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Everything posted by IronTiger

  1. It's probably by a long shot, but who was the architect of this mall? Maybe they have some early publicity photos/architect's renderings. Anyway, although I have no idea what the mall actually looked like, I kind of imagined it looking like this (except with different skylights and stuff)
  2. @CityKid: I think you may be thinking about the Manor East Mall Wal-Mart. It was brown, too, and closed around 1993. I never went inside, but the brown, vacant husk remained for years. Now, for the College Station: 2006:http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=30.597554,-96.299817&spn=0.002521,0.003685&t=h&z=18 1995: http://terraserver-usa.com/image.aspx?T=1&S=10&Z=14&X=3794&Y=16939&W=1&qs=Brothers%7cCollege+Station%7cTX%7c&Addr=Brothers+Blvd%2c+College+Station%2c+TX+77845&ALon=-96.2985024&ALat=30.5834902 Given that the restaurant is approximately where the add-on is and that I remember when McDonald's opened, I think there wasn't anything there before that (I've got a story regarding the McDonald's, but I'll save that for another day).
  3. I wasn't around when Skaggs opened, but I do remember scanning an article for an organization that mentioned how Skaggs-Albertson's opened at College and University. I thought that later they dropped Skaggs and it just became Albertson's (which closed circa '97) It once operated as Jewel-Osco? Man, I thought that was only in Illinois!
  4. I don't know. The new pharmacy will be where the boys/mens department is now (though it looks kind of small, that may change soon). The ceiling tiles will probably be removed, leading to the higher "warehouse" ceiling of other Wal-Mart Supercenters. The floor tiles will also likely be changed. Expect to see all of that come next Spring. I also suspect not too many things will be moved around. This is a sample floorplan of a Wal-Mart Supercenter, with the food on the left side. The local one's floorplan, minus food section, is almost a mirror of that one. Almost. As for a restaurant, McDonald's WAS in the Wal-Mart when it expanded the first time, circa 1996 (it was brown before, remember?) It changed around 2000-2001 to a Radio Grill, then around 2005-2006 to a Subway.
  5. Yes, but there's another thread on this forum for restaurants. Yes, Gattitown is where H-E-B Pantry was.
  6. Hmm...I know that the Albertson's at College and University opened as a Skaggs-Albertson's in 1972 or so... Goody's was in the plaza near Shoe Carnival, that's now Big Lots. In the Toys R Us plaza, there was also Wildbirds Unlimited (I think that was the name, dunno what it sold) and the original Hobby Lobby. Winn-Dixie is where Lack's is now.
  7. I know there are probably at least one or two topics floating around Houston with this theme, but what are some stores (not restaurants) from College Station-Bryan you knew/missed? Let's see... Groceries: Randalls on University Drive (closed early-mid 1990s? now Albertson's) Albertson's on Texas Ave. (closed summer 2008) H-E-B Pantry on Texas Ave. (closed 2003 or 2004 when Tejas Center was built...did you know there are three H-E-Bs on Texas Ave.?) Kroger (kind of small...closed 2007 or so, now 99ยข Store) Albertson's on Texas (very short-lived, what, 2002-2004?) Post Oak Mall: Flag Expo (circa 2003-2004) Steve & Barry's University Sportswear (2005-2009, replaced above store and several others) Post Oak Pets (charter tenant, closed 2002?) Service Merchandise (Dillard's Mens/Home now) Wilson's (rebranded by Service Merchandise) Foley's (rebranded by Macy's) Manor East Mall: Animal World (last tenant) JCPenney (original location) Montgomery Ward (closed 1997?) Wal-Mart (1982-1993) Other: Cingular on Rock Prairie (rebranded by AT&T) Kmart (replaced by Big Lots, TSC) There's loads more, but those are just off the top of my head! Feel free to add more. EDIT: OK, in the plaza opposite Wal-Mart on 2818, the junior anchor at the end was Paint N More, which closed around 2001. Then it became Franklin Candle Co., and then eventually Dollar General, which closed again. Similarly, the Goodwill in the Kmart area was Dollar General. Yes! Less was also the Kmart plaza, and I think it was the place where the asian market is now.
  8. I read that The Boat reopened with a new theme and new name. But it was something else before that.
  9. Also, a few weeks ago, I noticed the Goody's sign is gone and Big Lots is opening its place. To be honest, I didn't miss Big Lots when it left the first time.
  10. A non-update, but what will likely happen is that the next thing will happen is the parking lot will be changed slightly so that the Wal-Mart will be able to "continue" in a straight line (as per the plan). Then the pile-driving will start between the two buildings, then the wall is ripped out, then major remodeling will commence in the current Wal-Mart (sayonara, ceiling tiles). A "soft opening" will follow, but everything will not be fully stocked and employees not fully trained. THEN a grand opening begins.
  11. Turns out I was wrong. Frost Brothers and Sakowitz did not merge, and instead separately went out of business by 1990.
