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Everything posted by IronTiger

  1. Funky Winkerbean, Brazos Bookstore on Bissonett Street. Hardly a positive reference, though, it being Funky Winkerbean.
  2. It wouldn't save either park, of course, but combining both in a new location would be a reasonable enough compromise. Plus it cuts down on maintenance, too!
  3. SFNO was never a very good location. They should've moved all the rides out to Astroworld in a last-chance attempt to save the park. Or combined both parks into one in between the two (Baton Rouge gets my vote, a theme park in Beaumont would be...not good).
  4. Not interested in restaurants, more like grocery stores selling goods. My brother lives near a bunch of Middle Eastern-type shops (including small grocery-type stores) except he lives in Michigan...
  5. Recently, I've been obsessed with Jungle Jim's International Market, a mega-sized supermarket in the Cincinnati area that, rather than the size of an H-E-B, or even a Wal-Mart Supercenter, is about the size of an IKEA. It has distinct sections for foods, including "England", "India", "Germany", "Asia", "Hispanic", "Middle Eastern", and "Italy". My uncle, who lives in Dallas, say that all those types of foods are available in that area (except, of course, not in the same place). Unfortunately, I live in College Station, with Houston being much closer. So where exactly can one find all sorts of international foods in Houston? Hispanic and Asian shouldn't be too hard, as Bellaire area has a large Asian market (or two), and I think Hispanic is pretty much covered (where exactly, though?). England, as for that, the only place I know is British Isles in Rice Village, but I'm not too sure on the others. I fear that finding international foods in Houston require traipsing around town, but where are the best places to find international groceries in Houston?
  6. That's probably why they didn't print the numbers in the first place. That or they're still estimating the costs.
  7. Spend over a hundred million to cut less than a few million in operating costs? Sounds good to me!
  8. I suppose it would depend on what kind of ash and how its distributed, and if its grass or Astroturf. And by what kind of ash, I'm wondering if its the "stuff I burned last night" type or the "Great Aunt Gertrude" type that fits in an urn.
  9. Bumping a topic that's six years old? Really?
  10. That wasn't a spur, that was the tracks that connected the Southern Pacific (current 290 line) with the MKT (former 10-W line, Heights Bike Trail) Misleading. Those bungalows were always pretty much surrounded by a parking lot, and Target replaced a warehouse that was at the end of the street. It demolished maybe five or six homes. In Dallas, a mall expansion flattened over 100 homes, worth four or five streets. That's a neighborhood.
  11. ...I don't get it. I think it's supposed to be a joke, but...
  12. Spec's recently bought a local liquor chain in town. The irony is that one of the local liquor chain stores was located on Texas Avenue for years, and then Spec's opened literally across the street...
  13. The red light cameras are placed by the company who runs the camera, not the city. They place them on the busiest intersections, not the necessarily the most prone to red light running. (at least, that's how it was back when we had them in BCS) The red light cameras weren't offed by a huge margin.
  14. According to the first revision of the Wikipedia article for Astroworld (back when it was scheduled to close, but not yet closed), they said an airport was to take its place. Never heard of that plan...
  15. Hey! It's October 30th, 6:20pm. Regrettably, I can't go see the model...
  16. Famous locations that no longer exist? Astroworld, last day five years ago today. RIP.
  17. I voted for the libertarian candidate. Although Perry has (or at least claims to have) conservative ideals, he really screwed over higher education, he supported the Trans-Texas Corridor, and he made a lot of stupid comments that may or may not have been serious. I considered voting for White, though, based on the seemingly-decent job he did running Houston and my dislike of Perry.
  18. Do you speak from experience? Seriously though, I have gone to the Menil Collection and I liked it. The location is a bit strange, though.
  19. Read in the newspaper recently that Houston's red light cameras were up for a vote. What do you think of them? Do you think they should disappear?
  20. You know those people at the polling booth who get your signature and give your voting number? They look at every voter registration card, instantly knowing (generally) who's voting for who. Registered Republican or Democrat? It says so on your card (along with your address!), and they know it. Isn't that kind of creepy?
  21. What's really funny is that Joel Osteen is so unrepresentative of Christianity. His sermons are basically this feel-good stuff devoid of the Christian Gospel, making him an acceptable target for everybody!
  22. Which is a fortune cookie quote, and which is a Joel Osteen quote? See for yourself
  23. I'm just wondering about the legality of a developer knocking down residential apartments (where people still live) to build a commercial business, that's all. Yes, I know it's not technically the Wal-Mart, appears to be some sort of outlot strip center-type building. And yes, I can see now that the building is in poor repair, so I suppose it would be okay for it to get knocked down. The post is on this page, by the way.
  24. Oh, not really. It's just that everyone's complaining about Wal-Mart and its perceived effects on the Heights, while there are apartments that are going to get demolished, with people evicted. And everyone's still talking about the Wal-Mart. The worst part is that the apartments look somewhat interesting and well-kept. There are plenty of run-down apartments in Houston, and those aren't getting flattened (yet). And didn't Texas recently (last year, I think?) pass a law that said businesses couldn't flatten residential areas via eminent domain?
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