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Everything posted by IronTiger

  1. That's not what I was saying. You can say that Rush Limbaugh's views are one-sided and bigoted, but you shouldn't call him a "blob of fat" or something along those lines. It's a bit sad that you all voted -4 on my comment...any hopes that people still had tact were dashed in that moment. But who cares? I tried other tactics earlier in the thread...but I hoped people would listen to that last one. Or did you see a hidden dare to vote me down and you jumped on it?
  2. The situation is worsened now. Because the HAIF is relatively new to the rating system, I would likely get low points no matter what I write in the side of anyone. This is highly discouraged--don't downvote because you dislike someone's ideas. As for Rick Perry, him supporting Rush Limbaugh is totally unmerited but is a bad reason for being "embarrassed to be a Texan". I'm no fan of Rick Perry, but if your soul reason of being embarrassed by Rick Perry because of his support of Limbaugh, that's kind of like being embarrassed by President Obama because he killed a fly. Or thinking Bush should have been impeached because he couldn't say "nuclear" correctly. If YOU want to do something about it, don't make mean/unmerited insults about Rick Perry or Don McLeroy or whoever, just don't vote for him! And as for Rush Limbaugh, don't listen! No one's forcing you to listen to him on the radio.
  3. Oddly enough, every post of mine NOT in the College Station forum is at least a negative one...maybe it's a sign to keep out of Houston stuff. But I won't let it bother me (though maybe it is)
  4. According to Google Maps, the northeast segment is two lanes each direction and with roads intersecting it!! Is this gone now?
  5. Well, parts of old FM 2818 and Dowling have been stripped. Some rebar appears to have been stuck in the ground near the railroad tracks. It appears that the old crossing at 2818 will be restored to its original, non-plated state sooner rather than later.
  6. And based what I've read on the HAIF, I can imagine a scenario...I'm taking a walk through the Heights (because that's where everyone seems to be in the HAIF). There's an older man with a bottle of cheap beer next to him. He's also holding a gun. There's no sidewalk at this point, so I'm forced to walk on the grass. "Hey, get off my land!" the old-timer says. "OK, but if you mind me asking, are you on the HAIF?" His facial expression changes. "Why do you ask?" "I'm IronTiger, and I--" "So you're the dumb kid who likes light rail almost as much as citykid, AND you respect Don McLeroy's ideas AND you're not even FROM Houston!" he says, grabbing his gun. He shoots the ground as a warning, and I dash off. He grunts and chugs down a beer. That probably wouldn't happen...would it?
  7. I'm curious as to how low the system goes. I'll likely get bad posts wherever I go. As long as I'm not too obnoxious, I can watch my reputation plummet. I can then take pride that I am the HAIFer with the LOWEST score!
  8. The STOP ASHBY HIGH-RISE signs recently weren't nearly as prevalent as my spring trip to Houston was one year ago. At that point, you could drive up any given street in the area near Rice University and shoot a gun at the right place, a bullet would pierce every one. It's a relatively low-rise area, and if a high-density tower was built in MY neighborhood, I wouldn't be happy about it. Upupup, why are you unhappy the Ashby high-rise building won't be built?
  9. How shockingly sad. Maybe they can fly in already-grown trees?
  10. OK, how's this: as a whole, does anyone really, really, like the rating system now?
  11. I didn't say it looked a lot worse, it looks okay, a pretty normal mixed-demographics Houston neighborhood. But you wouldn't expect it to be nearby an upscale mall.
  12. I've noticed that on this topic, on the Harvey Mitchell/Wellborn overpass, someone has taken time to give a minus one on every single post since May 2nd. I'm sure it's the same person. Is there a way to find out who these people are?
  13. Well, calling it "DAIF" was somewhat of sarcasm...I hope people knew that...
  14. I'm guessing that the "bad" scores were from before the forum switchover. OK, so two non-posting HAIFers or two trolls did it.
  15. I think that some person thought it WOULD be amusing to mark me down to -2. Out of curiousity, is this only for HAIF members or is it anyone? I feel this is more the actions of "no-post HAIFers" or anonymous trolls than "real" HAIFers.
  16. Well, there was another site with a "thumbs up/thumbs down" system: DO downvote someone: If the post breaks rules If the post is generally not well thought-out If the post is overly mean or inconsiderate DON’T downvote someone: If you have a personal grudge against the person who made the post If you think it would be amusing to do so In controversial topics (politics and religion, etc): if a person makes a post that is a reasonable post with nothing wrong with it, but it expresses views that you don’t like, don’t downvote it. That’s just petty. Sounds fair.
  17. We only upgraded to the new forum software a few days ago, and I've already got -14 in my "reputation". Often times, this means nothing in some forums (as in this one) and the world to others, but I'm curious as to why I have -14.... ...can anyone clue me in?
  18. Johnme: Not to worry, I linked to your site at least once (check the Greenspoint Mall thread in "Other Houston Neighborhoods"). You can see the Foley's before they painted it a stark white!
  19. A 1976 atlas shows the railroad in higher resolution: it would be along that white path to the left (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Pelican+Island+Galveston&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=43.25835,69.697266&ie=UTF8&ll=29.300397,-94.82465&spn=0.002919,0.004254&t=h&z=18&iwloc=A). This means that it was set up so the train would be forced to back up into the spur. It was around since at least 1970.
  20. I looked for a sister site to HAIF focusing on Dallas but couldn't find one. Can anyone direct me to a link?
  21. Except for the railroad paralleling eastbound US 59 and the old MKT (in the Heights area)
  22. I'm SURE there are more College Station/BCS area HAIFers than Galvestonians.
  23. ...and now they finally say what happened, but accuse me of harassing them even though I only wrote once or twice without a reply.
  24. I heard there's also a tree arsonist in Galveston that's already torched over a dozen.
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