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Everything posted by IronTiger

  1. What I think should be done is convert the old Foley's into a Bloomingdale's, move Saks into a new location, and rebuild the old Saks into a new condo with new retail below.
  2. I read somewhere that the Galleria was to add condos in the original Macy's spot but wasn't able to find a residential partner to build it. Was this true? Is it still possible?
  3. Well, I know Obama's a Democrat. I just thought that...you're right. What did I expect?
  4. Mental health? I can understand the physical health (drowning) but how mental? Psychological, maybe...
  5. Hmm...connections with homegrown terrorist types and corrupt government officials? Why, Mr. Prez-Elect, you've got quite a bit!
  6. I'm pretty psyched. I can see my house now. Looks like it was taken last fall (as Texas Avenue is still under construction, and I can see clues by looking at my house). It is here
  7. Poor guy. He has a terrible gun scar on his face and then spent five years in prison for an atrocious crime he didn't commit.
  8. That is so awesome! Although the red icing on the top looks a bit disconcerting..
  9. It's snowing as I type this. In College Station! And the snow is sticking! What are other rare times in CS history where snow has happened and stuck? I heard 1989 was snowy.
  10. I'm going to assume you broke up. I tried a McRib once in November 2007. It was good, but it had a strange softness...like salisbury steak. I'm surprised Top Secret Recipes doesn't have it. Oh well...at least they have Orange Julius.
  11. IronTiger


    Since the holidays are coming up, thought'd I ask your opinion on it. Personally, I can eat a slice of it, but not much beyond that. Certainly not a whole thing.
  12. Fine! I'll change my original post from to .
  13. Was it the vivid descriptions or my cat's strange tastes?
  14. I have a problem too. I can get out huge, disgusting blobs and red stains via kleenex...and sometimes my cat will lick the earwax right off my finger if I tempt her. It's fun, until she starts to nip at my finger.
  15. It's still around, but it isn't the same as it used to be. I don't think the Dollar Menu was around circa 2000.
  16. For some reason, you reminded me of Eagle Eye, how Shia LeBeouf's character opens his apartment to find federal weapons. In all seriousness, though, you should probably talk to some police officer before things get weirder.
  17. In 2000, I visited the Museum for the first time. It was a cool experience...I remember the Planetarium was showing "Where in the Universe is Carmen Sandiego" and the McDonald's was pretty cool. It was unlike any McD's I had seen. For one thing, the restaurant offered snowcones, but what I'm trying to recall is that it had some science-themed combo meals (like a "Mars" themed meal). Unfortunately, the next time I managed to get back to it was in 2007, and it had been gutted and changed since then (to a fairly non-descript McD's). I'm really trying to remember those meals...as I never had them. Can anyone help? Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Help!
  18. I went to Dallas in 2006 and explored the downtown areas via the tunnels and skywalks. While somewhat depressing in the basement areas, it is very viable and convenient. The tunnels and skywalks even takes people to nearby hotels. One hotel was an upscale place...it was set up like a small mall in the concourse, with an ice rink (I'm pretty sure) and a few shops, including a donut shop where we bought apple fritters. I've never been to downtown Houston.
  19. I remember an older one from the 1990s that had the Blue Beast and the Hydra. These were later drawn out of the map. Does anyone have a copy of an older one?
  20. Not too long ago, I conceived a plan that would put a theme park across from Greenspoint Mall, thus reviving Greenspoint as the "tourist mall". I don't think it would work. But Sharpstown? I think that one's finished.
  21. IronTiger


    Gee, when a person that was known and loved on a site dies, then it is noted somehow. I remember how this site mysteriously stopped updating and links got broken, until early last year when someone came out and explained that the webmaster had died. A year later, another update was posted why most of the links were broken. And nmainguy? Doesn't the Editor get their IP addresses?
  22. Nice try selling this one in a recession. Personally, some aspects don't look bad, but combined together in a hideous mess makes a bad remodel.
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