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Everything posted by IronTiger

  1. (deletes stuff he was going to write about the memebag/Red/Niche/Editor issue) Without bumping my thread about Auchan, I found out the big building on the corner of Beechnut and Beltway 8 was not Auchan. I think it was at the corner of Elmsworth and Beltway 8. What say you?
  2. Although I wasn't involved, I have doubts that Editor didn't state he "had a grudge against you" and "disliked you personally". I only remember that you said he called you an "Internet elitist ____" in PMs.
  3. One of the things I don't think most people realize is that they believe that because the Internet has freedom of speech, every website has freedom of speech, too. It's incorrect, and that leads to problems where people believe their Internet rights have been compromised when an admin "censors" their work.
  4. I wonder if having more than 10,000 posts makes you frustrated with the HAIF. It certainly seems that way, except for musicman. Congratulations, musicman, you are now the #1 active member with the most posts!
  5. You registered here 25 minutes ago? Wow! What was happening then, the MidtownCoog fallout? Interesting that RedScare left. He was the few members in the 10000+ posts club.
  6. Burning coffee. Hey, I don't mind my popcorn a bit well-done.
  7. Do your coworkers have no sense of smell, then? Or do you just have a hypersensitive one?
  8. Part of the crossbeam mold has been removed. The retaining wall has been fixed. The area leading up to the overpass grade is now almost filled in with dirt.
  9. No, the Walmart will "cut into" the side of Albertson's. The rest that cannot be "straightened out" will be other retail space. The road that currently goes in front of Albertson's and Wal-Mart will be relocated when construction is completed.
  10. Update #2: The New Pharmacy construction has been made a bit more permanent-looking. It's now a complete drywall box, with merchandise around it. The Old Pharmacy and the area around it has also been closed. Outside, there's a huge pit between Albertson's and Wal-Mart, and very bright sodium lights have been added inside the old Albertson's, for construction purposes. Also: the link to the plan appears to be broken, and I can't find mine that I thought I downloaded.
  11. Time to pull out SimCity 4. Did you know between 2004 to around 2006, Dallas was my favorite Texas city? A trip in August 2005 to Galveston was the catalyst of change. By March 2008, I had fully locked in to Houstonism.
  12. OK, then, what is your favorite city? I did believe you thought Houston was a great city until that "armchair cowboys" comment... And for the record, I know the "Red never personally insulted anyone" is not true. I speak from experience. Like I said before, if anyone really wants to steer the topic from Red (to prevent this thread from being locked) some topics include: a) Renaissance Fair Music preferences c) What glue tastes like
  13. I read somewhere that Frost Brothers was going to merge with Sakowitz in the late 1980s. Was that ever carried out? That would mean that there would be Sakowitz in North Star Mall and Sunrise Mall (Corpus Christi). Obviously, it if did happen, as all the Sakowitz stores in Houston (and, um, Cincinnati) closed.
  14. Depends. Plastic didn't live in Brazos County, did he? And even if Plastic, me, and citykid are one and the same, it would be quite a talented person to manage two different IPs with completely different views (citykid is/was an Obama fan, I am not).
  15. What the...oh right, it's the censor. For all those out there chuckling, it was originally M-E-H, not M-O-O. And for other words they don't give a thousand dollars.
  16. Have you noticed that most HAIFers have two words in their name, both capitalized but no space? OK, there's: TheNiche RedScare IronTiger AtticaFlinch BryanS ...eh, there could be more.
