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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. I think all non-sports news should be banned from TV. There is no place for ratings-seeking when it comes to distributing information to the masses, who are by and large idiots. What the news stations report on doesn't at all reflect what needs to be shared or what is most important, it is simply what most of the idiots will care to watch. That's why I read all my news.
  2. 12 out of 15...nice week Lockmat. You should have put some money in this time!
  3. Lockmat perfect through 8 (1 tie)! I think you are Gagnants...Hwy 6 is on an epic slide, I'm not far behind in the bad department.
  4. Just carrots, or potatoes too? Stew probably. Did it have chili powder? Chili stew doesn't make sense.
  5. I only buy things on sale. My wife gets most of the regular stuff at Walmart, which beats all the grocery stores in general. Attica I did not consider the box wine factor, but you may have a point there. Agree that Central Market is the worst store in history. I get all AWP when I hear people go on about how they bought some cold chicken breast and macaroni and cheese for $18/lb and it was to die for. Reminds me why I'm so glad Eatzi's died. Hey, great idea for a store - let's cook stuff and sell it for 4x markup, give it to people cold and they have to heat it up themselves!
  6. Not much of a front, the high tomorrow is 78. Better, but still sucks.
  7. Aren't all HEBs set up in that retarded maze layout? I hate that. Not to mention the prices suck, generally. They don't have good meat sales near as often as Kroger, Randall's, and Foodarama. That's really all that matters.
  8. Dammit! I hate you. I gotta go listen to something else, now.
  9. That's my wife's problem. And I have a baby to blame on the smells...do it all the time. She's cute so she can get away with it.
  10. Someone needs to redirect the Heights arsonist over to this thing. I bet he couldn't even do a lick of damage to this REAL structure...
  11. Let's just make a big poster board with our names and put gold and silver stars on it when we do good stuff. Or we could stop opening pointless threads. Either way.
  12. 1. Not yet 2. I think this happened 3. It's coming 4. I was a month off 5. Happened, I dumped them
  13. What is up with some Texans' extreme opposition to chili with beans? I'm as carnivore as they come, but I'm pro-bean. Chili with beans (with cheese and peppers on top) is a real meal. Chili without beans is a hot dog topping.
  14. You making a deal about people driving to the store is ridiculous. Yeah I walk to the store...if it's below 75ยบ outside. Any hotter ain't gonna happen. Welcome to the south, this is not Chicago. The option to not be soaked in sweat when I get to my destination is the one I'll take. Also, I'm not expecting my (pregnant) wife to walk, even 3 blocks, to the store and back with a 21 month old AND six bags of groceries (3 gallons of milk included). I do it myself, but not everyone doing the shopping has that convenience. But guess what - she will drive 3 blocks to the store, and I'm fine with that. Further, Houston is never going to be a mainly walking town. That chance passed when every new development for the past 100 years included room for parking. You want to know why Chicago and New York are walkable? Because they're not drivable/parkable. Plain and simple. If there's a parking lot and it's either hot outside or farther than 3 blocks, people are not walking (excluding very few guys who like to do so such as kylejack - and me, when I have the time and the weather is right).
  15. That's a question I would like to know the answer to. I am guessing the city/county answer is safety, so you don't have people trying to play frogger and bust through gaps in oncoming traffic. That's fine and good for weekday rush hour on busy thoroughfares, but there should be a non-peak time change to the yield scenario or something. The worst to me aren't the ones in the city, but down in the burbs at the newer intersections (Kirby @ Broadway in Pearland, for example). They don't time the lights worth a crap, there is no traffic, and you sit there forever waiting while there's no traffic but you at the intersection.
  16. Did we figure out that IronTiger and citykid are the same person? Are they both plastic?
  17. Right, blame the sugar intake. We used to "intake" lots more sugar than kids these days. I mean real koolaid with the real sweet stuff in it and everything else. The difference is our parents told us to go outside and stay there until dinner. Kids these days are lazy asses with video games and internet, they wouldn't know what to do if left outside for a few hours.
  18. Hmm, I missed all this Red leaving nonsense. Reminds me of how memebag left, but it's different because his big beef was that his posts were being edited by mods and not marked as such, they appeared unaltered. That's different, a little. I think people leave when they're ready, and when a convenient and sometimes dramatic reason to leave presents itself some take advantage. MidtownCoog was the best example of that I think (danax was before I joined up), I actually read his departure post before it got deleted.
  19. I'm 31 with 1.5 kids, I don't know what parties or bar/nightclubs are. I drink at home by myself after all the ladies pass out, and on business trips.
  20. Crude humor has its place..not sure if that place is the West Loop/Galleria section. This particular instance I do not find to be funny at all.
  21. That's like saying McDonald's makes the best hamburger because they have sold billions and billions, or that Bud Light is the best beer. Now I don't mind the Beatles, but talent-wise they don't do anything for me. I appreciate more than a catchy tune in my music though, most people do not.
  22. True. I have never really cared about Nobel prizes. I'm glad an American gets it either way.
  23. True, it does kind of cheapen the award I think. Maybe they can start doing a red carpet, Sunday night hosted tv program for it now. I think this is more the world giving him the first relevant award that came up as a thank you for dethroning GW, being that there were no other strong cases out there for the peace prize.
  24. Neat, an easier alternative to take when they do the inevitable reconstruction of I-10 again.
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