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Everything posted by IronTiger

  1. Arlen Specter is definitely a liberal. Don't delude yourself into thinking he's a moderate. Something tells me the political spectrum has gotten so whacked out, we don't even know where the middle is.
  2. I listened, too. He mentioned the light rail, and how by 2013 you would be able to walk to a station virtually anywhere in Houston. While I'm sure more track will be accessible by 2013, it just seemed so farfetched because Houston built the first stretch in 2004, and just now is it working on a second line.
  3. <Yawn> The focus of this thread changes so much it's impossible to keep up. First it was Obama's school speech...then health care reform...and now immigration. I vote we rename this thread to "Anything you want...: POLITICS EDITION!"
  4. Actually, smoothies are quite good. The problem is there's too many variables. 1) Some people use fresh fruit, which is good, except ice has to be added to compensate. 2) Some people use yogurt, which makes it thicker but may give it a weird taste. 3) Some chains (like Smoothie King) use weird powdered "supplements" to make it "healthier" but in reality give it a grainy texture.
  5. A crossbeam mold is in place now on the east side. A few more "rebar skeletons" have been placed, and some older ones have gotten filled in.
  6. Oh, I DO see the ramp to I-10. I knew it wasn't as bad as I thought it was! It was kind of hidden and not mapped out on Google.
  7. Alright, so I don't commute into Houston on a daily basis. But I do visit or pass through it (every few months) and constantly visit it on Google Earth. One of the most fascinating things en route is the HOV lane. It starts somewhere in Cypress (or whereabouts). It avoids most of the pesky exits and entrances and cars speed along it when everyone else is struggling. Then it comes to 610. Rather than merge into 610 south, it pours people onto Katy Road, which appears to have no good access to other highways...is the HOV badly designed or am I missing something here?
  8. Metro's Town Center And I MEANT to put the thread title as "City personifications", but now I can't. Editor, admins...? I've got more: Fort Worth: The rich, cowboy-hat wearing "good guy" who is, unfortunately, married to Dallas. Arlington: Their overweight son. Temple: Killeen's estranged/separated wife. Harker Heights and Belton: Killeen and Temple's kids. Caldwell: A trashy person with very little care for himself or others. He does clean things up for special occasions, however. The Woodlands: A snob!
  9. That's kind of the point. I was making an exaggeration in response that Republicans are like pre-Civil War confederates. Rampant ignorance is the problem. Sorry for the confusion, folks.
  10. Alternatively, I could present an argument how Democrats are looking like more and more like Communists and how this would lead to a VIOLENT ЯEVOLUTION ...but I'm not, because that's just going to lead to trouble. I wouldn't deny that the parties are starting to get a bit radical, though...
  11. So there was this post on Metro's Town Center thread that got me thinking: "Quote Houston's like a fat girl who'll love anyone who'll love her back. She's not real picky. A very weak analogy. Even so, I'd rather be paired up with a loving fat girl than a vapid princess (Dallas) or an overbearing hippie (Austin). The others are just too high-maintenance for my taste. " ---The Niche How would you personify other cities in Texas? For me... College Station/Bryan: Two neighbors that think they're upper class and misunderstood (they're not!) They know Houston really well, but she doesn't really love them back. Waco: A scrawny kid with a bad reputation with his own loser friends (Waco's suburbs) to roll with. Others say he's boring. Brownsville: An unambitious slob who celebrates mediocrity. Killeen: A creepy guy that hangs out near the military base and gives it a bad reputation.
  12. Correct. I did consider the METRORail, but at $2.50 a day, that would be $15 a week for six days a week, or $12.50 for five days. So I decided to bike nearby and save the change. This would be the ideal time to say "Come on, I'm on a budget here!", but it wouldn't be that true.
  13. So is he rooting for socialism or communism? Two entirely different things...
  14. I hope I won't get my head ripped off for this, but I'm doing an economics project in which we must plan a budget for one year living on minimum wage. This includes also choosing a place to live. I decided since College Station would be trite, why not something a bit more denser and bike-friendly, with more jobs--Houston! So, I'd like something with biking access from the Rice U. area (I've picked an apartment on Quenby) that I could "work" at. Thanks! --NOTICE TO ADMINISTRATORS: I do not wish to spam nor detract from this forum. If this is in the wrong place, feel free to move it...--
  15. I read it in "Behind the Arches" (which although putting McDonald's in a positive light, wasn't paid for by McDonald's...no conspiracy theories, please). Here's a small snippet where it says so.
  16. I was reading in this one book about McDonald's and there was a paragraph about how McDonald's couldn't use the McDonald's name until they acquired the name from a local drive-in called McDonald's. Does anyone remember those times/care to elaborate? (sorry the intro is so short, I'm kind of on a deadline)
  17. Did I say "not too worthless"? Oh, I meant "too worthless". Sorry about that.
  18. Not much...the incline up on the west side appears to be nearly done (but the retaining walls could be higher). From N. Dowling, you can no longer see The Woodlands of College Station.
  19. Correct! My economics teacher* says that everyone's both a capitalist and a socialist (at least in office) and socialism ≠ Democrats. I'd say he's right... * he's a Libertarian, so he can openly bash either side.
  20. Oh, yes, I do remember you complaining about how Texadelphia isn't real cheesesteaks. In their defense, Red, they are Texadelphia's, and thus, exempt from the "Philadelphia standards" And you also stated how Philly Connection was even worse.
  21. A problem may be that even Obama himself may not "inspire" the kids enough. What could inspire them, though, is licensed characters. (watches )Er, no. Bad idea.
  22. Speaking as a member of the "right", who you obviously have some sort of blanket prejudice to, I really don't have a problem with Obama's speech as it is. But it's not particularly profound or original.
  23. That's probably it. It still strikes me as odd that the railroad crossing was never removed, though.
  24. I think this thread doubles as kind of a chat room and for all those topics that are too worthless to really start a thread over.
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