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Everything posted by sarahiki

  1. per the Chron this morning, Obama is leading in Harris County.
  2. Congratulations! Being married is great.
  3. That rag of a blog on the Chron, "Texas Sparkle," was all ready to believe it. She just L-O-V-E-D that story. Hope this teaches her a lesson.
  4. What's sad is that even if this is a hoax, SOME people will believe the story and it will just feed their racist notions of what scary, black, Obama supporters really want to do to them. And certain radio personalities will probably feed into that.
  5. Thanks for the suggestions! If I have any success I'll let you all know...
  6. Our little yard needs a little zip. Can anyone recommend a landscape designer/installer who does a good job? Ideally it would also be someone who wouldn't mind a small job and doesn't charge a lot of money. I live in town so someone who works in the inner loop neighborhoods would be best.
  7. I have HAIF:Now bookmarked. Does this help my productivity at work? It does not.
  8. I have HAIF:Now bookmarked. Does this help my productivity at work? It does not.
  9. I'm willing to walk the walk, regarding redistribution of wealth, and I bet a lot of you are too. We do it all the time. Every time we pay taxes, of course (even during these Republican years). And in our daily lives, when we tithe at church or give to charity. I was in the grocery store the other day and the guy in front of me was counting out the money in his wallet. He didn't have enough. He started to sort out the groceries--keep the milk, put the bacon back. I realized what was happening and told him not to pick and choose, I would buy his groceries. I found it so appalling sad to see an older person unable to pay for food (I've been there as a student, but that's different, somehow). A couple of missteps in any of our lives, or a mental illness, or who knows what, and any of us could be there too. I'm not saying I believe in a welfare state. But I think this "redistribution of wealth" statement is getting blown way out of proportion.
  10. There are a couple of Urban Loft townhouses near me that are going super cheap; they are foreclosures. Do a street address search on har.com for "Calumet st." I've lived in one of these for a few years and can attest to the quality; they're nicely built. The neighborhood is slowly changing for the better, too. EDIT: no maintenance fees, either, just a HOA fee.
  11. interesting topic. I didn't realize reporters were charged for this stuff. Those costs seem outrageously high. Has the Obama campaign responded? How the McCain campaign--are they charging anything?
  12. Well, "Caribou Barbie" needs her wardrobe!
  13. You don't save a ton by buying used with Hondas and Toyotas. They hold their value very well.
  14. merci... I will try to tour this week!
  15. Thanks for the idea... I might combine voting with a brief tour of Eastwood. Any suggestions for an interesting drive route from Eastenders?
  16. I've never voted a straight ticket either, though I admit that sometimes, when I get to about the 40th screen listing county judges, I sort of wish I had!
  17. I don't think experience is just about one's role in government. Obama was editor of the Harvard Law Review as a student. He went on to TEACH constitutional law. In contrast, Palin seems to have no knowledge of constitutional law at all, and a very limited knowledge of judicial history. The President and Congress are lawmakers; I don't understand why people poo-poo a law degree. It's critical education for these people. And Obama didn't just get any old law degree, he excelled at one of the best law schools in the country. I realize that we as a nation don't value education, but I think that's really, well, uninformed. There is a chicken v. egg argument to be made here.
  18. same thing: stolen. and re. the post immediately above this one: same thing, stolen. All of these scenarios amount to theft and, as someone above pointed out, trespassing. I don't care what the motive was. It's still immature, not to mention criminal.
  19. I can tell you one reason you aren't seeing yard signs. They get stolen. Ours was gone less than 48 hours after we put it out. My friend has hers stolen 3 times. Very mature behavior, isn't it?
  20. This is really a numbers game, isn't it? It's totally reasonable for anyone making over $250,000, no matter where they live, to worry about their taxes going up. Whether it's Joe the Plumber (he must be one heck of a good plumber, by the way), or someone in California, or someone who is really, really rich. So sure, they might want to vote for McCain. But what seems clear is that most people in this country don't make that much. And they appear (based on polls) to be realizing that they're not benefitting from Republican policies. YOU may be. Or even if you're not, you may ideologically find them more appealing... so, in case you ever do get rich, nobody will try to take your money. Fine, whatever. But you're outnumbered. I joked a couple of days ago about being "po'", and therefore voting for Obama. True, I am poor, but you don't have to be poor. You just have to make less than 250K. Whether you call that rich or middle class, those numbers are working out for Obama.
  21. If you were really sorry, you would have hit the delete key a few times. If you can't be even a little bit respectful you really shouldn't be posting. I would ignore your posts, but you are so damn funny that I would miss reading them. I keep waiting for you to have a coronary or something while typing though. Seriously, I'm concerned. Calm down a little.
  22. Disastro, you earned your name today. The sky is falling! Obama is dangerous! We're losing our freedom and democracy! Have you been spending too much time at Palin rallies?
  23. In the words of the great Bob Dylan, when you got nothin', you got nothin' to lose. Me and the other po' folks are going to vote Obama and see what happens. Enjoy the ride!
  24. Wow! Here the economists have had trouble both predicting and explaining this mess, everyone agrees it's incredibly complex, and yet YOU are able to boil it down to this very simple explanation: the Democrats told banks to loan to everyone. You should really let some of the big media outlets know that you've figured it all out. The rest of the world would be very grateful.
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