that involves children. Based on the number of violent comments on any number of news sites (and not just Houston-based), you can bet that a jury of say, 12 Houston citizens, would find her guilty on every crime the judge throws at her.
  9. Glanced at the Houston Chronicle while eating lunch at Chick-fil-A (only a glance, I didn't buy the paper): it seems to confirm that the fires Tata started in high school was arson and she failed to mention that (or more accurately, she lied) when filing for her day care permit. I'm sure there's more going on here. However, despite Jessica's high school arson past, I think that she didn't start the fire deliberately. However, I just can't get over the fact why she was cooking anything that involved oil with the kids around. Homemade fried foods is possible, but to me at least, implausible.
  10. Local news (KHOU) reports that the search is going in a "positive direction", which given the vagueness of it, could mean just about anything. Says also that Tata's brother and family was raising money for the families, but Lycos basically shut it down for some reason.
  11. Well, I just trying to justify why she ran. On the other hand, if she's as righteous as she thought she was (her Christianity, or at least her claims of being a Christian), running would only increase your guilt. Plus she lied about where she was! She said she was in the bathroom when the fire struck, and it's been proven she was at Target.
  12. Lycos is the DA, right? So, if Lycos and the people under were more competent, they could've filed charges and arrested Tata before she slipped away?
  13. I should have stated criminal negligence. But then again, many criminal negligence cases today seem petty as compared to four children dying in a fire.
  14. Some sites are now reporting that she supposedly set small fires in her high school back in 2002. a link However, I think she's not really evil. Negligent and should spend in time in jail? Yes. Monster who deserves to go to hell? Not really, no. OK, so say if your gross negligence caused a fire to destroy your house, kill four small children, plaster your name on national news, and have thousands of people calling for your bloodshed? Yeah, I'd run too.
  15. Yeah, they did. I haven't driven by either location, but it's happened. And they do mean the new Circuit City on University, not the even older one on Harvey.
  16. Well, that's what I thought too. But making fried chicken from scratch is kind of difficult, you need batter, for instance. And, given toddlers, it would probably be easier just to buy frozen chicken nuggets in the store. Besides, real fried food isn't all that healthy for small children. And the potential for mouth burns too (ever had really hot fried food from a fast food restaurant?) is always present.
  17. Perhaps. Even that were true, why would she leave 6 toddlers in her house alone? That seems awfully stupid to me, at least.
  18. So I read on the local news that charges were being filed against her, and then on the Chron reports that she's fled to Nigeria. To make matters stranger, they reported that an unattended pot of oil started the fire. But when you think about it, what meal could she make for kids that involves oil? This is looking more and more suspicious, and I'm beginning to think that the fact that the daycare offered "Christian values" (or something along those lines) was either a front and/or lie.
  19. Oh, it has to be parent or guardian? Rats. I am over 18, though...
  20. Apparently there's going to be another lane change tomorrow. There was a lane change back in the summer, when they switched Wellborn traffic over to the new stretch and even had two stoplights up for a while. At least the Holleman extension is pretty much done and will be opening in a few days (March 1st on paper, but it still looks unlikely at this point, given the last few touches they need to do)
  21. My brother is coming over for Spring Break, and I thought during that time, I could make a tirasimu from a recipe I have. Problem: it requires vodka, not a lot, but some. But as you may know, I'm under 21 (but not by a lot), and even though the liquor store is not that far from the local H-E-B, I can't go into Spec's, much less buy anything. The solution is to get my brother, who is about 25, to go with me, but even accompanied by him, is it legal for me for even enter the store? Doesn't the Texas liquor store law allow for someone over 25 to bring someone under 21 into a liquor store? Or is that other states?
  22. It's been over a year and still isn't open. It's much different now, there's some signage on the eastern side (Exit signs among them), some paving for the turnaround lane, Holleman extension almost done, and some h-u-m-o-n-g-o-u-s light poles, highway style.
  23. Forgive me if there's already a topic on this, but in west Houston somewhere (no neighborhood given), some three kids died in a day care fire. The day care was a house licensed to be a day care, and the fire started in the kitchen. Do you know the neighborhood where this was?
  24. It's interesting that the Saint Arnold Brewery building existed back in 1944, except immediately south of it were more city blocks, not the highway.
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