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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. This was brought up a couple of years ago - probably the same rumors still floating around
  2. Will this result in any liquor stores being closed down? If not I'm ok with it.
  3. Yeah those were kind of the dream picks, but with both being gone in the top 10 it wasn't likely. Too bad the guy they got is from 'bama. Loser. I didn't watch on tv because I was out to dinner for my anniversary, but it seems like it was kind of a boring draft aside from a couple of picks (Tebow and whoever your team is). Good enough for prime time? I guess so, on a cable channel. I would have watched if I was at home. I will not watch tonight or over the weekend though, so I think maybe this first round move to Thursday will hurt the viewers that normally stuck around for the 2nd-3rd rounds. It's Friday, they'll be out partying.
  4. Some of us haven't listened to FM radio in years. Personally, I've always found the comedic radio morning show people (all of them) much more annoying than funny. I stopped trying to listen to music in the morning on FM channels in high school and went for sports radio instead. Now it's mostly sports radio with music mixed in on XM.
  5. In my opinion the DD is a half-assed attempt at what it should be. Oh, it's a fried chicken sandwich...where's my skin?!?!? It's a breast? Come on. If you are as committed as I am to challenging arterial integrity, that needs to be dark meat with skin on it. Then, wet-batter the whole thing and deep fry it again. Sure it's not as easy, but building great things often isn't.
  6. Damn, they got us this year, all of us (10% for ours, looks about the same for most). The ones down at the end who were skirting by at 50k under got bumped 10% too, I assume that HCAD's plan is to keep doing this until they catch up. I think the market values they list are a pretty good indicator this is how it will go. This might be the year we decide to protest. It's odd, this year they decided to keep land the same and bump the improvements? In my experience the improvements value should lower each year until it is a pile of rubble, but I guess that's the number they can fudge easiest. Whatever.
  7. I don't follow your logic here. Can you elaborate, possibly with a hypothetical scenario? I don't plan to retire here, but I think rail could improve the city, so I'm for it.
  8. Tampico didn't have jack when we tried it one time. It is much more a restaurant than what I'm thinking of. Sounds like Airline is worth checking out...too bad it isn't on Airline.
  9. Kroger just doesn't cut it most of the time. We buy shrimp from Fiesta often, but when looking for other things I'm hoping there's a place that specializes in seafood somewhere nearby.
  10. Nick's always has something amusing on their sign, that's enough to get my endorsement. Too bad I can't remember any right now...probably due to drinking out of too many aluminum cans in my life.
  11. I'd be ok taking up to a dozen or so BBs while I pummel the brat idiots who get in between me and my deep dish. I dare them.
  12. Yeah we're all over Lost. I think it's been a really interesting season, but I like crazy plots that seem to go nowhere but all be intertwined. I'm also happy that we didn't start watching until season 4, because apparently nothing really happened in 1-3 except character development, which I could care less about. Kinda like that Flash Forward show now. It's annoying, but could get good in a few seasons when they stop teasing so much.
  13. So that was your trick! Maybe we'll do that this year since we only live a few feet away...
  14. So you agree he was at least 'roided up...as for douche, a friend of mine was good friends with his wife/girlfriend (different?) and crossed paths with him at least half a dozen times, and stated that he was a douche. I don't care either way really. I just think he looked like something was up his arse when he batted, like in this excellent rendering by Highway6
  15. Or because he was a 'roided up douche? The Astros should have shopped Berkman last year. He's past his prime now and they need young talent in a bad way.
  16. I can't believe no one has been motivated to start the 2010 Astros topic yet!!!! Wait, 0-7 and less than 2 runs per game so far? Ouch. It would be easier if we could say it was pitching or hitting, but it's both. Ok try to find a positive...no one has more than 1 HR...no pitchers with wins...team leader has 3 RBI (Placido Polanco had 6 in 1 game)...team leader has 2 runs...well they are in the top half of MLB in fielding percentage!...and Oswalt's ERA is decent at 3.75! This has to be one of the worst starts I've seen in years. I know it's just a small set of games, but dang. I think their success must be indirectly related to the price of beer and other concessions, because there's no logical reason for a professional team to be this bad.
  17. No doubt! I haven't been in about 6 years but I was all about some Alamo Drafthouse happy hour movie time. Different specials each day, beer or food. We always sneak our food into the theater these days, but only go about once ever 2 years because of kids and $. I'd rather blow my money on something else, like sushi.
  18. How about less bickering, and more pics of good/bad examples for how you want Houston to change?
  19. I much prefer this picture to the feeder road look. Neither is awesome, but if you gotta have freeways, I'll take mine without endless car dealerships. And trench all of them to reduce neighborhood noise.
  20. Yeah southern baptists and pentacostals, not presbyterians from what I've observed. And the reason, of course, is that dancing makes kids irresponsible and all want to have sex. Didn't you see Footloose?
  21. I drive right by downtown every morning while it's still dark, and I prefer the buildings that appear ghostly, rising up in the night lit only by muted interior lighting. It just looks and feels cool to me. The overtly flashy lit ones usually stand out the first time I notice them, but after seeing it many times I kind of want them to turn it down and highlight another one that maybe I haven't noticed.
  22. I see it as an act of war rather than bypassing due process. If he were here in the states starting trouble, then he gets arrested and tried for treason or whatever. But if he's leading enemy troops against us? No sympathy. I bet there have been hundreds of ordered, targeted killings of Americans by the executive branch throughout our history. I bet most people would crap themselves if all of that was public. The power and consequences the president has to deal with are far beyond what any of us can claim to understand, and I wouldn't be surprised if it went well beyond how it has been depicted even in works of fiction.
  23. I don't think the math works out fairly at all with a flat tax. I don't see a problem with the deduction system in place right now. Red has given good examples of tax math for $200K and $50K, and both seem to come out fair to me. Who is getting screwed again? I'm not sure what the outrage is about. For poor people, they do end up paying almost nothing because they have almost nothing to pay. They aren't rich for it, they just have money to live on. If they are idiots and spend it on sweet rims (note that idiots of all races waste money on sweet rims) instead of books, so be it. So I'm fine on taxes. Handouts are a different story. This is such a broad term though, and could mean anything from a welfare check to government funded education. I think all of these programs are run with the best of intentions, but some are no doubt wastefully managed. I'm totally opposed to wasteful management of these programs at any level. However, complaining that someone used their welfare check to buy sweet rims instead of food - can't really get mad at that. The programs provide opportunity, it is up to individuals to be responsible for themselves. Obviously all of them won't, and all the bitching and moaning and law changes in the world isn't going to change that. You have to look at the success of a particular program on a macro level.
  24. So what you're saying is you're so fed up with how much taxes you pay, you don't want to pay any more, and you want to be one of the people being pulled and not pulling? Join RedScare's revolution!! Taxes have been around way longer than all the whiners who complain about them. If you are half decent at math, you don't end up paying anything come April 15th, and if you are conservative with your math you actually get a refund. I know it's more complex if you are self employed, but it still comes down to planning. If you somehow get it in your head that your gross pay is all yours, yeah, you will end up pissed. But wake up, it's not all yours, and it never was. This country rocks, and yes you have to pay to live here. I'd rather pay to live here and be free to buy all the animal parts and beer that I want, then smoke the animals in my backyard while I drink my freedom beer, that's way better than the alternative of having to fight or hunt for my animals, wood, and beer.
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