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Everything posted by VelvetJ

  1. Republican Answer- If I shoot this guy, the city will probably send someone to clean up the mess, which may lead to overtime for that minimum wage worker, which could possibly somehow lead to an increase of an extra penny I will have to pay in taxes next year. And we all know I would rather die than to let that happen, so I will let the guy kill me and my family.
  2. Did anyone notice Channel 2 has a new weather guy?
  4. Very exciting stuff but the design really disappoints me, though I am not shocked to see what I call a mediocre design in such a high profile area in Houston today. I just don't understand why so many buildings that have gone up in Houston in the past 7-10 years seem to just be blah. I actually like the rendering released in the park proposal more than the actual design released by Finger.
  5. I know alcohol is already taxed but I'm saying tax it even more. Today more people drink than smoke so at least it would be a guaranteed revenue. TJones, I'm with you on the second hand smoke but alcohol also has a way of affecting those who have not been drinking themselves, and can result in just as serious situations as second hand smoke on a non-smoker. Can someone say $12 for a six pack? Hey look at it like this, it would still be cheaper than buying six beers at Minute Maid Park.
  6. I just saw the animation on the Victory Project and I was quite impressed with the fact that the giant monitors actually will move. I would love to see such flash at the intersection of Westheimer and Post Oak. I say tear down that giant strip center on the Northeast corner of the intersection and replace it with something that is pedestrian friendly and has some flash to it.
  7. This all looks and sounds fantastic! I had no idea the giant screens would move. That's great.
  8. Seriously, everyone seems so eager to go after the cigarettes sinners, why not go after the alcohol sinners? IMO, alcohol does much more harm than cigarettes. None of them want to touch alcohol because that's a particular sin that they themselves like. The glass of brandy on friday nights? That wine that they have to have with EVERY meal? That champagne on Holidays? That beer while watching their alma mater on Saturday afternoons? Most of them love to point the finger at particular sins that THEY themselves have no interest in. So it's easy to tax cigarettes when they have no interest in them. Let's try all forms of alcohol and see how that goes over. I'm not a smoker or a drinker (no not even occasionally), but the attacks on cigarette smokers is totally hypocritical.
  9. Now what they SHOULD do is add another tax to alcohol such as beer, wine, and liquor.
  10. Yeah yeah, that's her. I thought Cynthia Hunt was hot! She seemed like a little firecracker who specialized in emasculating men. I wonder if she will eventually end up on tv again?
  11. Hey whatever happened to that reporter on Channel 2 with the really heavy southern accent? She had blonde hair and a strong bone structure. She came across as really tough. She was on air at least a year ago. Anyone know her? Also, let me just say imo, Domonique Sachse is terribly overrated in the looks department. There are tons of people who simply die over her but I have never gotten it. I think she is attractive but not to the degree so many other people obviously do. In no particular order, tv folk I think are attractive: Lisa Foronda (11) Reggie Aqui (2) Melinda Spaulding (26) Art Rascon (13) Gina Gaston (13) Chow Nguyen (11) Stephanie Guadian (13) Andy Cerota (13) Lauren Freeman (2) Carl Willis (2) Anthony Yanez (2) Melissa Wilson (26)
  12. I love the architecture of the buildings in Greenspoint. Montrose1100, your garden is beautiful. Love the queen. I hear they are pricey.
  13. Although I was a bit uncomfortable, I loved it all at the same time. The Helen Thomas bit was hilarious! If there was anything I thought was a tad overboard, it was the gestures to Justice Scalia, although I can't say I haven't wanted to give him the same gestures myself. That lacked a bit of respect IMO. Now if Stephen Colbert ends up missing......... The thing is many times Conservative Republicans are so vocal on how immoral EVERYONE ELSE is, they forget their own shortcomings. One of my most used phrases is, "at the end of the day, we are all the same". That's why I'm never shocked when something shaddy comes to light about someone from the "right". For the most part, we are all vulnerable to the same things...ask Jennifer Fitzgerald .
  14. Hmmmmm, there's something rotten in the state of Denmark.
  15. Saw a rendering on the news last night. It looks similar to the Marque E Center in design with large palms and bright colors.
