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Everything posted by sarahiki

  1. This might be a simplisitic assessment, but I think if Obama showed up here and showed Houston and Galveston a little love, it would go a long way for him. Galveston and Bolivar have completely dropped from national media attention, despite the ongoing struggles of (former) residents. He could make real headway in Texas if he let folks know they weren't forgotten.
  2. Well, she could actually name the newspaper she reads. You know, an honest answer. If she doesn't read the "Anchorage Daily News" as governor of Alaska, she should be fired. So that's one. And one would assume that as governor (not to mention as an interested citizen of the USA) she might occasionally read a more nationally-focused paper, like the New York Times or Wall Street Journal. Maybe NYT carries latte-sipping, arugula-munching connotations, but in the current climate I can't imagine anyone would be hurt by claiming to keep up with issues by reading the Wall Street Journal. My point is that there certainly were good possible answers. Better than none at all. She's the governor, she should be in the habit of reading 1-5 newspapers daily. Or having her staff read them and provide clippings or synopses. It's part of the job to know what is going on in the city, state, country and world.
  3. I've heard that the polls are conducted by landline telephones, and therefore reflect an older demographic, rather than a true cross-section. As Memebag pointed out elsewhere, landlines are so 20th century. So you may be right that younger voters, and poorer voters, are underrepresented by those polls.
  4. Here's my new favorite song. It's a love song for Sarah Palin:
  5. I read the link carefully, and it doesn't disprove anything. It doesn't SAY anything. It is all fluff, and attack against the so-called liberal media. It's not a myth, it is the truth that that was the policy while Palin was mayor of that town.
  6. I might be able to give you some ideas regarding preschools; if you'd like, send me a personal message with more information about what you want in a school, and I'll try to give some ideas. It may, of course, depend on what neighborhood you settle on. West of the Galleria has nice homes, nice rentals, and a lot of international folks, since so many of the consulates are located in that area, as well as the energy companies. You might want to check out neighborhoods along Memorial, for example.
  7. I thought the comment about freezing non-defense spending was classic McCain... the maverick answer, showing he's not afraid to do something politically dangerous to solve a problem. Unfortunately, like so many of his maverick moves, it's not well though out. Obama pointed out that programs like early childhood education, which should be expanded, would be frozen. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Everyone would be furious to find that the things they care about (Medicaid, education, highways, etc.) are not being adequately funded. A more carefully considered, thoughtful solution is needed. It's increasingly obvious that that's not McCain style of decision making. I think we should be really concerned about that.
  8. god, that's awful. I hope nobody was hurt. We were in the Heights around that time; maybe near you? On Oxford and 14th. Saw a bunch of rescue vehicles and what looked like a life-flight helicopter.
  9. The worst is when they bite the face of my cherubic little toddler. I hate to see his innocent little mug marred by giant swollen parasite bites.
  10. that gave me a very funny image of a bunch of folks in scrubs, parking their cars in the free zoo lot at about 7:00 a.m. and piling into the mini-train for a ride to work. I hope they at least wave to people as they go by, like the usual mini-train riders do.
  11. I see very little evidence of style among the students at UH. Some dress up a little, but most look pretty slouchy to me. And while there may be some rich kids, most of the student body that I have encountered are putting themselves through school, and many are also supporting families.
  12. Great info, thanks. Hearting the HAIF, as ever...
  13. Wow, that's interesting. So it must have still been a pretty active business at that point? I was surprised, as that side wall came down, to see all the stoves still inside.
  14. I've also thought of the Washington Ave comparison. I hope it is thoughtfully developed. If I see another check-cashing or bail bond place open up I'm gonna lose it.
  15. Macy's stove works on the corner of Almeda and Binz has been demolished. It was a wreck, but it was a pretty old building. Really nice details; I'm not an architectural historian, but I'm thinking 20's, 30's? There was grass growing on the roof, however. I guess it couldn't have been saved even if someone wanted to, which they probably didn't. Does anyone know what is going to be built on that corner? It's a large lot, right near 288. I'm hoping for a little urban grocery store like a Tesco but I don't expect anything so good. Also, the old abandoned gas station across the street from it was seriously compromised by the storm... it looks like a major lawsuit waiting to happen right now. I hope that spurs someone to do something with that property. Anyone have any info on plans for this part of Almeda Road?
  16. Isn't there a heights HAIFer out there who can offer up a washing machine to RedScare? Red, let me know if you're willing to travel to the Museum District to do laundry. It's got to be better than washing it all in the sink... unless this is part of the off-the-grid lifestyle you seem to have embraced...
  17. Ewww! Remove it before it hatches... or molts... or metamorphosizes... or whatever it is going to do! Sorry. I react like a prissy little girl to bugs. Some kind of atavistic fear.
  18. Good for you guys... I feel bad for poor people. A little money can get you a hotel room for a break from the heat, or fresh groceries every couple days from the store, but if you don't have extra money you're really out of luck. I have spent so much, just on stocking up before the storm, then more water and non-perishables after a few days, then restocking the empty fridge when we got our power back. Luckily we can handle a few more expenses, but I know a lot of people can't.
  19. We lost water this morning, too. It came back, but it came back... brown. Yuck. Not drinking it.
  20. I hope you go home to power!
  21. Thanks, Editor and fellow HAIFers for all the news and updates, both before and after the storm. It helped a lot. I heart the HAIF.
  22. Thanks for that helpful info... I was hoping FEMA might pick up our hotel, but since we were just escaping the primitive conditions of our home, I guess they probably won't. No reason they should, anyway.
  23. You're welcome! My few moments of joy post-Ike came from drinking iced coffee the next two mornings. Then it was like the scene from airplane, quoted below, more or less: Stewardess: We just want to give you some information about our flight. We're a tad off-course. Passenger: How much is a tad? Stewardess: About two hundred million miles. Those bumps you feel are asteroids pummelling the ship. We are headed for the sun, and unable to correct course. [passengers smile, relaxed and unworried] Passenger: Are you telling us everything? Stewardess: Oh, we're also out of coffee. [all hell breaks loose] Anyway, may I threadjack and ask if anyone has any clever ideas for cooking with canned/dry good? I am going to the store tomorrow to pick up canned soup, spaghetti-o's, pasta, and bread, but if my family has to eat that for more a couple days we'll all be pretty unhappy. Any good packaged dinners, or other ideas? Our stove and water work, but no fridge, so no fresh food. Thansk for any ideas!
  24. East or west of 288? I heard that parts of the Museum District west of 288 had power, but I haven't heard any reports of 3rd Ward Southmore/Calumet area having power. I am waiting to hear since we are heading back to Houston tomorrow. Thanks for any info.
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