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Everything posted by IronTiger

  1. A 1970 newspaper article I was scanning did list the Circle and the Queen...although the Queen was alive, the Campus and Palace were getting to be run-down venues (showing R/XXX rated movies)
  2. Actually, Harris' was acquired by Gottschalks. Gottschalks has recently gone out of business, a victim of the bad retail economy.
  3. - Concrete poles are in place on the west side. - There's some construction going on west of Jones-Butler: the old road is torn up. - The original concrete between the tracks is still there, as is the guard rails on the side of the road (east of the crossing) - Turns out the Rock Prairie area was closed heading EAST. The railroad is there (and low!) - There needs to be a stoplight at Cain/Navarro and Rock Prairie.
  4. Well, in the last three years, Krispy Kreme's stock has plummeted. Stores have closed everywhere... All I can say is, don't bet on it.
  5. I'm sure the lawyer can cough it up, but because he's a lawyer he can whittle down what actually goes into the other guy's pockets through various fees and rules.
  6. Apparently there was a gang-related shooting this morning that injured six people. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/07/23/national/main5181612.shtml
  7. New Jersey (particularly Cherry Hill) had a ton, but sometime later they were "redone". Like this one: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Cherry+Hill,+NJ&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=40.460237,76.640625&ie=UTF8&ll=39.893501,-74.927621&spn=0.0024,0.004678&t=h&z=18 I believe this was one too: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Ponzio's+New+jErsey&sll=39.902428,-74.972591&sspn=0.019194,0.037422&ie=UTF8&ll=39.9136,-75.01026&spn=0.002399,0.004678&t=h&z=18 Look at the empty space around the intersection, the bizarre entrance to Kings Hwy. S and the "stub road". Something is weird with this one: Street View shows roads that weren't there before. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Ponzio's+New+jErsey&sll=39.902428,-74.972591&sspn=0.019194,0.037422&ie=UTF8&ll=39.919183,-75.088581&spn=0.002399,0.004678&t=h&z=18
  8. Why does it have two logos...so close to each other, and at an odd angle to one another?
  9. It seemed that every single time my family went down to Galveston (when I was younger) there were two, three, Service Merchandises visible from the highway. Until the "STORE CLOSING" banners went up, anyway. Foley's and AstroWorld would last a bit longer.
  10. How can this topic get eight replies and zero views? Must be a forum glitch.
  11. already has a Facebook.

  12. I thought it might've been Service Merchandise. It was about the right size. Thank you.
  13. Early on, I was impressed with the HAIF because of prompt answers to questions. Now, life has slowed down, and people are gone or something...it's alright though. Things will pick back up soon.
  14. Wow, didn't know HAIF was such an exclusive group! Also note that my last post wasn't meant to be a "screw all y'all" post, but it might've seemed that way. Sorry.
  15. I just realized I'm one out of five stars. None of the HAIFers really are my "friends", but what does that matter? I highly doubt that anyone on the HAIF knows anyone in the "real life". If I really cared what the HAIF thought about me, I wouldn't even be at HAIF anymore.
  16. I noticed that too. I was thinking "Gee, I could've SWORN crunch was a girl, but maybe I'm wrong..." Glad I wasn't.
  17. Supposedly JCPenney was to be a convention center (it's labeled as such) but I don't think it's ever used or was really remodeled to suit that purpose.
  18. So if anyone got a -50, it would mean that either (a) the post was spam/rude ( the post was not spam at all and it only got the -50 because of maliciously evil and cruel members It's always A. Most of the time.
  19. That wouldn't work here. People vote people down here because they disagree with their opinions (which in my opinion is still a bit unfair, but...). It's different than YouTube where people normally spam and troll and don't even type in coherent sentences. Just go to any popular YouTube video, you'll see what I mean!
  20. Large spiral supports are being driven in near the west side of FM 2818.
  21. Frankly, I'm surprised that Greenspoint Mall has lasted this long. Oftentimes, once a major crime happens, the mall goes way downhill, often completes some great remodel but can't be saved, and the whole thing is razed. Look at Mall of Memphis (Dead Malls.com) or Pinellas Square Mall (later ParkSide Mall)...two malls that could not be saved...both had functional ice rinks at death. What saved Greenspoint Mall is the fact that it fulfills the "urban mall" niche: it survives by luring nearby office workers into its food court. The situation at Greenspoint won't worsen unless more violent crimes happen.
  22. Maybe someone stepped into someone else's lawn.
  23. They are continuing to strip the closed part of FM 2818. Rock Prairie's railroad crossing will also be closed soon to eliminate the "low spot" in the crossing, putting a crunch on the Cain crossing.
  24. No, I said you were acting like jerks. There's a difference.
  25. Entirely out of context: note that was nearly two months ago, before the forum updates. Also, they WERE acting like jerks...or at least that how it SEEMED (but you'd have to do some convincing)
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