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Everything posted by IronTiger

  1. Might be the Sanborn Fire Insurance maps.
  2. When I said a landfill, I didn't necessarily mean trash.
  3. Well, at least you aren't telling that as fact.
  4. First deck was torn down and replaced almost immediately, at least east side.
  5. The Kyle Field lettering has been removed from the north side.
  6. I think I found the spot. West of east 610, bordered to the east by Maxine? Going back in time in Google Earth, it starts to look like less like an oval the farther back and in the 1970s looks like it was a landfill at one time (could be anything from benign to toxic)
  7. I think Central Market may be a separate division, actually, which may account for CM and not HEB in Dallas.
  8. I typed in "ugly dude" and got Crazy Face before Eggplant Man there.
  9. It's interesting that the out of town subdivisions like Eureka Gardens are just outside of Inner Loop (and Eureka Gardens was many years ago redeveloped into industrial buildings and restaurants--Ball is now Karbach). The bayous, on the other hand, retain their twisty configuration (seems like they were straightened and concretized in the 1960s or so) but the Houston Ship Channel is more or less in its current form (built 1914), so landmarks like Brady's Island, the Turning Basin, and all--those still exist. They didn't even blast through Avenue U to make a straighter channel, although they did shorten the route by getting rid of that oxbow just west of it (it's still visible as an inlet)
  10. Continued closures, or the Dallas St. development? Or both?
  11. HEB seems picky about what stores become Central Market or not. Besides, the area needs a "regular" grocery store.
  12. They did save Robert E. Lee Elementary School as a community center...
  13. I scanned Google Earth 1944 and 1950s with no luck. Even so, West Alabama, where it was built up, only had houses.
  14. Yeah, if the city's not doing what it claimed to do (heard road maintenance declined under Parker's reign), it's time to kill it.
  15. The thread is merged now, but still needs a lot of cleanup.
  16. It's also worth noting that by the time Jetero was built and new freeway construction was on the fast decline, mass transit WAS discussed going to the airport, but it was just talk and no plans were made to actually hook up mass transit to the airport. When the Hardy Toll Road was built and the airport connection was rebuilt (not to mention the completion of Beltway 8 as a full toll road), those indirectly had the effects of making Will Clayton a freeway irrelevant. Partially growth patterns dictated this--the northeast part of Houston is the least developed, and not even the Beltway was completely completed until maybe the late 2000s.
  17. The housing stock is up for replacement partially because of primarily wood construction (or at least that's been my conception), and the decline of houses is accelerated because of the humidity. It doesn't have to be replaced with super-dense townhomes or chintzy cookie cutter houses, but it does need to be dealt with over time. Nor does the city have to be "reinvented" in some dramatic way that loses its character. Take Waco, for instance--it had stagnated for years (generations, natch--at one time, it was a major competitor with places like Dallas for skyscrapers and whatnot...Dallas!) but now seems to be finally getting out of it with a relatively new hospital and restaurants around it, investment around downtown, and development up and down the Interstate, along with new subdivisions (and trust me, subdivision growth in Waco has been very slow compared to the rest of Texas). And that new stadium too. It's not going to be even like Austin anytime soon, but it's changing. Because of the island, it is difficult to add new subdivisions like any other cities--so maybe some urban renewal is necessary!
  18. Or it needs to be locked. 95% of this thread is trolling, misinformation, or insults. Or deleted.
  19. Eh, I don't know. There was a movie theater marquee in town I know of (a 1939 Art Deco cinema unfortunately covered up with some wood siding for conversion to a C&W bar in the latter half of the 1990s) that ultimately ended up putting additional seating on the roof with seemingly not much supporting it. I always wondered if it would pancake during one particularly crowded night but maybe it really is that strong. Or maybe it's fine with just a handful of people on it and isn't rated for dozens of people standing on it and really will end worse than that garage apartment in Katy. Who knows.
  20. Disclaimer: I was last in Galveston March 2012, for a wedding, so over two and a half years ago. So, 10,000 people are no longer living on the island? Besides the Pointe apartments, some cheap garden-style apartments demolished after Ike and a few other casualties, how many abandoned houses are there on the island?
  21. Galveston isn't DEAD by any means. Unfortunately, it's not exactly booming, as its tourism industry has been battered by both a hurricane and a recession. Heck, right now, I'm not even talking pre-WWII levels or pre-1900 levels, I'm talking pre-2008 levels.
  22. The part where Houston Freeways discusses Will Clayton (originally Jetero Blvd.) talks about how even though it was designed to be a freeway in the long run, never had any actual concrete plans to do so. By the time the airport opened in 1969, new urban freeway construction was on its way out, due to public concern over freeways and funding issues. The fact that the east entranceway (Will Clayton) was never very busy anyway led it not be put on any planning documents.
  23. Did Houston ever drop speed limits in 2001? I mean, the arterial highways, for instance: have they not always been 65?
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