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Everything posted by IronTiger

  1. By the way, if anyone is interested, I made a list of Foley's locations on my blog. It's mostly complete, I think, though there are missing spots. Click here
  2. Foley's logo with the asterik? No idea. I thought it was like the most recent one since the early 1970s, before that being this....or was that it? With Foley's once "full line", was it on par with Sears, or a bit more classier than Sears?
  3. Having a been a little late to the mall scene, my favorite defunct store is Foley's, having being absorbed to Macy's. I always thought it was cool, it had a neat exterior (my local store was Post Oak Mall) AND it was the only place for miles around to have ESCALATORS!! But even in the mid-to-late 1990s, Foley's, from what I remember when my mother dragged me there, had little more than clothing and housewares. But I've heard and learned so much more. I've now learned to identify old Foley's...the 1960s ones (Northwest Mall and Almeda), the 1970s one (Greenspoint, San Jacinto, West Oaks), the 1980s (Post Oak and Padre Staples Mall), and the Sanger Harris ones in Dallas (Six Flags Mall, Valley View, and North Hills, now all closed). For example, the Greenspoint Foley's once had Nintendo games, a cool kid's department set up like a Star Wars spaceship, and even a restaurant. I've heard wonderful things about Foley's on the HAIF, and have had to defend Foley's on other occasions. Check this out (from a comment on Labelscar)
  4. Here's a blog post someone did featuring fuzzy pictures of the current Greenspoint Mall. Kind of cool, kind of creepy. http://southernretail.blogspot.com/2009/04...ll-houston.html
  5. On a related note, why don't we see more Texas-filmed major movies and prime-time TV shows?
  6. The map wasn't that old. Everything seemed to have been from the mid-1980s. The Katy railroad was there, but the IGN was not.
  7. It's kind of like Wisconsinites wearing the "cheese heads" to games.
  8. Well, what do you want me to say? Anything I say that may be perceived as anti-homosexual will just get attacked. So why bother?
  9. Sorry, in the last post the NW exit was closed. It's been completely stripped now. They still need to remove a hill for the detour road.
  10. They still do? Do you have proof of that?
  11. Same here. I'm not pitching Rick Perry over Barack Obama, I think Obama hates Texas (and Rick Perry hates everyone, but that's another topic for another day)
  12. First came Obama's refusal to send troops to the border to help Texas...then came the things that led up to the "secession speech"...and now the Obama administration apparently thinks Texas is a foreign country. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/04/17/s...e_n_188151.html And I don't think that giving Obama a warm "howdy" and an all-you-can-eat barbecue lunch is going to change anything.
  13. For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to say "no" to both questions. I just thought it was an interesting fact that the first gay couple married legally in America is filing for divorce, that's all.
  14. The railroad bridge or the road bridge? The railroad bridge is in disrepair but repairing the railroad bridge is kind of pointless...
  15. Thanks for replying! And welcome to the HAIF! It kind of disappears into the underbrush in real life and appears to go out to Port Industrial Road. But Google Street View doesn't show that. If I go to Galveston again I'll visit it (and try to pump some money back into the local economy)
  16. So after years of whining for marriage rights, they divorce after only, what eight years? I also wonder why it took everyone ten days to notice the update.
  17. Cool! It's the St. Louis-Southwestern RR! The other one, I think is the Katy.
  18. The entrance to the Woodlands of College Station from Harvey Mitchell is closed (yay!) and the right side of the road is torn up near The Woodlands. Looks like they've done the initial blacktop between the red line and Wellborn Rd. The crossing plates are in now, but the NW ramp is not closed yet.
  19. There's a bizarre railroad spur that goes along the bridge to Pelican Island. A circa-1980s atlas shows it curling around to the island. It's been not used for a while (note the cactus between the rails) and the space between the road and the water is so narrow it's likely unsafe. It curled around to Texas Clipper Road. Unfortunately, I have no idea when this thing was abandoned.
  20. http://legaltimes.typepad.com/blt/2009/04/...reme-court.html http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/na...0,6016774.story The short version of the story is that some students in an Arizona MIDDLE SCHOOL told some administrators that a 13-year-old girl had prescription-strength ibuprofen and they strip-searched her (down to her underwear) and found nothing. The parents weren't even called about it! Personally, being a high school student, the excuse they gave: "school safety" is a catch-all that is for the most part BS. What are your thoughts on the matter?
  21. The NW exit is blocked off now. There are detour roads to the north and east. There is a sign across from N. Dowling Rd. that appears to stay put. Personally, I think they should extend Holleman Rd. to Quail Run Rd., creating an exit path without dooming residents of the south part.
  22. Or you should check out the RHW add-on on SC4D.
  23. You're right, it seems like some of what Limbaugh/Hannity may seem offensive when taking out of context.
  24. Oh, so you're picking a bone against Hannity because of he insulted the moderates? That's a new one...
  25. Oh, so while you can't call others on the board, the President, or the Former President anything but you call radio talk show hosts "hateful and close minded"? That's...harsh.
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