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Everything posted by IronTiger

  1. Well, looks like I was kind of right after all: it announced closing in 1994, part of a 100-store closure. http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=u3sKAAAAIBAJ&sjid=BEsDAAAAIBAJ&pg=3000,1657922&dq=kmart+college-station It must of closed for good that December.
  2. I read an old newspaper article that mentioned a Mexican place called Kress within the mall. Any other food places besides Orange Julius (presumably full-line at the time)?
  3. - Large rebar is on the east side. - A few more "concrete molds" are in place, some on the east side. - The entrance to Jones-Butler has a hideous patch in it where it was torn up for presumably piping.
  4. Another way I've heard people get stuff is ask a construction worker. It's a risk though, sometimes they'll let you slip in, and sometimes they'll bark at you to keep out.
  5. ...wasn't everyone's? But then again, some areas in the 1980s weren't bad and then got worse? Like, say, Greenspoint Mall?
  6. Tearing up Capitol and Rusk Street, you say? A quick Google Maps search reveals that part of Capitol is a gravely little path, possibly a former ROW of a parallel track. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Rusk+Rd.+Houston&sll=29.732242,-95.374628&sspn=0.321975,0.534897&ie=UTF8&ll=29.743181,-95.333146&spn=0.000629,0.001045&t=h&z=20&layer=c&cbll=29.743111,-95.333209&panoid=fmY_Pk8fJj_2TXIgut4Xag&cbp=12,88.04,,0,14.7 Are they really gone have it that close to the tracks? The heavy rail, I mean? I just realized that Rusk and Capitol are also downtown. Houston roads are so confusing...roads generally keep their name even when there may be several gaps in it...
  7. IronTiger

    Snack Food

    And the fact they have an uncanny resemblance to cat litter or that stuff they use to clean up vomit in elementary schools. (where's the sick smiley?)
  8. I couldn't help but notice is that nearly all the people with GeoGroups (though there are a few exceptions) have two blank colons under that. One blank colon has ".committed to HAIF" but the other still sits. And is HAIF:maps ever going to be fixed?
  9. You're missing the point. LTAWACS is free to disagree with creationism. That wasn't a disagreement, that was an attack. Tell me, is there a difference between: "I believe Obama is a terrible president." (a comment like this is tolerable with some facts). or "Obama SUCKS and every person who STILL SUPPORTS HIM is a mindless LIBERAL DRONE." I'd say the first one you broke, and the second one, LTAWACS broke.
  10. I remember my cousin (not the one that had the light rail discussion with me, his sister) once told me that when she went to Rice, there was a late-night taco joint (before late-night fast food became popular, this was around 2000) that was close enough to the dorms that people could walk there barefoot. Do you know what/where this taco joint was called? It wasn't called Taco Bell, or anything... And is it still there?
  11. That's true. I believe it is a mixture of both science and creationism. Just like blind faith in religion isn't a valid argument, why should blind faith in science be? But to say something like "The entire creationist idea is absurd" is one of those comments that are the blanket prejudice comments. And if that's what LTAWACS thinks, fine, but he shouldn't be telling it on the HAIF.
  12. I was there last June and wish them luck in their move. The original brewery is kind of hard to find (the little car parked out front makes it more visible), and their "gift shop" is a counter in the humid, beer-smelling, main room. Kind of cool, kind of depressing...especially with that mural painted on the cinderblocks.
  13. I'm surprised that Boston "Let's All Honk Horns at Every Intersection" Massachusetts wasn't #1 for road rage.
  14. It's one thing to disregard McLeroy...support him or not, he is a controversial person, but to shoot down creationism as a whole is an insult to millions of people: Muslims, Christians, Jews, and several other religions believe that some divine being(s) created life as we know it.
  15. Yay! Too bad during that time, the FM 2818 work will be going on. I heard an employee saying that remodeling will start in the fall. Ah, does anyone remember when it was a "brown Wal-Mart", prior to 1996 I believe? Another difference between regular Wal-Marts and Wal-Mart Supercenters is the high ceilings. Here is a Wal-Mart expanded into a Supercenter. Notice the roof difference. If I ever want to BAT the Wal-Mart as it is now, I should get pictures, stat!
  16. The fire is out and citizens are now returning home. I think this was the location, but I'm not sure. See, Puma, traffic's not going to be no worse than normal!
  17. Here's a question I have: what exactly is the "locked topic" picture? When I squint and stare closely, it looks police officers or something but from a distance it looks like the lower half of a tiger's face. EDIT: and no, not my avatar. Don't ask!
  18. Often featured prominently on phone books, billboards, and everywhere else are the ever-present injury/accident lawyers...don't trust them...I've heard they charge more than they help. Disclaimer: if any HAIFers are of said lawyer type, apologies. I've never actually dealt with them myself...
  19. Don't expect the worse...for one thing, they're probably creating makeshift shelters as we speak (er, type) and there are hotels in Hearne (Holiday Inn Express!), College Station, Navasota, and Cypress. Besides, do we even know that they might let people return to their homes by nightfall? It's only 5 PM....
  20. A plant between Highway 47 and FM 2818 on Highway 21 is currently on fire and spewing ammonium nitrate into the air. (http://www.kxxv.com/global/story.asp?s=10819714#). Most of Bryan is evacuated. http://ftpcontent.worldnow.com/kxxv/docs/evac_zone.jpg If you see or smell smoke, you should evacuate.
  21. There's more to that article, but I didn't quote all of it. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/hotstories/6550855.html This guy was big trouble, whoever he was.
  22. Well, at least we know it wasn't Mattress Mack... ...unless, of course, it was a conspiracy. But it looks like it's not after all.
  23. IronTiger

    Snack Food

    I've never liked energy bars, ever, except for this one chocolate "calorie stick" that had an astronaut on it (forgot what it was called). Regardless, they all seem to leave some sort of weird aftertaste. Pretzels are pretty good (but don't eat the dust...your mouth will BURN) as well as a nice glass of milk: keep it at 1% (or skim, if you stomach it). STAY AWAY FROM: A lot of times at the local Kroger and H-E-B one can find fried "veggie chips". They're too expensive, taste gross, and aren't much healthier than real potato chips. Cheese is not preferable. Sure, they make low-calorie cheeses, but they taste gross too...save your calories for something you REALLY want to eat (ice cream!) Fried pork skins. They have a strange taste but I've gotten a sick stomach after eating them...every time!
  24. The sad thing is they make health requirements in food..leading to no tasty desserts and everything else bland and overcooked.
  25. There's some area in Kentucky (where CSX runs) where a FREIGHT TRAIN runs in the middle of the road (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=LaGrange,+Kentucky&sll=38.407244,-85.379077&sspn=0.001225,0.002339&ie=UTF8&radius=0.06&rq=1&ll=38.407469,-85.378766&spn=0,359.997661&t=h&z=19&layer=c&cbll=38.407554,-85.378797&panoid=dasxxNPR-O41-b74oGOwGg&cbp=12,60.19,,0,7.48). Don't drive or walk near this one.
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