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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Maybe its ass end can be the canvas for some large urban art expression. For instance, a mural of an oil derrick mounted on the side by a space shuttle and atop by a squatting Bagwell.
  2. Just one addition - rename the Wal-Mart development to "Heights City Centre". OMG!!!!! I apologize for the OT action. I actually do think renaming FM 1960 is a good thing, because "FM 1960" just doesn't have any positive connotation to me. Then again, I work on a street that is simultaneously known as FM 2234, Shadow Creek Parkway, and McHard Rd. This might create some confusion in everyone's GPS.
  3. This is amazing news, I have always thought of anything called a "parkway" as a magical, exciting, stylish surface to drive on. We can only dream that once the parkway name is official, Krystal will take note and start building more locations there.
  4. This is definitely the case for me. I hate renting cars and having to drive and park on business trips, and taxis are just a smelly unwanted conversation to avoid. But, like you said it's simply a destination, not a transfer point (except from plane to train).
  5. Wherever there is sufficient ROW and dedicated left turn lanes/signals where a U-turn is not allowed, a right turn lane and protected arrow makes sense to keep things moving. Any traffic light configuration that can move multiple lanes/directions at once is better than not.
  6. Before I even got to this post I was planning to search for this awesome rendering of yours. I'll just link to the post rather than confuse innocent googlers searching for Discovery Tower info.
  7. Unacceptable, the cleaning crews should be staffed only with morlocks so they can keep the lights off. Anyone working late during a new moon is asking for it.
  8. It's not depressing, it's eerie, could be chilling depending on the noise level in the area. Some lights are ok, extravagant light pollution for no reason isn't necessary.
  9. enoying the clouds and rain, keep it comin!

  10. Advanced search is acting up today. I searched "Discovery Green", titles only, all words, and it said it returned 12 results, but only showed 1 and it wasn't the right one.
  11. The water fountain play area is great. This morning was nice and overcast so no baking alive, but still warm enough to enjoy the water. Whoever thought of that is a genius. We need one every quarter mile in this city.
  12. Great view from the discovery green water play thing.
  13. Wouldn't a building that has wind turbines to offset power usage contradict itself by having an extravagant lighting scheme? I think it should be pitch black at night except for whatever the FAA requires.
  14. Kinda funny that the letter they are going with is "Y". When I think of the Y unfortunately I think of all the gross old men who inexplicably hang around naked in the locker room. Especially at the downtown one, it's not near as bad at the northwest Y where we go now.
  15. Dr Corey Logan on Waugh was great, but we switched to Dentists at Memorial Park because of insurance retardedness. They are ok, they have TV's to watch while you get tortured.
  16. If the feeder additions include sidewalks you could take that down to Shepherd, other than that I think heights is your safest crossing. Crossing at Shepherd now sucks because you have to cross it at some point, either over the ROW on Durham or over the bayou on Shepherd. There aren't sidewalks on both sides there, it makes it suck. Past that it's easy to shoot down one of the small streets parallel to Shepherd and get anywhere. I kind of doubt the feeders will have sidewalks the whole way though, since it'll be elevated most of the way. I hope they build a good bike/walk path to cross I-10 and the bayou on Yale, and connect it to the trail along 7th. Why ride farther to Target to pay more when I can ride to Walmart for more interesting people-watching?
  17. Was it the Wedge tower garage or another garage? I was just there Wednesday, glad the douche waited until I was gone. I would be doubly pissed at his cop-out ass if he caused me to get home late. No sympathy for suicides, most especially public ones.
  18. How do you go out wearing shorts without pockets anyway? I don't carry much, but just the wallet and keys is more than I want to carry without pockets. I'll wear shorts to happy hour or to a sports bar, but not athletic shorts. I guess I stopped doing that at a certain age, but I'm also older than the w-ave average bar-goer now so I don't count in the opinion polls.
  19. Crossing under I-10 on the hike & bike trail is way easier, unless you aren't heading toward downtown.
  20. So it's clear, they should build dedicated flyover exits that go straight from I-10 to the loading docks for trucks, and to the parking lots for those of us who will shop there. This way everyone else in the neighborhood doesn't slow us down while they shake their fists and mumble something about their lawn.
  21. Lighten up people, douchbags need bars too. It's not like they can spend all day at home just looking at themselves in the mirror, they need reinforcement from other db's on their physical appearance.
  22. Well they're saying all the right things so far, but that's pretty easy at this point. I'm curious to see renderings. They at least realize they can't drop the suburban model in here. I'm not familiar with how this kind of dance typically goes, with the developer answering some questions and pointing at the tenant as responsible for other things. I'm guessing both will be at the public sessions.
  23. Isn't there a foot/bike path that goes under the beltway/I-10 interchange? I thought I saw it on the north side at least, I'm not sure if you can get to all 4 corners on it. Obviously that might involve crossing feeder roads which isn't ideal. The bayou trails go under the beltway already.
  24. If Walmart determines that it's a good business move to have 3 stores in that area, then it is. You can't say it isn't needed just because you don't want it there. Especially in this great city that brought us 2 Starbucks across the street from each other. No one can argue that there are tons of people who don't want a Walmart there, but no one on this board has the knowledge or data to back up the statement that it wouldn't do well there.
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