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Everything posted by sarahiki

  1. True, but there could be a compromise... stricter rules about not allowing younger drivers to drive after 8:00 p.m. or some similar hour, and not allowing them to drive with other teenagers in the car... I've heard these rules before, and I think they make a lot of sense. Kids can still drive to school or work, but not to go out on the weekends. And if that's too inconvenient, too bad.
  2. I have the same problem with KUHF. They seem to have no sense of timing. At 9:00 a.m., I tune in, hoping for a little Mozart or something pleasant to ease me into the day. And it's, like, German marches or something. They love that stuff. Nobody is ready for that at 9:00 in the morning. There's so much beautiful music out there, I don't know why they play so much of that bombastic music. There is no way I can navigate around smooth jazz. If I hear one minute of it my head explodes. Too bad; we could use a good jazz station. What a shame that KUHF did that... a mix of Classical and Jazz would be so much better than what they play now. When I lived in Binghamton, New York, which is a deteriorated factory town with a university there but you'd never know it, all you see are poor people on food stamps freezing their butts off at the pay phone outside the Price Chopper, they had TWO public radio stations. One was primarily jazz, one was primarily classical. And at least one had talk shows going at almost all times.... hours and hours of news, Talk of the Nation, etc. It was great. And that was in pathetic Binghamton, NY. I still can't figure out why Houston has a lamer public radio station than Binghamton.
  3. I don't have a fireplace, but I definitely want one in my next house. Winters vary, but there are several times a year that a fire would be very cozy and nice. I know it's silly, and I never thought I wanted one (which is why we don't have one in this house), but I find I do. It evokes home and coziness and nice family moments. Yes, I DO know how cheesy that all sounds. But there it is.
  4. More or less what I was thinking. Young drivers, and I include younger me in that group, tend to be incredibly irresponsible and dangerous. Raise the driving age to 19 or 20 and we'd solve a lot of problems. Even with a lower drinking age.
  5. Okay, I need to inject a little quality here. Here is one of the most beautiful, sad songs ever written: Listen to it all the way through. Dude steals food for his family, gets shipped off to prison in Australia. So sad.
  6. Keep photocopies of your passport, health insurance, and a list of US consulate/embassy phone numbers somewhere OTHER than where you're keeping your passport. So passport will be with you (you can be very nerdy but safe with one of those money pouches that slips under your shirt or waistline); photocopies in your baggage in the hotel room, or whatever. That way if your passport is lost/stolen it will be much easier to replace.
  7. They pulled something similar with our townhouse complex. This was a few years ago. We got an appraisal based on the January value (it was a slab); something like 42,000. Then, about 6 months later, they sent a NEW appraisal, raising it to something like 160K. Totally breaking their own rules. They did it to a bunch of the houses, so the builders protested, and got them to basically split the difference. Still illegal, but not quite so galling. Now, three years later, they have again broken their own rules with their appraisal of our property, raising it 11%. I don't understand how they can get away with all of these dirty deals.
  8. If I remember correctly, Clear Channel gets the right to put an equal number BACK UP in other areas of the city. I'm not kidding.
  9. I still haven't heard any response after my i-file. Should I be concerned yet? I keep hearing about others' results, and we've had no word yet.
  10. I am definitely going to be stranded on a DIFFERENT desert island. You all are scary.
  11. Okay, perhaps we can discuss this without it devolving into a "people who move to the suburbs are stupid" debate. Here's an opinion piece from the New York Times. Consider reading it before posting your opinion. http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008...mics-quorum/?hp there are lots of extreme opinions to fire you up here. For example: Jan Brueckner, professor of economics at the University of California, Irvine, and former editor of the Journal of Urban Economics: “If [gentrification] continues in a significant way, large numbers of suburban households looking for urban stimulation may end up switching places with minority central-city dwellers, stirring the ethnic pot in both places.” And if you can stick it out through some of the nuttier imaginings of what the suburbs will look like in 40 years, you will be rewarded with: Alan Berube, research director and fellow at the Metropolitan Policy Program at the Brookings Institution, which he joined in 2001: “… in 40 years perhaps we’ll get beyond our fixation with “the suburbs” (love them or hate them) and develop a richer vocabulary for what lies beyond the city limits.” and he goes on to describe. So have at it. (edited to add more info)
  12. I've been watching way too much "Lost." I'm sure we'd all end up shooting each other. But just to speculate: Puma would stir things up and instigate the sectarian violence. Crunchtastic would talk us all down and there would less shooting. Flipper would help us remodel our beach shacks. Memebag and Niche would have no trouble adjusting to uncooked food and no plates. that's all I can come up with at the moment... anyone else want to speculate on "HAIF: LOST" ??
  13. I just noticed that last week with the ice cream. I think it was Breyer's. Seemed like a good price, but it was gone very quickly, and it fit on the shelf in the freezer a bit too easily. I checked the size, and sure enough, it wasn't a half gallon, but 1.5 quarts. I think that's what it was... honestly, I have no idea what quarts and gallons and pints are and can't remember their relationships, which makes this kind of switcheroo even easier for the companies to pull off. If we used the metric system like the rest of the world it would be harder for them to trick us.
  14. Maybe it's time for you to do some soul-searching. I took both tests (this is a great way to kill a nice block of otherwise useful work time) and got the same results from both.
  15. Is this your project? I just stumbled upon the listing this morning on HAR.com. Nice house. Despite my stated disapproval of bowl sinks.
  16. That was an interesting test. I haven't taken one of those since college. I was skeptical as I was taking it, but the results and analysis were dead-on. I am actually in the career recommended for my personality type, and I love it! What do you know. INFJ, but I don't remember the percentages.
  17. Thanks for the warning... I didn't realize that was this weekend. I will definitely not plan a shopping trip!
  18. don't get me wrong, I think it's a nice idea. I just don't believe it will happen. What happened on Kirby shows that people in this city lack a commitment to providing pleasant, shady streets. I don't understand. what does that mean?
  19. From what I'm seeing on HAR.com, prices of homes in the Enclave have gone up; not surprising given the current market and lending situation. I think that's probably a good thing for the Enclave, and probably great for folks already living there.
  20. Just saw it... really good. Really dark. Really creepy. I get to the movies about once a year so my expectations were high. One question: the dude who plays the mayor. He's also in Lost. What's up with the guyliner? Here's his IMDB site if you don't know who I mean. Someone, please answer this question for me. Why would a dude wear so much make-up? http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004801/ Okay, I just read my own link... it claims he wore the guyliner to give his character a more comic-book effect. HOWEVER, he also wears guyliner in Lost. Not a comic book type show. So I'm thinking he just digs the look. Not that there's anything wrong with that. (edited after reading link)
  21. Being in that house would likely make someone psychotic if they didn't start out that way, so I think you're right to be paranoid! I looked at the pictures after reading people's responses, and I was still struck dumb by the ceilings. I t also seems very weird to me to spend millions on a house and not purchase at least one little tree to put around it.
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