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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Haha, no. Nutria rat. Not beavers. Long rat tail, orange teeth versus flat and not orange. Invasive species, kill them! At least that's what we say in the marshes of Louisiana.
  2. I am impatient about my pie, so I emailed them and they said they were waiting on the city for permits. Not sure if that resolved itself in the past week. I haven't driven by, been busy with a newborn and a 2 year old.
  3. There is a definite difference between cocaine and marijuana, and I think it's useful to keep that difference in the lawbooks somewhere. It seems as though most of us agree that marijuana isn't the problem, and that both taxpayers and pot heads would benefit from its legalization. But I've known people on the hard core stuff and it would be incredibly irresponsible to legalize it. "It" becomes a debate, but would include heroine, acid, meth, cocaine off the top of my head. Maybe others have a different opinion.
  4. Mmmmm...animals. Since I'm stuck at home for now, this just inspired me to smoke some animal parts this weekend. Too bad there's no damn college football to watch, not that we have much time for that.
  5. Are those for sure arson? I don't know that we can give the guy credit for every fire out there. It's been cold the past few days, and people are probably doing stupid things to keep warm. Happens every year. Most people are dumb, they do dumb things.
  6. 61 in our house. Shorts and a tshirt. Gonna fire up the chiminea for sure this weekend, did it the past 2 and it's been fun. If you people had more pyro in you, you'd love the cold more. DISCLAIMER: I only go pyro over leaves, junk mail, and the oak I collected after Ike - no houses or abandoned structures!
  7. This weather is awesome. Sunday was some nasty muggy stuff, that needs to never happen again. bring on the snow!
  8. Damn, we all really mailed it in this last week. Even if lockmat gets this last game, that's only 8 out of 17. I have a real chance of only 3 out of 17 after starting out 1 of the first 11. You know, it's just as hard to pick them all wrong as it is to pick them all right.
  9. Maybe famous people really are different than me, but if I hurt myself and need to be pulled out of my car in an accident in which I never even left my property, there would definitely have been some alcohol involved. And idiotic friends.
  10. We tried Candelari's deep dish tonight. It wasn't deep at all, I would call it pan pizza. There were 2 pieces without any sauce on them at all. It tasted fine, but definitely not deep dish. The management there is pretty annoying as well. We attempted to call our order in for dine-in, because deep dish usually takes 30-40 minutes and 2 year olds don't just sit still forever, and they said no. Their reasoning was idiotic at best. "We can't save a table for you, if people come in we will seat them". Ok, fine. If we want to eat in, we'll wait for a table like everyone else. "We've been stiffed before where people don't show and we're stuck with the food". So, how is that any different than regular carryout? The fact that the manager bothered to try to make a big deal out of it when the place was 70% empty kinda pissed us off, so I don't know if we're going back. Every deep dish place we've been to, here and Chicago, even go so far as to suggest that you call ahead on their menu. Get with the program Candelari's.
  11. Damn, those pictures of unnaturally swolt dudes on the "creatine scam" and "get ripped" ads on HAIF are freaky as hell. It's like a random head poking out of a cartoon body.
  12. What kind of rates are we talking about at these places? $200/night? We're about to fill our spare bedroom with a young'un, and I would love to suggest that my various in-laws stay a few blocks away.
  13. We ate here last night, wanted to try the pizza. It wasn't great. Next time we'll get something different. We like the breakfast there, just haven't been for dinner before. The service was great, maybe because no one else was there at 6pm. Works for us, that way it's easier to let the little one jump around in the booth and not ruin the urbanites' dinner experience.
  14. I think for two buildings that close to each other, there shouldn't be any of that nonsense about sunken levels. Get on top and see which one is...TALLER. That's it. The one with more altitude is taller.
  15. If it's order at the counter and pay at the counter, I'm not tipping right there. I usually leave a buck or two for bus boys if that is the case. When they throw a server in there at places you order at the counter, that's just annoying. Usually at these places you get to pay at the end and not up front, so you get a chance to tip based on service. Tipping at the counter up front before you get any service is asking to get screwed. Have a few bucks in those cases and tip cash when you're done. The amount should be dependent on service received, and in my opinion should be no more than 10% because you've taken out the hardest part of their job, managing your order.
  16. [foilhat] The census is only used as a test to see who is literate. The government already knows exactly how many people there are everywhere, including a complete DNA profile because they are hooked into everyone's sewage via satellite. [/foilhat]
  17. Quick, someone shoot it!! HAIF seems to have picked up in the last week. Nice.
  18. I've seen that before. Any store can do that if they pick their items right. We went to Kroger Saturday, and ended up saving $52 on $90, and only $12 of that was coupons. You can never do that at HEB, and if we took our same list there, there is no doubt the price would be much higher.
  19. Rode down to the bridge Friday, and there was lots of activity. I couldn't get too close because I had the baby trailer, but it looked like the bridge surface was there. Maybe all they have left is railing. Anyone get a closer look?
  20. We walked by yesterday, didn't peek inside but from the outside it looks ready to go! Hey pielady, put some pies in there, and PM me if you need some taste testers for a soft opening! Places we can walk to get lots of our business...
  21. Can't they just wait until they finish the north/east loop job? Now it's all going to suck.
  22. Yeah but that part is easy. The big bridge is the hard part. They've done a ton of construction over the past 9 years, and a lot of areas can handle 3 lanes but are only striped for 2, probably to avoid traffic issues with losing a lane randomly.
  23. LESBOCRACY!!!! I was for it already, but now I'm even more excited about it because it has a sweet term.
  24. What's the pseudo part exactly? It comes from corn. As much is done to barley to make scotch as is done to corn to make HFCS, and everyone knows that scotch is awesome. It's bad because of how it's used and that it's nothing but calories.
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