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Everything posted by IronTiger

  1. While prowling around on Google Maps, I thought of an excellent fantasy plan for Houston...another light rail line paralleling I-45 from The Woodlands to Galveston. Some of this would take the place of the HOV lane in I-45, because of the "no way out" path and very limited access. Stations would be set up along the freeway, and so on. What do you think?
  2. Didn't? I clicked the link, then to the actual "in pictures". Houston made #6.
  3. You're right...it was 5 million (I was trying to use the K, so that would be....50k?) Still though, 5 million for the lot alone is a ton of money that I don't have.
  4. Miami. Three reasons. 1) Cuba isn't democratic, and won't be for a long, long time. 2) Miami is in mainland America. Unless they built a bridge from Key West to Cuba, which also won't happen. 3) Havana definitely has a worse reputation than Miami.
  5. The HAR listing says there is three stories and three fireplaces, with dishwasher, disposal, compactor, and east entrance but no HVAC, bedrooms, or bathrooms. What did the house have originally? EDIT: 500 grand for the lot? Wow...
  6. Next... The "Spoiled Teenage Girl": The STG is such a jerk. She's the one you knew in high school, and even worse. Obviously, she has a car, a cell phone, the latest clothing, an iPod (or iPhone), won't date any guy that's not a jerk, and is mean to everyone except her friends (who are also mean).
  7. You know, that reminds me, I did see what appeared to be a train car-like diner somewhere in Houston...but it was on the west side.
  8. I remember when going to Galveston one time, there were red balls on the power lines. I think they are still there. It's just to help planes.
  9. Dead on! And I have a few more to add on, though this is not exclusive. The "Web Asshole": This jerk always lurks in every message board and often is on YouTube. You can tell him or her because they often curse a lot, insult people and general groups of people both on the message board and off, and rarely doesn't get away with it. They are often extremely radical with their political beliefs. The "Politically Correct Zombie": The archetypical PCZ believes every religion is equal and not more important than anything, but the PCZ is atheist. The PCZ hates immigration laws and avoids using the term "black", not even the term "black hole". The PCZ works hard "not to offend anyone" but ends up getting a lot of hate. They deserve it, though! The "Twisted Cop": The Twisted Cop is another one to watch out for. He (or she) hides behind an inconspicuous spot and always picks on you. He has a sadistic way of handing out tickets. It's rumored he's into something illegal too. The "Self-Centered Developer": The Self-Centered Developer is always a local problem. The SCD always wants to build an overpriced suburb or building in an area that cannot handle traffic and the residents oppose it. Still, he gets his way by bribing city officials and getting his name on roads, parks, and other buildings. Eight times out of ten, he wins, and a slew of trees gets knocked down for his latest project. Then he moves on and repeats. If he fails, he still moves on but will return eventually.
  10. Based on my experiences in my cousins' flat (yes that's correct) near the Museum District, the multiple linoleum layers may very well be covering some asbestos, so watch out, unless you enjoy carcinogens.
  11. And if you ever make it up to College Station, the Post Oak Mall has a Sonic too. But I really liked the McDonald's there before.
  12. Wrong. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unite...#George_W._Bush
  13. It must be a reference to something...BUT WHAT?
  14. Wikipedia said Lincoln said that? Sorry, my BS reader is picking up definite vibes.
  15. And now Editor is apparently in Asia. So, then, if I'm vacationing in Houston, should I be a "Native HAIFer" or a "HAIFer on the Road"?
  16. I don't understand why Editor is based in Chicago while the rest of us live in Houston, suburbs of Houston, or cities that aren't suburbs of Houston but experience lots of traffic to and fro Houston. His GeoTag doesn't say HAIFER IN EXILE, and so on. What's up with that? Why isn't Editor a Texan?
  17. Well, a few years ago, they shuffled the staff and relaunched as Mac|Life. So, would that count?
  18. I want to scan "The Bargain Guide to Buying...Beige?" from a November 2000 MacAddict magazine and post it on my blog (with commentary). I wouldn't do it if it was hot off the press, but the magazine has since been discontinued and returns no Google results. Is it ethical? Should I get permission? Should I post and remove it only if they complain? What should I do?
  19. What did "Life's a delicate flower" replace then? thousand dollars? EDIT: Ah, I see one for the F-bomb. Another forum I went to used to substitute in "wizzle". But recently they changed it... EDIT 2: "S***" isn't censored, though. So does "moo" become "MOO". Apparently so.
  20. That seems good enough to see T&C Mall...and Astroworld...
  21. No, the map project has not been started yet. I've got a lot of RL things to do. Eventually I'll get around to it.
  22. I haven't downloaded GE 5 yet, but I heard it has cool historic aerials that can be easily accessed. I also heard it has some awful omnipresent updater, though. With historic aerials...how far back does it go? Is it awesome?
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