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Everything posted by IronTiger

  1. I believe that it is this railroad, because the roads still have the remnants (such as a "patch" on Kirby) and some of it has been converted to HOV. However, what about the rest of the line? Was there ever a plan to convert it to METRO? And where exactly are the pictures taken from in the shots? Or is it even the same RR? And how far did it go into Houston?
  2. Said hole has already been filled in. The initial "sandy" layer is up to the tracks on the east side. I might make another map when something really big happens (construction of another ramp, more paving, closure of the SE or SW ramps)
  3. It's okay. Has anyone driven by the old Mervyn's site recently? What's happening?
  4. There is a metal grid going in where the Woodlands of College Station entrance was They're digging a huge hole for drainage in front of the western half of the temporary RR crossing Some more dirt piles are piled on the old NE exit
  5. It's possible someone owns Greenspoint Mall pictures. Even shoddily done pictures could look a bit better with Photoshop.
  6. And then we can use PMs again?
  7. Was it because he was a jerk or he was racist? Still, what about that frozen yogurt dispenser thingie?
  8. Hmm...it works for me...try this link instead.
  9. Sounds expensive...but wouldn't the overpass projects be just as expensive? The one thing I could think of is the major build-up of businesses. After all, when LoTrack was proposed, Harvey Mitchell (which was called "FM 2818" exclusively) and Wellborn was just two blinking lights. You know, the four way ones? Those are rapidly becoming extinct. The only one I can think of now is Harvey Mitchell Pkwy. and the Southbound SH-6 Frontage Road (in Bryan). Other defunct ones: Holleman and Glade, Finfeather and F&B. But the LoTrack wouldn't affect the southern parts (which the crossings, at that time, included North Graham and Cain, I think)
  10. Different thread. http://www.houstonarchitecture.info/haif/i...showtopic=15748 It's confusing, I know...unless this thread can be renamed or the threads can be merged (I am in support of the former)
  11. And so if no one's willing to ride buses, they WILL ride a far less extensive light rail? Seriously, what Crunch said is right, because "t appears this whole 'vision' thing is because TAMU students are too good to ride a bus. It is not their 'preferred mode of travel'." You're acting like one of said snotty college students. If you don't my asking, are you one? The only reason I don't ride the city bus is because it doesn't go anywhere near where I live and its kind of pricey (but so will light rail) I heard LoTrack was building a ditch for the railroad to go through. Any more information on that?
  12. Looks like all the stores. Rainforest Cafe may open soon, and Club Lilly Lu is closed, but no one really cared for CLL at all* *except for 8-year-old girls. IronTiger apologizes for offending you if you were said 8-year-old girl.
  13. I've never been to HKCM, but I heard it's kind of cool. Some girl in my class mentioned a frozen yogurt machine but there's got to be other neat stores and restaurants there, right? And nothing that will kill me due to toxins in the food?
  14. Hmmm...my uncle lived in a townhome in NJ for a few years...you entered from the third level, and in the third level, there was a kitchen, living room, dining room. This looked into the second level, which was kind of an open office area, and then the first level, which were bedrooms and bathrooms. I kind of liked it...except the stairs were kind of less-than-half a level, so they were kind of like mezzanine levels.
  15. Not much to say. The North and East routes don't have turn lanes (until Southwest Pkwy. and Welsh, respectively) A pit is being dug on the old NW exit Work is being done on the west-of-the-railroad detour route Survey sticks are being placed south of Harvey Mitchell (near where Jones-Butler and Dowling plug in to Harvey Mitchell) Expect to see more soon.
  16. I tried Googling for an official city bus system in College Station but couldn't find one (the only one was TAMU). Does our city even HAVE one?
  17. I can imagine a heritage streetcar trolley that would go from downtown Bryan to TAMU...but a "toy train" light rail? For College Station/Bryan, I would prescribe a more extensive bus system and a commuter rail running to Houston (on the existing rail)...light rail not included. But that's my opinion.
  18. Hmmm...I don't live in Houston, but close enough to grasp a sense on the goings-on. MPCs usually have some hostile neighborhood coalition (you must have grass cut to x inches, for instance) and there's long travel commute (remember, there is no extensive light rail in Houston).
  19. The Astrodome. One of the best examples of what made Houston Houston before the oil crash. What I think should be done is do although I have no way of getting the sizes of the thing, but converting the Astrodome into a giant shopping mall lining the center, which would be converted into a theme park which is based on/pays homage to a certain former theme park across the street that closed in 2005. Some major renovation and expansion work would be done, but in the end, a large tourist-oriented mall will be one of the few malls with both a theme park AND an adjoining indoor stadium. What do you guys think. I think it would be an awesome idea.
  20. OK, two more...but they're not really in College Station per se. Spur #1: Navasota, Texas http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=30....mp;t=h&z=16 From what I can tell, this is the genesis of a railroad that went to Somerville, abandoned in the 1940s. Unfortunately, most of the ROW is not visible (was it taken up by Highway 90?!) and secondly, the spur does not have an industry, unless its that blurry building between Wingard and Highway 6. Spur #2: ???, Texas OK, here's another one I have not been able to find after I first spotted it in 2003. It was on Texas 105. I posted this on my blog: "Five years ago, while driving on Texas State Highway 105, I was a young, spry, observant person, when I noticed, when a railroad, nearby, suddenly crossed the road in a haphazard crossing and adruptly ended at a gate. The tracks continued a half-mile into a field and a grain silo was visible. Obviously this had been a small spur that was no longer in use. A year later, I looked again. I thought I saw the tracks, except this time, the whole lights-and-gate mechanism had been removed and it was much harder to spot. I looked on Street View, but anywhere it looked like it on Street View, the view was so different from what I remembered, it was not right. Nothing looked out of place. But nothing matched my memory. Surely, the removal of the tracks would've caused the section of the road to get repaved?" I think it was most likely in this section and its either in the Driveway that Goes Nowhere (left) or the Gap in the Trees and Brush (right). Candidate Number Three: http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=30....mp;t=h&z=17 I'm not insane (though my family says differently)
  21. The bases for the other stoplights are in place now, and there is no center lane for the east segment. Especially with that turn there. Yikes! It's old south Texas 6 all over again!
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