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Everything posted by sarahiki

  1. Just saw this... I'm with you. I drive a Mazda Protege and love it. If I were buying a new car I'd get the Mazda 5 (microvan), since it would have room for a friend or two of the two rugrats already occupying the backseat. We were just talking last night about what car we would get if we won a million bucks. We agreed we'd still get the Mazda. Or maybe go wild and get a little Volvo 5-door. We are wild, wild, wild people.
  2. I like the "new" tab so much that I un-bookmarked HAIF-NOW and I'm using the new tab instead. Nice feature, IMO. Mildly curious about the Facebook link, but I think I'm more interested in preserving my anonymity. Don't want the paparazzi all over me.
  3. This is what I have bookmarked. I check there, see what's new. I've never used the "new posts" or "new content" option. Haifnow is easy, and graphic-free, for those who don't like the new graphics.
  4. I like it. Good stuff. Thanks, Editor!
  5. I like Romano's. But Dolce Vita makes the best. Star cheese pizza is disgusting.
  6. I didn't see this article discussed elsewhere on HAIF: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metrop...an/6502059.html Typically for Chron reporting, the details are left vague. I couldn't figure out what was actually being proposed.
  7. Nice paint colors. And I like the finish on the wood floors.
  8. Rigor is fine. That's what peer review is for. But ignorant, blind distrust of proven science does not impress me.
  9. There are plenty of scientific "rebuttals" available. Here's one, found by a simple google search: http://www.actionbioscience.org/evolution/futuyma.html The reason there are still monkeys is that they are different, now, too. There was a common ancestor far in the past, from which various lines emerged, including human, and great apes. I think it's too bad that people distrust science so much. People refuse to believe in evolution by natural selection, yet don't stop to wonder why, if scientists are so stupid, that we've still been able to put people in space, build flat-screen t.v.s , and develop nano-science. But what do those yo-yos know, after all. I'd rather believe an ignorant politician.
  10. Fun project! Extend your concrete patio so it stretches across the back of the house. Maybe stamped concrete to look nicer? Makes for a great play area for the kiddo. You might not need to cover it if you're facing north; I assume the house shades the back yard, in part? You can think of it like two "rooms," where your living room would open on to one part, with a table and chairs, and the kidstuff: toys, sandbox, trucks, etc., but your bedroom would open out to a section of patio with a couple of padded chairs and a little table... romantic lighting... glass of wine... Put your money into the patio for now, and maybe line the yard with some ligustrum. They thrive on neglect and grow quite large, and will give your yard a cozy, landscaped feeling with very little effort. Putting them all around the edge will cost a little but they are seriously reliable. Prune them twice a year, maybe. We didn't even have a sprinkler system or anything and ours grew nicely. Third priority is probably a tree or two. Fourth priority, down the road, start putting in some flower or vegetable beds. Fun for you and the offspring to work on.
  11. This is all very good news, Dr. Food. Thanks for the updates. Westbury is such an enormous, solid residential area that is can clearly support new retail. CVS, HEB, these would all be terrific additions to the neighborhood. It would be great to see some more mom & pop-type local establishments open, too, though I guess that's unlikely these days.
  12. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/12/science/...tml?_r=1&hp Quote: VAUBAN, Germany
  13. Try negotiating for free upgrades rather than money off the asking price. Or an allowance for window treatments, or for landscaping (if there is land to scape). This won't show up on their comps.
  14. I totally agree with OP... We would get a call from Centralized Showing as the doorbell was ringing, or we would clear the kids out of the house for two hours at dinnertime to accommodate a realtor who was a no-show. And I'd say at least 50% of the time no feedback at all was left. But this is like complaining that drivers are rude. You can complain, and you'd be right, but people just are what they are.
  15. I checked out the new taco place on Caroline near the entrance to the park at the HMNS. It was pretty good. Slow, but the food was good. Basics: tacos, burritos, quesadillas. Plus they have a little patio outside, a bar inside, good music. Definitely a good option to have near the park.
  16. Hm, I will check out those other routes you mentioned. This is going to be my regular commute, so I've got to figure something out.
  17. Can someone explain to me why I can't get from 610 south (heading east) to 45 north, or the reverse (45 south to 610 south loop heading west) without going through three traffic lights? Is there seriously no direct ramp here, or have I just missed something? Plus, when I tried to follow the signs from the south loop to 45 north I actually got lost. The signs just end, and you're out there on feeder roads near Telephone Rd, with no clear way to get to 45 north.
  18. I know you didn't ask me, but I'll answer... as much as I hate paying my Comcast bill, it is worth every penny for Bravo TV. I love every one of those stupid reality shows they run. Yes, my work has suffered as a result of my obsessive watching of the "Top chef", "Real Housewives," and "Make me a Supermodel" marathons. But I don't care. I am hooked.
  19. To be fair, the Romans broke all the "rules" of architecture that the Greeks had established. Greeks would have been (and probably were) horrified by how the Romans built. But we look at a building like the Pantheon in Rome and marvel at it... breaking the rules was how the Romans were able to innovate. It's all in the eye of the beholder.
  20. Please don't laugh about that. It's too easy to make fun of stupid people, and we shouldn't do it. Niche says so.
  21. Don't get your knickers in a knot. I'm making a jab at the stupid. Those who complain, unthinkingly, about taxes, but still expect services. I think I've explained that three times now.
  22. There didn't seem to be a single, unified viewpoint among the tax protesters. Your own view may be clear to you, but I don't think everyone out there at tea parties was as clear on it as you may be. Anyway, I never even mentioned tea parties in my original comment. I was talking, in general, about people who complain about taxes. People don't want to pay them, but expect services.
  23. Not sure where you get "sneering" from my post, but my point is that responding to a public health crisis, and distributing this kind of medication is one of the things our tax dollars pay for. So every time people whine about taxes, they conveniently forget all the services they expect from their government. Like this one. If anyone was sneering, it was Rick Perry, sneering at our own country & federal government. Not me.
  24. Yuck! That's bad during a normal rush hour. I can't believe that after the work on 59, it still backs up so badly heading north into downtown.
  25. LOL. Should we ask anyone who wants to receive the medication what their position on taxation is?
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