  16. I have emailed each contact on the list. Hopefully they will take it into account.
  17. I'm sorry to be pissy but I am in a funky mood today. The above statement is exactly the type of mentality that Houston as a whole seems to be missing. Suck it up and do what we all know is best for the city as a whole. Making cost the priority of every project will only come back to bite us.
  18. Citykid09, believe it or not there actually was a club/bar in Houston that had a similar concept. It was called Club Pearl and was in Downtown. Of course there was the bar area but instead of booths or a lot of tables, there were small beds lined up down the walls. They each were seperated by sheer pieces of Chiffon to make it a little more personal (althought how personal can one really get when chiffon is used ). The beds were very similar to what you see at that site. Anyway, I suppose the concept got old as with a lot of clubs, and it was changed into another club (I want to say M-Bar but I think that may be wrong). It only changed about a year and a half ago. It was different if nothing else. By the way, you seem to be on the minds of others more than they are on yours . I think it speaks volumes. Well, even if your opinions are not popular, at least you know you are being heard.
  19. Applause, Applause! You must have taken a look at my tag-line.
  20. Now MaxConcrete where were you and those like you, when I was screaming about removing those rail lines from along Westpark in 1999/2000 to make way for that toll road (which by the way was at a complete halt yesterday evening during rush hour from before the beltway on out)? Wasn't using existing rail lines brought up in the 90's but was deemed TOO EXPENSIVE for Houston? The next thing you know Houstonians are going to be talking about placing rail tracks along the Katy Freeway. By the way, it looks as if the only solution is for both sides to compromise and the train will have to go on both Richmond and Westpark. I mean apparently if the train stays on Richmond Culberson will block it. Just another consequence of voting the likes into office I suppose.
  21. First let me say I am glad Metro doesn't allow advertisments on the buses. I have lived in cities that allow it and I have never found it flattering in the slightest. However, that link stated, "The authority has never permitted ads because of concerns over the visual clutter they might create". I said this recently on another thread about Houston and it's fight against large LED screens, but I really find it interesting that a city that is the largest city in the nation where it's citizens have opposed zoning ordinaces, and a city who's main routes from the airports are some of the worst I personally have ever seen, would be so concerned about "visual clutter". I'm not trying to start a fight here, but I really find that interesting. I mean good grief, our city laws have allowed a highly visible tacky Zone D' Erotica to be placed at the entrance of our city's most prestigious shopping district. Some may view Houston and it being concerned about the appearance of something, as a bit of an oxymoron. I'm just saying. But back to the subject at hand, I say leave the advertisments off of the buses.
  22. I'm not so sure about that statement Redscare. If I'm not mistaken, Metro already had Park & Rides in place before that Monorail proposal was killed. It may not have been as extensive as it is today but it did indeed already exist. Also, it wasn't just that Houston voters thought the monorail proposal was a bad boondoggle, they were convinced rail was a mistake all together. If they thought that the monorail plan was a mistake, they would have just rejected that and called for a completely new design with a rail route that made more sense to them or whatever would have made them happy. Light rail, heavy rail, subway, or even hang-gliders could have all been put on the table if Houstonians were THAT unhappy with the monorail proposal. But that didn't happen. In fact, Bob Lanier ( a developer) did not run on killing monorail, he ran on killing RAIL itself. And that's what he did. So Houston voters deserve the swipe Mr. Editor swung at them. And for me personally, at this point as you can already probably guess, there is nothing that anyone can say that will convince me that Houston waiting so long to implement rail in this city was a good idea. *Note* Please do not interpret my words as saying our current mostly bus system is a piece of crap or that it is the worst in the nation because that is NOT what I am inferring by stating Houston should have had rail before now. I actually am very proud of our system, but that does not mean I don't feel Houston need or should have had more rail by now.
  23. I think those giant LED screens are going to be cool and create a lot of excitement for the Victory development. I think it's going to be a great people area. I actually think Houston could use some giant screens someplace like in Uptown, or even somewhere in Westchase like on a development at the intersection of Westheimer and the Beltway. I would love to see some "flash" in this city. I'm not saying the entire city should become covered in flash, but a couple of designated areas would be nice. I also find it funny that in a city with no zoning and a city that would allow I-45 north and south to appear the way that they do, would fight such "flash" as LED screens with moving animation. I read somewhere once that one of the factors behind our Downtown sign ordinace was to keep something like a Times Square from happening. Again, in a city with no zoning? I find that quite Interesting.
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