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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. This would be great, but I can hear the discrimination cries already. You can't get more logical, the cost to move someone (in fuel terms) is directly proportional to their weight. So perhaps they apply this logic only to the fuel cost portion of a fare and leave all else equal. Especially since on more than one occasion I've had to suffer through a flight next to some gigantic person who takes up half of my seat. They should be required to buy 2 seats, and I should get my damn money back. I know there is a policy that you have to buy 2 seats if you are large, but they don't enforce it.
  2. If they would do a survey I think they would find that the vast majority of folks would prefer they just keep everything included in the fare and raise the fare a bit. No one likes being nickel and dimed to death.
  3. The place was kickin today at lunch, so 1st Saturday is good for business. Our takeout order had 2 out of 4 orders correct, but they happily fixed it. One request - if the burger is $8, it should come with more than cold veggies as a standard. Some sauteed mushrooms, jalapenos, an interesting sauce, definitely a fun cheese. Otherwise make it $6 for the size.
  4. What were all those people doing outside at Uptown Park this morning between 10 and 11? Easter parade? Celebrity idiot sighting?
  5. Just in the past 2 weeks I've managed to bike-commute (with 2-yr old) to the grocery store 3 times and to pick up food twice, plus 3 trips to the park. This time of year rocks.
  6. FINALLY got around to going here. It's perfect, it's the place we've been searching for ever since moving from Louisiana. I'll be back regularly. So few places in Houston do it right when it comes to Cajun (don't even joke about Ragin Cajun...they try, but not quite). http://www.calliopespoboy.com/index.html
  7. Chicago Pizza (Airline) - we do the deep dish religiously, still need to try the Italian beef
  8. When do I get my eastbound Durham/Shepherd exit back? Doesn't look like soon.
  9. I've never met anyone who is allergic to children, but there are TONS of people allergic to cats and dogs. That's not something to dismiss lightly. Also, my kids have pooped at restaurants, but guess what? They wear diapers, and it was all cleaned up without another patron even knowing about it. I doubt the case will be the same for dogs based on the poop I'm always dodging IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAMN HIKE/BIKE TRAIL!!! Come on pet owners, you're just giving me more fuel to hate you. And come on, dog-who-poops-on-concrete, that doesn't seem just a little bit weird to you? Find some nice, soft grass so you can get a good cleansing drag in afterward.
  10. I really hope not. I'd rather deal with smoking than animals at a restaurant.
  11. So...there are varieties of cheese, what about pasta? Macaroni noodles just don't get me pumped about eating. Mac and cheeseburger? Buffalo mac? I might be the only one who wants those but they sound awesome right now.
  12. Ditto craigslist, but I would shop the bike shops first and try some things on until you know exactly what you want. Chances are it's for sale. The first time we bought bikes got them from bike barn, after those got stolen we both ended up getting bikes from craigslist that were a notch or two up the price/quality chain from our previous ones but a little less in price. Each was barely ridden, but you'd have to go check it out to know that. I treat my mountain bike like a hybrid, it spends most of its time on the roads and hike/bike trails, but at least I am able to go try to injure myself on the trails at Memorial a few times a year.
  13. Booths or tables and chairs? Both! Counter service or full service? I'm good with either of these, just don't do some hybrid where you order at the counter and then still have a server. Annoying. Should we close at 10pm or 9pm? Past my kids' bedtime, so either way. What time should we open on Sunday noon or 11am? 11 How many high chairs will I need 4, 6, or 8? 6 Will the neighborhood walk or ride their bike? Yes. And we might have kid trailers attached, so is it possible to have a place for bikes/trailers that is in view from where we eat? If not no big deal. How many bikes should the bike rack hold? 5+ Patio out front under the awning or in the back with a big grassy play area? 1 row of tables out front and room in the back to play? Front tables are good to lure customers with activity. Coke or pepsi? Coke. And root beer. Access to water for dogs outside and free dog bones? N
  14. Lack of master bland communities, chain retail, and traffic. I prefer an actual small town any day over a 'burb.
  15. The important question is when does the western part of the Heights get new bins? Hopefully next week. I'm tired of managing 2 bins.
  16. We rode buses the whole time we were in Chicago last year. It was easier than doing the train, more direct and more frequent. And cheap. $27x2 <<< a rental car for 5 days.
  17. They should put a presidential head at each end and one in the middle.
  18. Yes I was a bit hard on the goat farm, I really don't mind it. It's the suburban pieces that annoy me.
  19. I don't see how moving to Pearland would improve my quality of life in any way. I do think I would like Pearland more 20 years ago than now. My commute is easy, not much traffic, just long. I definitely live where I want though.
  20. Apparently I signed up for email updates. Ironically, this is the only one I ever received (today):
  21. Is RedScare banned again or just on a new job? What happened to Mark Barnes, maybe he bought an island and retired?
  22. Did they finish them all? I think placing them in random public spaces all over the city would be fun, and make it some kind of way to connect different areas together with a president's head tour map. At least one should become an art car also.
  23. This is my favorite as well, but it's more KC or Louisiana style barbecue, definitely not Texas style (which I rank 4th behind KC, Memphis, and Carolina).
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