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Everything posted by sarahiki

  1. I concur re. the weekly litter... my mailbox gets stuffed with those stupid trashy fliers. I complained to our mailman who told me it was from the Chronicle. I miss the dead tree edition. I read it online now, but it means I have to see all the stupid blogs, videos, etc. and it's harder to get to the editorials and commentary, which is the part I like best. IMO the Chron has gotten noticeably worse in the past 2 years.
  2. That really depends on what is torn down & what replaces it. Some urban development includes landscaping. If some kind of ... dare I suggest... planning were incorporated, you could have densification along with shady pedestrian walkways, parks, fountains, etc.
  3. Hi, the husband and I will be visiting Dallas from Houston this weekend. Briefly. I'm looking for a fun place to eat or hang out in the evening. We'll be staying at the Hilton Anatole; I don't know what neighborhood that is in. I know nothing about Dallas. He's giving a talk at the Dallas Museum of Art, so of course we'll see that. Might have time to see one more thing during the day. Thanks for any suggestions!
  4. I agree about the raised bowls. I've always thought they looked silly, and now I think they look silly and a little dated. JMHO. I assume you are looking through magazines for ideas? Dwell is an obvious choice, but one you might not think of is Elle Decor. The aesthetic is decidedly modern and they feature some really interesting houses. You might spot something unusual that you could try.
  5. I don't agree. I notice ugly power lines all over town, all the time. What I really hate are those enormous silver poles... I don't know what they are, but I think of them as the Super Power Lines. I don't understand why some areas have these... I just now drove by some on Ennis by TSU. I think it's sad that we just accept these as part of our landscape. We give up so much for the conveniences we've come to need... stars are another example. Can't see stars anymore most places. They are lovely in Vermont, however. Okay, my mind is definitely wandering. Better get back to work...
  6. It certainly looks better against the backdrop of the convention center, which arguably shares a similar "aesthetic." THey almost make sense together.
  7. Finally checked out Discovery Green today... it was great! Got the seal of approval from my 4-year-old. He did not want to leave. Played in the fountains all morning, ate a hotdog at the Lake House, played at the playground. I love the design of the park and all the features... the wood decking, the beautiful play structure, the landscaping. I hope it stays clean and well-maintained (unlike Hermann Park, where the splash area is permanently full of trash and the drains are always clogged).
  8. ? I don't understand what you mean by "in-potential." Is that a developer phrase? If you are questioning the 15 minutes from the TMC, I have to say that despite all the talk about the traffic on 288, I have driven to Pearland countless times, since we are looking at houses there. It does take 15 minutes from the museum district or med center. I'm sure it's much worse during rush hour, but it takes me 30 minutes to get from UH to Rice at rush hour, so who's going to use rush hour as a measure of travel time (especially in a promotion). Plus, rush hour on 288 is much briefer than, say, rush hour on the Katy, which as far as I can tell lasts all day.
  9. At least it's different. I like to see a little creativity at work. The whole country is turning into one big indistinguishable strip mall; if it takes monstrous presidential heads to make a place stand apart a little, I'll take it.
  10. We took the kids to Air and Space last year. I was disappointed. I thought the displays were about 30 years old. I don't think that museum has been updated in years. They took a really interesting subject and made it pretty boring. Old-school display cases full of stuff with no narrative. Even the models of the planets hadn't been updated... Pluto was there as a planet, not a dwarf planet, and Eris was missing altogether. My four-year-old knows more about planets than that display did.
  11. I almost moved to Adams Morgan in 1993, but got a job in NYC instead. My friends lived there for years though. Fun neighborhood, but definitely a bit scary. My friends were each mugged and had other somewhat unsettling experiences. I guess it was worth it for the energy, restaurants, location, etc. Now, in my advanced age as I look forward to moving to Pearland, I have to say I'm ready for a less urban urban experience. Somewhere I can feel safe bringing the kids, not worry about the car being broken into. Maybe in a yet more advanced state of age when the kids are grown I'll move back to the city and resume my lost hipster lifestyle!
  12. Almost... we were really close to going for it, but it would still push our budget a bit too far, especially given the tax rates. I think we'll do better on the other side of the freeway. It's kind of killing me, because I really like the house & the community, but it would be extremely stupid to overextend. Congratulations on your closing, by the way!!
  13. FYI (and thanks, Timnwendy, for suggesting we check this out), Ashton Woods is offering 20K in free upgrades at Southern Trails until the end of April. They are closing out the section near the pool/gym.
  14. I hadn't heard that. Certainly undermines the credibility of that guide.
  15. Thanks... I will check out the Steves guide, too.
  16. Any suggestions? I'm buying a Michelin Green Guide for the region I'll be in, but I want an overall guidebook for France for when I visit Paris and other regions. It's been years since I've left the country and I just don't remember which guide I've preferred in the past. I will be on a pretty tight budget so I want a guidebook that will allow for that.
  17. Arrive before 10:30 a.m on a weekend and you're okay. They open at 9:00 and the animals are still a little frisky in the a.m.
  18. sarahiki


    Oh, I get it... I didn't understand the correlation between the picture and user rank before. I'm so bummed that I'm a strip mall. I'd rather be a feeder road than a strip mall. What can I hope to become? Is there a list somewhere?
  19. I'm threadjacking a little here, but it's topical... speaking of advertising... and I know Memebag appreciates a little protest, so: I know lots of people hate the billboards along our freeways (should I stop calling them freeways since they may not continue to be free?). Mayor White has claimed he is trying to get rid of them. I know I hate them. So should we (that "we" means those of us who hate them) encourage companies to stop advertising on them? If Clear Channel keeps getting takers, then billboards are still good business. I'm thinking of Continental and U of Houston, in particular; also perhaps the Rockets. These are all Houston-based "companies" that I've noticed using billboards. Perhaps they could be encouraged to help beautify the city by not advertising on the billboards. What do you think? This idea has been in the back of my mind, but usually as I speed past a billboard on my way to work, where I immediately have other things to do, so I haven't acted on it yet.
  20. Is it illegal to use steriods, or just unsportsmanlike & against the rules of various leagues/olympics etc.? Cause I don't understand the way the Senate is involved (with baseball) & this is so criminalized. Hope someone can explain.
  21. [ the woodlands "town center" provides constant social interaction. i'm running into neighbors, family and coworkers everywhere i go. it's great. free concerts, festivals, public events galore. i love it. waterway square opens this month. yet another place for people to gather. twenty story condo tower, more mid rise offices. constant activity. yes, i drank the kool aid and i love it. See, concerts, festivals, etc... that's great. That sounds like a "town center." I don't think you drank the kool aid. But when I read about, for example, "Shadow Creek Ranch Town Center," from what I can tell, it's just a glorified strip mall. Again, if I'm wrong, great. But I think this concept, which it sounds like has been applied well in some places, is getting tagged on as a name to development in some areas that is strictly retail.
  22. Okay, okay... I'll bite... We live pretty close. We COULD ride bikes. In fact I keep meaning to get our bikes outfitted with baby seats for that very purpose. I gotta say though, after the bike ride, and dragging the kids through the zoo, and riding home, especially if it's hot, I'm going to have to call you to take care of the kids all afternoon while I take a nap. We COULD also ride the train. But we'd actually have to drive further to get to the Fannin South lot than we drive to get to the zoo. Add in the cost of parking, and the train tickets, and the time, and it gets kind of stupid. Add a couple of toddlers to any equation and driving often makes more sense. But don't get me wrong, I heart the train and we do use it whenever feasible.
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