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Everything posted by IronTiger

  1. Well, this in hindsight, and I think that this light rail would actually be a lot safer than the real light rail. No more blocked turns and tracks on the shoulders!
  2. The other day I was playing Frisbee with my Houston-living cousin and I casually mentioned the abandoned US-59 railroad and thinking about how it would be a cool expansion to the light rail. But then my cousin said that the light rail "doesn't work", stating that it is an inefficient way around Houston, making Main Street a nightmare, and so on. I think that I went back in time, and changed the light rail plans, they would be slightly different. When the rail goes downtown, the westbound rail will ramp up (like the eastbound rail) and it goes over San Jacinto Rd. to the northeast, giving it a nice covered feel. At US-59, however, the light rail goes "up and over", with a station on top, as seen here. At Capitol Street and San Jacinto, the rail curls northwest, then curls to Main Street and goes down to the grade of the road. As for SOUTH of the Rice University area, as the southbound road drivers notice, it would would sink and go underground. It comes back up near the Astrodome, but glides over the most important parking lot entrances.
  3. Northwest Freeway, I think ends shortly before the highway "splits" from the bypass freeway to older, two-way segment.
  4. Wow! Thanks! I think Wards may have closed in the round of 1997 closings, but I remember 50 Off Store! It was one of the few stores that wasn't saved in the remodel.
  5. That's true. The "Houston Architecture Information Forum". It works.
  6. Still, though, would getting the .com mean that its the HACF (HoustonArchitecture dot Com Forum) soon? I guess not, since now the HAIF really doesn't mean anything...
  7. The first thing that came to my mind was Michael Jackson...
  8. My parent's apartment would be in the basement. A ramp leads down to their pad, but they'd probably like windows. Too bad. The pool will be an infinity pool, and feature a water basketball hoop, lazy river, two diving boards, a boardwalk crossing it, and aforementioned waterslide. Maybe a full-scale replica of the Hydra, or something.
  9. How exactly would you donate to HAIF? PayPal? If I had I Paypal account, I *might* donate. I can hear it now... IronTiger has pledged one dollar for HAIF! Um...thanks? Wait a minute! If the HAIF becomes a dot com, we'll have to call this the HACF!
  10. I'm guessing that means you take a shower at least once a day....right?
  11. ...and then the sports bar area in the "public" area. Although it's only serving patrons and running TVs during public events, it functions as a gym. It has 11 different events to 32 television monitors and six television screens. There's a regulation sand volleyball court, free-throw basketball court, a boxing ring for stage shows.
  12. When the HAIF goes down, does your ego pop? It makes me wonder.
  13. Based on a few posts on people's thoughts, like Dan the Man's or TheNiche's, I was wondering what your dream home would be. Mine of course, would include everything you'd expect to find in a rather palatial mansion. Grand atrium, sweeping staircase, home theater, gameroom, a huge kitchen, et cetera. Outdoor pool and maybe a waterslide. Definitely a "lazy river". The basement would have hobbies that I have no funds for currently, including a science lab and a model railroader's workshop. And if I could go further, maybe I could install a small conference building and a larger pool house, plus an attached indoor rainforest (think the Butterfly Dome at the Houston Museum of Natural Science) and a secret dungeon underneath activated by pulling a lever that turns a staircase up into a staircase down...
  14. Yeeesh! The bridge looks pretty tasteless. Reminds me a bit of the List Mansion. That house is going to smell like MOLD almost instantly!
  15. But what early 1980s shopping mall did they tear down to make said "City Centre"?
  16. Actually, I'm not sure its Ernie. The skin is lighter, the hair is different (almost feminine), but (s)he still has the rubber ducky.
  17. Page 14's master bedroom is particularly hideous. The office building home looks a little weird too. And oh, and on Page 17, it has that one we were all talking about, the one that was torn down for the land. There's a thread...somewhere.
  18. I guess this would mean the end of browsing and posting on the HAIF from school. I say no.
  19. Oh...I thought it was about a contractor that was blind. Too bad.
  20. What I've always liked about TheNiche that I can't really say about anyone else is that he's the most "level-headed". He can disagree with your ideas but doesn't rip your throat out.
  21. It could work for "homogenized". Seriously, all the other states have goofy logos like this. The really bad thing about the license plate is the uneven SEVEN CHARACTERS! Ick!
  22. You're thinking of METRO, aren't you? The new license plate looks profoundly ugly, and it is only that because of the pesky crayon art in the upper left. I don't think a gay can make a better license plate (ANYONE probably could) but we shouldn't be tossing around the word as a way to say something looks sucky.
  23. There was also "Lease Town" which later became "Rent City". Anyways, a few questions: 1) How many years were there between when Montgomery Ward was built and the mall was built? 2) What replaced JCPenney? A grocery store? And then did Bealls and JoAnn replace that? 3) When did Wal-Mart open? 4) When did Montgomery Ward close?
  24. I wonder if the Burger King movie will come out. At first the theme was some people sharing an apartment above a Burger King outlet, but another concept is another direction. I hope neither comes true!
  25. I don't give a thousand dollars! EDIT: hey, this is fun!
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