  17. OK, I have another question: do you usually drink at home, at parties, or at a bar/nightclub?
  18. Most of y'all live in urban Houston and decry the suburbs, and you know what? I tend to agree with you. Let me explain. I live in College Station (as you all know) which is sort-of suburban. It has the same mix (albeit significantly smaller) of suburban stores and services (Wal-Mart, H-E-B, McDonald's) but the economy revolves around Texas A&M. And when I went to Houston, we almost always passed through the suburbs, which was seen as College Station x2...bigger stores, cooler highways, and so forth. But know what? It's all an illusion. For one thing, since I can drive, suddenly driving short distances to workplaces is seen as a blessing, as compared to the suburbanites who brave 290, 610, 59, 45, and 10 on a daily basis. Then, of course, there's the restaurants. I'm not a big fan of chain restaurants: Texas Roadhouse is terribly noisy. It's just steaks, really. Outback Steakhouse bores me. The local Applebee's failed the health ratings. I didn't eat there anyway. The T.G.I. Friday's will likely incite a "moo" from me. All the "local" places are few and far between. The bike path is broken by long distances and roads. But urban Houston seems pretty cool. The grocery stores are old, small, and a bit run-down but I like it that way (I miss my 70s Kroger). Everything seems walkable. The neighborhoods are quiet and the trees are large. Restaurants are non-chain and very tasty (and not terribly overpriced, either). The Rice Village Half-Price Books has a cool staircase and upper level with cool merchandise (Dilbert books and old Mac magazines, or at least the last time I was there). Of course, urban Houston does seem to have its problems: the crime rate is probably overall higher than College Station, traffic is still pretty bad and workplace far away. (unless you're lucky enough to live near the P&R or the LRT) It's also rather expensive, too. Really, I don't know about urban Houston. Never lived there. But YOU have. Is it really as awesome as I think it is?
  19. Crap. In retrospect, how would (I want) other HAIFers describe myself? "IronTiger was certainly different. He was much younger than us, living not just beyond 610, but in College freakin' Station and had some idealistic thoughts on light rail, occasionally weird posts, and debated against us on a few controversial topics! What a character!" Isn't it AWESOME? I know the feeling. There was an issue with another website I had, but it was handled by the admins in a much worse way. I thought I was in email communication, but it seems to be done with (checks inbox), nope, no messages. ---- Wait, we can post HTML now? EDIT: Apparently no embedding, it seems.
  20. Part of me wonders if the whole "green" craze was dreamed up by marketers entirely to sell more products at a cheaper cost to themselves. (case in point: flimsier water bottles)
  21. Isn't that the same way memebag left, too? (with less drama, of course) OK...so AtticaFlinch is the new RedScare, and I'm compared to "Plastic"...who the heck was Plastic, anyhow?
  22. That's just LTAWACS. He can flame/insult on anything, even on things you would consider objective. And there's something else I noticed. You (and RedScare) manage to disagree while stating a clear, concise, opinion (even though it may not be delivered very nicely), while others are just plain mean. Speaking of RedScare, haven't seen him much around, he used to post a lot, now only occasionally at best. Now I think you win "most frequent poster" award. Either it's a mere coincidence or... ...did you eat him?
  23. I certainly didn't (or were you kidding?). Of course, I don't live in Houston, but Chuck Norris sightings are common* in College Station. * common compared to the rest of the Internet, people there only talk about sightings, but residents have actually seen the mythical beast** wander the mall or eat at a restaurant. ** That should've been it quotes, as in "mythical beast". I'm not one of the Chuck Norris fanatics.
  24. Whoa! Sub-quoting someone? Did this come with the most recent update?
  25. I'm sure Revolution 9 would sound al lot weirder if you were smokin' something, but I do like it. My musical ear was crippled throughout my early years. The only thing I had around 2002, say, was a couple of low-grade video game MIDIs and Weird Al Music. I have a fairly wide variety of music, but I'd prefer to stop at Revolution 9 as far as "trippy music" goes. And yes, Niche, I have seen Yellow Submarine, and a few of my friends have. ("It's a pair of kinky-boot-beasts!" is one of the greatest lines ever). ------------- Also, I can't wait for Renaissance Faire this year! Last year, I went, but I came down sick that day (in the middle of the day, by the end of the day I had a fever and was vomiting). Hopefully it won't happen again. I was kind of surprised how weird the route is. So, from College Station, you go south to Navasota, east on a two-way highway to Plantersville, south on some FM, right again, cross a railroad track(?), and then you're there. For Houstonites, you just go NW on Tomball Parkway (though there is that "hitch" in Magnolia...why can't it be the same road?)
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