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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. You mean the chinese tallow trees? Or master bland communities**? Ok fine, it's not THAT bad. But I will be forever bitter that my office is down there and I have to drive from the city to the goat farm every day. **I take complete credit for this term if no one else has thought of it, because I can't remember ever hearing it from anyone else
  2. Yesterday was ridiculous! Typically if you get 11 out of 16 the first day, you're somewhere in the 20-30 percentile/rank, but I'm at 87 after missing 5 damn games!! It was fun to watch unfold though. I hope today is equally crazy. I also hope I don't lose any more of my elite 8 teams...F you Gtown!! Poor UT...hahaha. I enjoyed that one after Murray St burned both my Vandy pick and my 10 game win streak in streak for the cash with their buzzer beater.
  3. This project was never realistic. The area has no capacity for something like this. They are already closing shops and restaurants in the town center, no way another entire retail/food district was going to hold up. Let go of your 2007 economy pipe dreams people, Pearland is and always will be that muddy, tallow-filled area south of Houston.
  4. I wish they would do a zip line too. That'd be a good time while trying to hold on to my bike.
  5. Yes! Like...ears. And we should install light detection devices in all bus drivers, possibly in the front of their faces.
  6. I'm in. Password is "houston" and is case sensitive though.
  7. Initial reviews: Strawberry cream pie - really good Chocolate cream pie - really good some spinach salad my wife had - really good steak sandwich - really good, although a bit small for the price We'll be going here often.
  8. How about we just move the Sam Houston statue down here and slap it on top of the Williams Tower? When I think about that, for some reason Ghostbusters comes to mind. I know, it doesn't fit, but this is how my mind works. p.s. - just added Ghostbusters to the custom dictionary. Come on Microsoft (or Firefox?), you should have known that already.
  9. Ah, so that's how he got all those steroids in there!
  10. Stopped by at the end of our walk today, the place looks nice and had a decent crowd. The pie selection is less extensive and the rest of the menu more extensive that I imagined, but they do have a good menu that we plan to try out. For now, a piece of strawberry cream pie is waiting for me to finish my dinner.
  11. Can we trade the panda funk-nasty for Po-boy Express? Now that's a damn good chain.
  12. Good article in the Continental magazine this month on Hines. Gotta scroll down. http://magazine.continental.com/201003-idea-makers
  13. Houston does not exploit its natural beauty to the extent that other cities known as beautiful do, and on top of that with the topography Houston has limited natural beauty to work with. Trees and bayous...mud and flat...we make do. But as far as landscaped and maintained curbs, medians, and public areas Houston doesn't do near as well as it should in most areas in/near the loop.
  14. TC, why is there an apostrophe in your signature?
  15. Well, the park has a shooting range. That's pretty safe.
  16. Nope. Only way I can buy beer is if I'm not in church, and if I'm going to church I obviously can't buy beer there. Different crowd. And if I'm trying to buy beer, it's not like if Ican't the only other option is to go to church. Idiotic rule and principle.
  17. What's the logical reason I can't buy beer before noon on Sunday? I can't see it even from a super religious point of view.
  18. Our hibiscus ate it pretty hard from the freeze, no more leaves and I can't tell if they're going to make it or not. Should I cut them down a bunch? Call it quits?
  19. It is my experience that in Houston if you put anything out by the street, it will be gone in less than 24 hours. Or bring it by the scrap metal place on Durham at 25th, they pay in $2 bills!!!! You might get 15 cents.
  20. Their wings suck, they are tiny and their sauces are not great. But at least they have Fat Tire and also sell buffalo style drumsticks.
  21. YEAH SAINTS BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best decade for Louisiana football, ever or ever will be. 1 super bowl and 2 college national championships. Unbelievable.
  22. That was the worst, most geriatrically pathetic halftime show ever. I mean, the super bowl halftime show always sucks no matter who it is, because there shouldn't be any stupid show during a football game, but this is worse than usual. They are old, they look old, they act old. Old. Boring.
  23. National Geographic (March 2010) has a nice page and a half on Houston Heights, sort of a walkable spot in the big city thing. They highlight 20 or so things in the area and have a little cartoon tourist map for them. Neat stuff.
  24. Well, I hate the excessively wide roads and traffic lights that are way worse than inner city ones.
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