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Everything posted by IronTiger

  1. Houston is about nine years behind DART's rail, and yet, why do they expand every three years or so, and ours doesn't? You'd think METRORail would expand northwest to a certain abandoned rail line. Then those of the "Central" neighborhood can get light rail. In the suburbs, the light rail can parallel existing power line ROWs. http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=29....mp;t=h&z=16 The reason it doesn't expand is the convoluted system downtown limits the light rail and prevents it from becoming viable.
  2. Six Flags just hasn't been doing well. They need to sell, sell, sell (only down to Over Texas, Over Georgia, St. Louis, Magic Mountain, Great America, Fiesta Texas) and KILL Mr. Six forever! They should've sold AstroWorld instead of demolishing it, for one...
  3. A 10x10 play area, that's it! And the multiple-lane tool will be released later at a cost.
  4. This is why Austin doesn't have light rail. That also eliminates Galveston (when they get it up and running again)
  5. Cities XL is going to suck.
  6. Almost all of New England got exclusively Obama.
  7. Hello, McFly, anyone home? Of course it would have cost more! It may not have passed years ago, but this thread is about if they did make it elevated years ago. My cousin doesn't make illegal turns, but the fact you can't make turns is...frustrating. He'd never actually turn in front of a train.
  8. Methinks you didn't read my later posts.
  9. Don't the "Sport" ones have swimming pools?
  10. That's another issue, but for now why are urban areas liberal and rural areas conservative? That's the primary purpose here.
  11. I decided to give my profile picture some...personality.
  12. Why are urban areas generally more liberal than rural areas? I mean, if you look at county-by-county in "blue states", much of it is conservative. For example, Illinois. A lot of the counties were red, but because Chicago is large and influential, Illinois voted for Obama. Look at this, there is a definite correlation between large cities and voting for Obama. In Texas, you can see that Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth, Austin, and San Antonio all went blue. In Florida, you can notice Orlando and Miami-Ft. Lauderdale. In fact, county-for-county, McCain took America, but because the urban areas hold much of the people, Obama won (and by the way, Obama did not win "in a landslide" as reported). By contrast, the 1948 election (Truman is blue)... But that's another issue. In the modern world, large cities tend to vote liberal and rural conservative. Why is that? And no mean answers like "Because rural areas are generally made of backwards redneck hicks" or stupid answers like "Because high traffic in urban areas tend to sway people to liberal causes".
  13. It happens to be that of all of us on this thread, you're the only one with a real person in a profile picture. Coincidence?
  14. My profile has even less. Let's see...I'm a male in College Station, Texas. Quite specific.
  15. So I noticed that I got a PM from a deleted user. Curious, I opened it. It said... "Hello My name is miss judith.i saw your profile today and became intrested in you,i will also like to know more about you,and i want you to send a mail to my email address so that i can give you my picture for you to know whom l am.Here is my email address (judith_20094@yahoo.com) .i believe we can move from here.I am waiting for your mail to my email address above.Remeber the distance or colour does not matter but love matters alot in life) please send me mail to my e mail address. Please rpely me with my email address here (judith_20094@yahoo.com)" Who? What the heck? I imagine emailing this "person" would open a wave of spam...did anyone else get something like this?
  16. Umm...I don't think you finished the second part of your post. And TheHaif.com should still redirect to the main forum.
  17. Remember this... 1) It is assumed this "nightmare on Main Street" incident is due to the fact that the light rail runs on it (et. al.) and one cannot make certain turns on it. 2) I didn't ask him to elaborate, so you shouldn't make assumptions like "obviously he's never driven along Main Street". 3) He lives in Houston, I don't. 4) I'm paraphrasing, which results in confusion along #1 and #2. 5) He isn't a member on the HAIF. 6) He thinks my avatar is offensive because he hates tigers because he hates LSU (which, coincidentally, is where his roommate did undergrad years)
  18. So when will HoustonArchitecture.COM launch? And will .info redirect to it? And as much as I'd like to see a thanks given to those who donated, I'd hate to see the HAIF overrun with something like "SPONSORED BY JENNI'S NOODLE HOUSE" or whatever.
  19. Why not nine $10 donors...or eighteen $5 donors...or ninety $1 donors...or nine hundred people who donate a penny each? "Hello, sir, have you considered donating the HAIF? Just one penny for the best Houston forum on the web!" *** "One down, eight hundred ninety-nine to go..."
  20. Obama is not a socialist. He is a social democrat, which according to the dictionary, is a follower of social democracy, which is "A political theory advocating the use of democratic means to achieve a gradual transition from capitalism to socialism." So, yes, you are right. But "he is being controlled in the background by a much bigger force that we are not even aware of yet"? Come on, man, no one takes you seriously with quips like that!
  21. I believe he meant DRIVING on Main Street, what with all the traffic restrictions regarding the light rail. Of course, we didn't have a long discussion on the problems of the light rail...we just continued playing Frisbee.
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