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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. As an Ivy league school, if your admissions group is doing its job along with professors and counselors, then most students should get A's. This sounds oddly familiar to the nonsense I'm hearing this time of year for performance evaluations and the "tough economy" from the parent company.
  2. But why? Tobacco is the good part of the smoke. I mean, cigarettes are nasty, but cigars and pipes can taste great. I never understood the appeal of cigarettes. If you want tobacco so bad, do it right and do it less often. Cigarette addiction is the equivalent of drinking tons of bud light. Nasty. I choose quality over quantity. EDIT: Hanuman tricked me into posting in the wrong thread with his mention of electronic cigarettes. Oh well.
  3. ^Nice toy. Will they make one for people who have driver's licenses?
  4. I like it. It adds visibility to the police presence, plus if some dumb guilty idiot runs when they knock, they get to chase him and roughly escort him to the cruiser. I want to see videos.
  5. Back in high school when we drove around at night with slingshots and paintball guns tagging street signs, we called it snookin. Obviously it's all connected somehow with all the damn makeup involved.
  6. Black and white as opposed to the gray I referred to earlier in the sentence, not race. But I think you knew that. Down with child molesters and rapists of any color or species.
  7. Finally went to Pierson & Company tonight, it was awesome. I think it's the best barbecue I've had in Houston (I rank Texas style barbecue a distant 3rd to Kansas City or Memphis style though, your taste may differ). I got the ribs/brisket/sausage dinner, and it was more than enough. I'll have enough for lunch tomorrow. The sausage was great, had a good kick. Brisket was good, but not the best I've had. Ribs were maybe the best I've had from a restaurant. What I really like is their sauce. I don't particularly like the Texas style runny tomato sauce, and theirs was a little thicker, sweeter, but also with a bit of a kick. Anyway, we'll be going back there whenever we crave barbecue and I don't have time to get the smoker out.
  8. Statutory can be a gray area, but I think it's the only one. I'm talking rapists and child molesters, black and white messed up people.
  9. Sex offenders are a special kind of criminal. The kind that can't be deterred or rehabilitated, and the damage they do to the victim is greater than any other type of crime. Theirs are not crimes of poverty or convenience, nor are they crimes of passion by definition. They are ticking time bombs that will go off, and someone's life will be ruined each time it does. I would have no remorse or sympathy if every sexual criminal was subject to the death penalty, I'd even volunteer my Friday nights to go flip the switch for them.
  10. There is only one answer. The Running Man. Or maybe The Most Dangerous Game. Either way, except the part where the convicted sex offenders have no chance of winning whatsoever. So yeah, kill sex offenders, period.
  11. So it is, technically, but I bet you 90% or more of the people on that trail every day aren't going anywhere, just back and forth for recreation. That's all I mean.
  12. Nicely put, I agree completely. That post makes up for when you made a baseball reference about Schilling's RBIs...he's a pitcher!
  13. Having it open all through the Heights is the most important piece in my opinion. It's not a transit route, it's just a trail. And with the Heights portion done I've already seen a good amount of traffic, which is great for the 'hood. When it goes downtown I be me and a few others will take advantage, but most people are looking for a short walk or to let their dog crap everything up.
  14. If anyone saw a guy riding up and down the trail asking if you had seen a little girl's shoe, it was nice to meet you. I did find the shoe, thanks to some nice people that put it on top of one of the barrier posts and some other nice people who alerted me to its whereabouts. If that was you, thanks! Anyway, I rode across the bayou bridge for the first time, finally. It seems like everything is done now, marked up and everything. There were a ton of people on the trail today, I love it. And it's only a 3 mile shot from my house to Target, in case I ever bike there. I am gonna get a lot of use out of it this year either way.
  15. Yeah, it might totally trash up our current feeder with the 2 24-hr adult video stores! I don't want the traffic, but it might encourage some action where a few projects have busted between Washington and I-10.
  16. It's not their fault, the retard is usually the only one who wants to be on tv. The rest of us decline, worried we might come off looking stupid. And if we are brave (drunk) enough to want to, they'll probably steer clear for fear of dropping an FCC-fine bomb.
  17. Y'all have some weak stomachs. Angry whopper, 20 hot wings, 10 pc dark spicy, 12 oz hamburger - nothing disrupts my clockwork action. Well, except food poisoning.
  18. If my trash all fits in my can every week, why the hell do they think they can fine me if there are some leaves in there? We don't make a lot of trash, so the small amount of leaves we get fits and goes in the can. Whatever. Fine the people who blow it in the street, leave me the hell alone since I'm the only one on the block who sweeps up the clippings that get in the street and gutter.
  19. LSU was a lock. We played one of the worst games I've ever seen, bad at all phases of execution. Yet still, we cover the 2.5 spread. Wow. I would rather we lost by 20 instead of that crap though. Mizzou was pretty bad all year.
  20. I second that. I already eat but seeing that makes me want to eat again. I hope there are some cattle roaming around the heights, if so they are toast.
  21. UHF! Does anyone still broadcast that? My 13 inch black and white tv was the bomb back in the day, and UHF came in better than the other stations. I miss the 80s.
  22. Ok, bourbon inspiration is kicking in. 2010 resolutions: Brew beer againGive my wife as much or more attention than the kidsRun a 5k. If I like it, run a 10kCall my mom once a weekGive blood 6 timesGo fishing and go to an LSU baseball game with my dad
  23. 2009: 1. Dammit! 2. Yep 3. Yep 4. Yep 5. Nope, quit playing. Kids take lots of time! 2010 resolutions to be thought of after I go to Spec's...
  24. 1. Oil will be within +/-$5 of where it is right now ($72) 2. Kentucky will win the NCAA basketball tournament 3. No hurricanes make landfall in TX, again 4. We will go from drought to soaked again, with a top 10 record rainfall in the month of July 5. My tomato plant will not grow back after that freeze, the lemon tree will be fine 6. The Saints will NOT win the super bowl (reverse superstition, go Saints!)
  25. Yeah I have to give myself a PUSH on the DJIA one since I was 14 days late. I had forgotten about the skinhead plot thing. Fine by me that it never got as far as "attempt" though.
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