  12. Recently, I've been making some...admittedly pretty bad threads and accusing some of you where I shouldn't have been. For that, I'm sorry. But in the process, I've learned a few things about HAIF and about myself. Here they are. 1. Good ideas can be badly written This is what I hold true to many of my topics, including the HAIF/Alcohol Paradox, and some of my ideas on light rail. Sometimes, it's just better to mention that off-handedly in another thread, or not at all. The HAIF is not live, and it's very hard to edit your work (or not at all after the two hour limit). I can spellcheck before I post but I don't have an English teacher looking over my side. In the case of the "Jerk Meter" post it really didn't mean to come off as whining (it was more of a general talk), but it apparently did. Sorry. 2. Know your audience Every forum has a different audience. I've been in forums where the "population" was mostly British college students. What's true for one group isn't necessarily true for another. A conversation could you cheers and applause in one forum, while in another in can get your throat ripped out. 3. I go to HAIF to enjoy myself Work (or school/college in some cases) is hard. So we go to HAIF to entertain ourselves. Unfortunately, while you go to the HAIF to blow off steam related to politics, I go to HAIF to entertain myself and maybe learn something new about Houston I didn't know before. However, I can also blame myself because I didn't... 4. Stay in the zone My mistake was that I attempted to be a "regular" in the HAIF, while my original intent was to almost exclusively Historic Houston and College Station-Bryan. This was difficult as I was not living in Houston and a good deal younger (about five-ten years) than the rest of the you, putting a handicap on being "accepted". Furthermore, I did not like most of the political and social views of the HAIF and I don't like debating. I really find it pointless. Both of you firmly believe in whatever you're debating, thinks its truly the right thing in the world, the other side thinks your wrong, and in the end, you don't like the other person but secretly hope they'll join your side eventually. To repair my reputation and not get in debates, I will no longer be a regular of HAIF, instead, only reside in a few forums within HAIF. And finally... 5. I do have a chip on my shoulder against points I was once a member of a SimCity 4 website called SimCity 4 Devotion. But one day I screwed up and insulted someone. The admins ranked me down a few points. Unlike HAIF, points were a big deal. They were only given out by admins, and your "reputation" was attached to every post. I felt like they were ignoring me after that. None of my posts were ever responded to. I then made a post about what I felt, and left. Unfortunately, without saying a word, they blocked my IP, leaving me unable to view the site. Promises to lift my ban were never fulfilled, and I am still trying to make contact. The "-"s on my profile, all being unable to view who did it, was...painful. I've mostly gotten over it, but it has left me with a permanent animosity to point-rating. Well, that's all. I'll be in the "Historic Houston" and "Bryan-College Station" forums if you need me. Thanks. IronTiger
  13. Hate to break it to you, but no tragedies or substance abuse took place...just a few good ideas that made really bad threads. Now, the reason I was banned from another site did have reasons (and their diplomacy is terrible).
  14. That's the funniest thing I've heard all day...+1 for you. I'd like to explain myself for the bizarre posting behavior I've done recently, but not until the "Jerk Meter" (and possibly "The HAIF/Alcohol Paradox") threads are locked. Short version...I'm sorry. Long version...coming soon.
  15. The crossbeam mold has been moved and the first crossbeam is complete. No progress on the east side right now. I don't even see any dirt. A sign advertising the Holleman extension continues to exist, but I haven't gotten a good look at it.
  16. Actually, I went to a Kmart this last summer (Florida) and a surprising number of products were USA-made, from mop heads to Martha Stewart tumblers. Unfortunately, the nearest Kmart to me is in Killeen. For you, I don't know...maybe Louisiana?
  17. No, he stated that the more green you got, the more liberal you were. Not to worry, his "reputation" is still negative.
  18. Cookie cutter town? If you're talking about political views, the lean is conservative, but that's not to say there aren't vocal liberals. If you're talking homes, I can prove that Houston's suburbs is full of sprawling homes, all similar. If you're talking about restaurants...I'd tend to agree with you.
  19. Actually, I've reached the conclusion that's not my political beliefs. It's either that I'm not old enough to drink (what, three years?) and I live in College Station. I'm younger than you, so you discredit anything I say. Talk about being closed-minded!
  20. This is precisely what I mean, and the "same gang" jumps on this topic. Calling my threads and posts "dumb" (Highway6), Crunch calls me a whiner, LTAWACS would like to get his hands on the Minus sign and attack my posts, and AtticaFlinch laughs at other posters when they make a statement that they trip on. Like I said, people who make logical arguments and don't attack others beliefs or posts should get +1s. Assholes should not.
  21. One of the things I noticed that I feel needs to be addressed is the point feature. "But IronTiger! You said you didn't care about your + count!" I don't. But what I despise is people getting the points for being overtly hateful, condescending, and just plain a**hole-ish. I have seen it again and again, often the same group of people racking up points. This needs to stop, and I am increasingly viewing the "reputation" meter as the "jerk meter"...the more you act like a jerk, you get points. Acting like a jackass? Peeling apart arguments and making cheap shots at others' beliefs? What good have you done? Look, to those who earn their points legitimately and aren't jerks...I'm sorry. But I just cannot tolerate the people who get rewarded by their "friends" for acting like, as Editor puts it, "assclowns".
  22. My HAIF cards just came in the mail! It's going to take a while to distribute them.
  23. It appeared shortly before the July "HAIF HD" upgrade. Unfortunately, after the HAIF HD upgrade, it disappeared. I'd like to have it back, too.
  24. Which is why this forum has no "Forum Games" section. The mindlessness would send anyone running for the hills!
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