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Everything posted by IronTiger

  1. And that's where things get sticky. Is it because cars have to wait for it? Why not add traditional grade crossings? (lights and gates) Why not close San Jacinto or Fannin and put both "lanes" of the light rail in there?
  2. I think the light rail trains should be longer, maybe four or five cars. This intersection is particularly troubling. I have no idea why there's not much traffic in the photo, but it's particularly bizarre in the fact that at coming from the north you can't turn left OR right! I would suggest rerouting the rails at that point, or building an underpass. I don't think METRORail was planned out well, it was a too little, too late. But we live with our mistakes. Heavy rail is a silly idea. Syracuse had a heavy rail line for seven years before it folded. We could do it the DART method and just close off a road completely to vehicular traffic.
  3. I'm sorry to hear that you're leaving, meme, but from what I've seen, for the most part, they were pretty witty and sharp-tongued. Does this apply to you?
  4. Too bad I missed the HAR deadline. Any pictures?
  5. In terms of one word to model light rail systems after, IMHO: DART.
  6. Despite never finding out about the Mystery Spur of 105, in the late 1930s, a railroad spur did go INTO campus. Looks like it went near a building near College Avenue. http://docarc.cstx.gov/ElectronicFile.aspx...8142&dbid=1
  7. Right, one-sided bashing of McLeroy. Isn't this what the Off-Topic forum of the HAIF is for?
  8. First off, there was the "bashing, bigotry, and general incivility" long before I was involved, so you can't blame me for that. I'm not trying to tempt "you adults" to make "annoying posts". It seems to me that because I'm on McLeroy's side, you attack me as well as McLeroy. McLeroy aside, I'm getting really sick of your mean-spirited, antagonistic, and condescending posts here.
  9. Unlike the other threads (I believe this is the second one where I voted should be locked), this IS one-sided bashing, and unless you suddenly jumped in from the next-to-last point, I suggest you stop. You're right that the world is bashing, bigoted, and pointless, and I guess this is an example. No doubt would you agree the world is an evil place, I've seen it, in Texas, on the HAIF, but also the world is full of idiots. Now, I'm not implying that either of us are idiots...I'm sure that in the "real world", you're an intelligent person with rational thoughts. Just because something happens in the world doesn't mean it has to happen on the HAIF.
  10. Aww, the FW one is tiny. If it were more extensive, it should've been recycled into the DART.
  11. Even if I made a brilliant defense, most of your minds wouldn't be swayed in my direction. Is that not true? Seriously, this thread...it's pointless bashing and one-sided bigotry. Someone sensible should lock it and let it die a slow, watery death. That would be the best ending for this.
  12. Why can't a retailer ever stay dead? Look at Montgomery Ward, Service Merchandise...all "resurrected". Crap crap crap!
  13. First off, "Lunatic", those sayings are completely untrue. McLeroy isn't a "bozo", I'm not "in love", and I didn't "reinforce" your belief.
  14. OK, I know that personal insults are not nice, but blatant attacks on other people are not nice either. I know McLeroy is unpopular and this forum is no exception, but would we shouldn't have merciless "attack threads". Not on McLeroy, not on anyone. What if someone had a thread called "Embarrassed to be an American" and attacked Obama? Entirely different story. Suppose McLeroy was a member on the HAIF (he isn't). Wouldn't people feel ashamed that they were attacking a fellow HAIFer? And sheeats, attacking a city with several decent people on this forum? And Crunch, avatars typically don't mean anything. You were the one with the dog, right? So fine, I'll change my avatar, all right? Also, here is a webcomic that kind of shows how a lot of science and paranoia work together:
  15. Actually, I shouldn't be surprised that you people are attacking McLeroy. It's certainly not exclusive to the HAIF, so I shouldn't single you out of the rest of the jerks out there. Yawn.
  16. What? You guys are attacking Don McLeroy? I actually know him and met him lots of times (a lot more than all of you combined) and know of his stance on evolutionism/creationism. I know his stance on anti-evolution is pretty extreme, but first keep in mind that "evolution" often means "survival of the fittest". Short-necked giraffes probably existed at one time but died out because they weren't very good, leading to the survival of tall-necked giraffes. Did short-necked giraffes "evolve" into long-necked ones? No. Should I add that the most of you are acting like jerks right now, or is that just left to be assumed?
  17. I managed to save the Flying Tomato frisbee from a garage sale. I can take a picture...then put it on the HAIF Buy/Sell board.
  18. Given that I have a difficult time discerning old, poorly-labeled Houston maps, it's pretty obvious I'm not a local. Now, about this: where were the pictures taken? I've looked for WALD on Google Maps...no luck!
  19. According to the comments, she was 34, from New Mexico and came to Houston to get a new job.
  20. What's the downtown Macy's like today? Any architectural "treats" left behind by bygone eras?
  21. I agree with the others. Carry a little cash and keep in mind it's probably no worse than parts in Houston.
  22. Thanks! Unfortunately, we may see the detour for a while. The only unfortunate (well, very unfortunate) thing is there's left hand turn lane on the detour, plus N. Dowling doesn't look like its going to go anywhere, and nothing is done on Holleman at all. Big trouble... The lights are up on the wires.
  23. So, did I get this correct: the mall opened in 1964 with Sears, Wards came in 1965, Lord & Taylor 1979, and Foley's 1967?
  24. I'm looking where the spur went down to Rice. From my estimations, it would parallel (if not run on) Kirby. But that's where Rice Village is...and Rice Village has been there since the 20s.
  25. All four poles are in place, with wires strung!
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