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Everything posted by IronTiger

  1. Well, Miami built elevated rail in the 1980s...
  2. From what I've read in things like Houston Chronicle, Texas A&M will never become a "world-class university" with antics like this. The Murano resignation turned A&M into a laughingstock.
  3. I believe Mexican Coke can be bought at Costco. Is that true?
  4. That reminds me of how at Marco's (on Westheimer) a few days ago, they had a giant cutout of Superman, except Obama's head was on it. We wanted to get a picture with it (because it was more absurd than anything) but they took it down in the middle of dinner.
  5. I think you're right. I was looking at the original (http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs034.snc1/2412_1039553424264_1088372042_30133051_8850_n.jpg) and the other one (http://www.houstonarchitecture.com/haif/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=1268). The stairs are a different color, everything is nicely painted, and finally, at the top, the fence to the right has little ornaments on it on the fake, but its regular on the original.
  6. Actually I heard they'll convert to regular toll lanes.
  7. The pictures are broken because bandwidth was exceeded.
  8. Every time I go to Houston, at a place called Fairbanks Plaza, there's a store near Burlington Coat Factory that's vacant. It's been that way for a few years and drives me nuts every time! What is it? http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source...017037&z=16
  9. Absolutely stunning! It's such a far cry from this shot, of the same place. Everything is a stark white, the upper level is closed...
  10. I actually went there yesterday. The china is expensive, but the back has the best stuff. I bought two Terry's Chocolate Orange bars and my brother bought a Yellow Submarine mug. There were also some "beef and horseradish" chips (er, crisps?) that were intriguing (but they were not bought).
  11. Yay! We're a dot-com. houstonarchitecture.com previously redirected somewhere else weird.
  12. If you look on old (2002) aerial photography, you can see (like, say, at Memorial City Mall) that there was the abandoned MKT Right-of-Way. Of course, it was all obliterated for the Katy Freeway expansion.
  13. Actually, the Appalachia was one of the notoriously poor parts of America during the latter 20th century. Appalachia is generally the exception, not the rule.
  14. The question was why urban people tend to go liberal and rural conservative. And then the topic shifted to ranching.
  15. No fair! In College Station-Bryan, there's really only a couple of stores...three Krogers, all nice (except one, which is less nice but still okay), two H-E-Bs (both nice and big), one Albertson's (which I've never been to), and maybe an odd specimen I'm not aware of. There's a Wal-Mart Supercenter with fair enough cleanliness and prices, but the people there are scary.
  16. Yeah, I knew news broke last night, but Elsa Murano has resigned from her duties as A&M University. I think it was a coup within the University system, but...? What do you think of it all?
  17. Sorry for not updating, but everything is taking shape...the tree at the corner of Dowling and FM 2818 is gone, the detour is tarred, the detour entrance near Welsh will briefly feature concrete (look near The Woodlands entrance), the area near the RV park is scraped.
  18. They'll be old and geriatric anyway. A staff of private nurses will attend to them when they're too old. After all, a huge house often is "too public", ya know what I mean?
  19. Obviously you didn't pay attention to the "no mean or stupid answers" part. Come on. Play nice.
  20. I would also include a "man cave". That would be awesome...
  21. (sigh) Well, fine. You may convince me that I'm wrong, but you'll never convince me that you're right. Remember, the thread was about "this is what they should've done", and apparently that's it...it's just too expensive.
  22. How can elevated rails be physically more noisy than light rail? The only example you're going off of is Chicago, so that's invalidated. The cost issue is valid, however. That brings us back to the original post. Cost can have benefits however, and if we try to get on that issue, we'll still never reach a solid conclusion.
  23. Just because elevated rail isn't really built anymore doesn't mean its bad. Is Coca-Cola made from pure cane sugar "bad", that's why it's not made anymore?
  24. So does this mean it would be more cramped? Also: move to Trains subforum
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